Madam Speaker, it is an honour to stand in the House today to discuss this very important issue.
Coming from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, forestry certainly plays a great role. In my hometown of Bishop's Falls, which is in the Exploits Valley next to Grand Falls—Windsor, the major centre, forestry has played an essential role for my family, as well as others in my community.
Over the years, whether it be through the sawmills, the newsprint industry itself or the lumberyards, forestry has been an essential component to the economy of the area I represent, which is so rich in its natural resources. Yes, we do have the fisheries as one of our mainstays, and it has been described as the backbone of the economy of the outport of Newfoundland and Labrador, but forestry has played a role in that as well.
I will comment on the history, where we have been and eventually explore where we are going in a few moments but first I will discuss the motion that was introduced by my hon. colleague from the Bloc.
The opposition day motion states:
That, in the opinion of the House, by providing only $170 million in funding over two years in the latest budget to assist the forestry industry, the government is showing once again its lack of concern for the Quebec economy, which has been hard hit by the forestry crisis....
To a great extent, I understand where the Bloc members are coming from and I understand the gist of what they are saying but it leaves a lot of the more vulnerable people in the forest industry out there. It leaves them sort of tethered to hopes that have been vanquished in recent years because of the economy and because of the industry itself. Even before the recession that we have slid into, there were always problems with the newsprint industry with the onslaught of modern communications and technology advances being what they are. Obviously, this has been become a key issue for the entire industry, and not just for Quebec in this particular situation.
I understand this is a major issue in Quebec and, on a per capita basis, there certainly is a greater dollar value than probably any other jurisdiction in North America. However, it also reflects on the entire nation and the entire continent of North America.
I have mentioned before in this House the fact that we have a closure upon us in the town of Grand Falls—Windsor that will affect the bottom line of the entire province given that its output was so great. That mill was owned by AbitibiBowater. It decided a few months back to close the mill after 100 years of existence. We can all imagine how important this is. It will put close to 1,000 people, including loggers, mill workers and the stevedores in the town of Botwood, out of work. This will have a lasting impact.
That is the major reason I am talking about this issue today but I also wanted to reflect upon why we are here, which is to voice the concerns of our constituents in the case of this particular industry. I do believe the government has a great role to play in this industry.
Moving along on this particular motion, it also talks about a plan for certain areas in which it hopes the government will invest, which would certainly be of benefit to the region. However, the question now becomes whether it goes as far as it should and, personally, I do not think it does.
The Bloc motion does put forward some particular measures that I feel are very important, such as the sustainable development measures. We are dealing with a renewable resource, one that has anchored many communities in rural Canada for the last 100, 200, 300 years. Some communities were built upon it. Communities exist today because of it and will continue to proceed whether they have a large newsprint mill, a paper production mill or an integrated lumberyard. Opportunities still exist for them.
However, the government has a role to play here and one that I believe is key. I do not want to divide this debate into what is a bailout as opposed to an investment. That is where we come in. Where the two sides of the House may differ on this argument is on exactly what they consider to be a bailout. There is always the connotation in a bailout that it is some kind of a waste of government money. I do not know whether that is true or not. I do not think we as politicians sit down and weigh the pros and cons of each particular investment to the point where we decide whether it is good or not for our constituencies.
The other thing the Bloc motion talked about was the refundable tax credits for research and development, which is absolutely key. A wood product has so much value and so many areas go untouched, areas that provide so much potential for all these communities, not just for the particular companies or individuals who own sawmills or lumberyards, but for the entire community itself. We are talking about year-round employment that provides a great deal of income for families to sustain larger families. We all know the traditions by which paper towns grew up. The children of many of the people who have great jobs in mills also get the same jobs and so on and so forth.
The mill in my riding has been around for 100 years and, as I mentioned earlier, it sustained my family and my neighbour's family. This is why we are here to talk about this important issue. I applaud the initiative that is coming from the Bloc and just how important this is. However, I would caution the Bloc members to expand it beyond just one particular jurisdiction. I hope they will address that in the next little while.
The motion also calls for a policy to encourage the use of lumber in the construction and renovation of federal public buildings and measures to support energy and ethanol production from forestry waste. That is a very good idea and a good option at hand that we do not talk about too much.
However, it is not just about the construction of buildings. I will give the House a fine example. In Europe right now there is a tremendous market for wood pellets as a source of energy and heat. This is one area, at least in my area of the country, that we have not explored to its fullest. When we think about it, with energy costs rising, wood pellets provide a cheaper alternative, depending, of course, on the price of the product one is buying, the actual wood pellets.
Therefore, the industry of developing, marketing and the production of wood pellets needs to evolve and mature to a place where we can provide a low cost product when it comes to energy. That is a good example where government can play a huge role. It could give subsidies to the individual consumer, which the provincial government did recently, but also incentives for the industry to basically make a greater profit.
One of the ways the industry can do that is for the government to be a good valued customer for wood pellets. It is possible not only in federal government buildings but some of the incentives that the government talks about when it comes to home renovations. This could be used, I hope, for this particular scenario. It is environmentally sustainable and it is a renewable resource. I hope the federal government as well as the provincial governments across the country will look at this as a good opportunity for economic development. That is one example that this particular industry can lend itself toward not only creating jobs but also reducing energy costs for the individual and for industry itself.
I would like to talk briefly on the history of the forest industry in my province. A lot of this will parallel many of the other situations across the country on just how the forest industry has evolved to create such great value added products.
For the first 400 years after the discovery of Newfoundland and Labrador, the forest was used almost exclusively as a support for the fishery. It became this tertiary activity to support a much larger effort. In addition to the construction of premises, wood was essential for fuel. It was then and it is today. It was also used for boat building, the construction of stages and flakes that, 400 years ago, were so essential.
We will find that a lot of communities, as I stressed earlier, were based upon their ability to take the wood from the forest and turn it into something else for the value of other industries. That is essentially what we havecome down to. The industries in my area, all over the province and all over Atlantic Canada still take full advantage of that.
By the mid-1800s, it was apparent that the fishing industry could not support the population entirely. Therefore, to assist in diversifying the economy and developing the forest and mineral resources of the interior of Newfoundland, a railway was constructed across the island. The trans-island railway was completed in 1898 and it had two major influences on the province. One was access to the interior and two was the 145 blocks of land comprising nearly 4,000 square miles granted to the reconstruction railway. However, it also allowed interior regions of my province, much like others, to develop the forest industry 100 to 150 years ago. That was an essential component to the development of a lot of our economies.
That is the historical impact of the forest industry. I know we have debated this issue so much because it means so much to us. It is not just a rural component or issue. This also helps develop the cities in which we live and the entire economy itself. A tremendous amount of workers across the country rely on the forest industry and, in many cases, they get unheralded.
I do not mean to take away from other industries that are also lining up for stimulus money and for investments from the government to allow their industry to flourish, and I speak of the auto sector and agriculture. However, the forest industry, with its historical context alone, should tell us that this should always be at the forefront. On every agenda, whether it is a federal agenda, a provincial agenda or a municipal agenda, forestry should always be in that front part. There is so much value added into these products and we have so much to gain from this.
I commend the people from all parties who have spoken already on this. They truly know the importance of this industry.
Up until the early 1900s, it was not considered necessary to protect the forest resource. I guess it is one of those things that maybe has suffered from neglect because the debate was always about other industries and forestry was sort of just shoved to the side.
Unfortunately, in many situations that happens to this day. That is why we stand in the House and argue so vehemently for the right investments in this industry. I cannot think of a better time to be talking about this than now, during the economic crisis that we are under. One thing we have to realize is this. If we are to harvest a resource, if the people we represent are to be the principal beneficiaries of every natural resource, then it is a responsibility for us to allow industry to develop a product to its fullest. Value-added products, whether it be the fishery, manufacturing, textiles or forestry, is where we fit in to allow these people to extract as much profit as they can from this resource but, at the same time, to sustain the communities and the resource. That is what is imperative to us.
I do not think government should just get out of the way. Let us talk about that right now.
A lot of people will say that if the forest industry is what we say it is, then it will survive on its own. That is not necessarily the case. The problem is communities die as a result of this. It is so labour intensive and it takes so much from our land. It is not only about the wood; it is about the power we harness on the rivers in order to fire up the mills. It is also about the community living structure, the social structure in which we live. To me that represents the key to this argument. That is why we have to get involved and play a role. That is why we stand here today and debate.
We can talk about the fine points. We can talk about the profit margins for a particular company. We can talk about the fact that we want to provide the incentive for a lumber yard to branch out into other types of products. That is what is key. We operate on the margins, but the bulk of the industry relies on the people who work day and night in our forests and also in the mills and in the ports that ship it out. This is why we stand here today.
I will take a moment to bring forward a few quotes.
These are some of the points I received in an email from Bob Dingwall, president and CEO of Jamestown Lumber. I would rather bring his points out than just my own because he is someone who is absolutely hands-on with the entire industry. He writes that forestry, of course, is the mainstay of rural economies in many parts of Canada. He says, “Canada's forestry infrastructure, which includes huge amounts of human-skilled capital, in addition to the physical assets associated with the production of forest products cannot be allowed to further dissipate. It can't be pulled off the shelf for the next generation's benefit in the future global economy”.
That is very true. Forestry cannot be thought of in two, three, four-year increments. We have to start talking about generations of rural Canadians, urban Canadians and Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. We have to plan for the next generation forestry workers. Will they be different than today's workers? Most likely, yes, but at some point we have to grasp the vision as to what this industry will be. It is essential for that community. There is no way around this.
Unfortunately, being involved in politics, where we run on four-year mandates, or in this Parliament maybe one or two-year mandates, we have to realize that the long-term vision is key to what we debate. If we lose sight of that long-term vision, our rural communities and the entire nation in general does not have anything on which to hang. Sometimes, as I said earlier, we push forestry aside to its detriment.
We are not asking for a nationalized institution for the way forestry is run. We want to encourage private investment, but there has to be a positive influence by all levels of government.
Mr. Dingwall brought up other points. One was Scotiabank's commodity price index, which is a very important fact. In some of the other industries, such as metals and mining, the commodity price index assigns an index weight. Metals and mining is 16.6% as an index and oil and gas is 16.8%.
According to Scotiabank's commodity price index, what is its assignment of an index weight? It is 39.8%. That is how much value is placed on what we produce. Many people rely on this industry and that one piece of lumber, that one tree, and the harvesting of it.
Yes, we cut it down. Yes, we can create wood pellets and byproducts of wood, such as wood shavings, wood chips, the actual lumber itself, which is the massive part of this, and, on the back end, newsprint, paper products. All of this stuff is taken from a renewable resource.
One thing the federal government has neglected in the past little while is silviculture. I hope that in the near future we will have a debate on the role of the federal government involved in silviculture, which is why I endorse the idea of a national summit for the forest industry.
Some people might ask why we would gather all these people in one city to talk about forestry. That is where can have a frank discussion among government, industry and the unions as well, such as the Communications, Energy & Paperworkers Union. These are the stakeholders. They have a vested interest in seeing this resource replenished and in ensuring we get the value from this resource.
I also want to talk about the situation in Bonavista—Gander—Grand Falls—Windsor. As I mentioned, it has been around for about 100 years. Earlier this year the mill closure was devastating news. However, keep in mind that the resource at the very base of this mill belongs to the people. Should we expropriate the rights on the river to harness the power and to go into the forest to cut down trees for profit? Yes, we own it and we have to be the stewards of that resource. We are the ones who have to protect the concept that the principal beneficiary of this resource is the collective, the people who put us in power.
I would like to make that point clear because I think a lot of people have lost that point. Industry has a role, but it is not the be-all and end-all of harvesting this resource.
Hopefully I will get some time following question period to continue my thoughts. I thank the House for listening to me and I welcome any questions or comments.