Mr. Speaker, although the Liberals and the Conservatives do not seem to know how to balance the budget, there is a party that has proposed the best plan for fighting the deficit—the Bloc Québécois. We are not the ones saying it. A southern Ontario paper has said so.
This plan proposes a 1% surtax for people who earn annual taxable income of $150,000 or more, a fight against tax havens, the end of gifts to oil companies, rationalizing military purchasing and cutting bureaucratic spending. These measures could save $16 million annually without taking even one penny from the middle class and the less fortunate.
These are the elements of the best plan to fight the deficit, the Bloc Québécois plan.
As stated at the very end of the editorial, it is in the best interests of the Prime Minister to listen to and read this article. If the Minister of Finance does not wish to be deprived of his prize, he need only implement the Bloc Québécois plan.