Mr. Speaker, founded in Canada in 1991, the White Ribbon Campaign is now a world wide network uniting men and boys seeking to end violence against women and girls. Wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge never to commit, condone or remain silent about gender-based violence. The campaign seeks to promote education and action between now and December 6, which is Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women.
Jack Layton was one of the co-founders of this campaign. He was passionate about the need to challenge the negative aspects of masculinity.
In that spirit, I urge us all to see a continuum connecting such daily events as sexist comments, gender-based bullying or transphobic discrimination, the sexual harassment of female Mounties, the epidemic of disappearances and killings of aboriginal women, and the targeting for murder of brave girls like Malala.
I invite men of all ages to visit the website at to learn more about the campaign.