Madam Chair, typically with the government, and I have noticed this over the last three years, when it begins an answer with “nothing could be further from the truth”, it is exactly the truth.
I would advise the minister that the PFRA has been international and functioning internationally for years. It has been a lead agency for CIDA in implementing foreign aid projects, especially in Africa. It was also the agency called in by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers back when the Mississippi had the great flood back in the 1990s. So PFRA has been international for a long time.
As the attrition of PFRA continues, decision-making authority has essentially been removed from the headquarters operation in Regina and centralized in Ottawa. When PFRA people in Regina retire, their positions go vacant and they are not replaced. Attrition is indeed well underway. This is clearly the plan, to let it wither on the vine.
Will the minister specifically reverse this and run the department's environmental programs from Regina? Why not? There is no impediment to that. Why does the PFRA centre of excellence and expertise have to be the victim here?