Mr. Speaker, I thank the parliamentary secretary for his response, but I do not think he quite understood my question. It was about the new mission, the 1769. In committee I very specifically asked the deputy minister will we be supplying helicopters to the new mission. For his edification, the new mission to him was 1769. He said, “No, we will not be”. He is talking about the transition. I am talking about the new mission.
I would like to know from the government and from him, if the UN requested helicopters tomorrow, be it the ones we have here or perhaps ones we could lease, would the government acknowledge that and would the government supply the resources for that request?
Further to that, it is clear from everyone who is following the conflict in Darfur that we must not at any time give any indication to the government of Sudan that we are not going to resource and not going to fully implement 1769. As he knows right now there is not sufficient--