Mr. Speaker, earlier this week I asked the minister a question about whether or not the government would respect its duty to consult, and it was in the context of the comments by the UN aboriginal envoy, Mr. Anaya, on a number of issues. In particular I want to highlight the issues around the first nation education act.
In Mr. Anaya's statement, he said:
...I have heard remarkably consistent and profound distrust toward the First Nations Education Act being developed by the federal government, and in particular deep concerns that the process for developing the Act has not appropriately included nor responded to aboriginal views. In light of this, I urge the Government not to rush forward with this legislation, but to re-initiate discussions with aboriginal leaders to develop a process, and ultimately a bill, that addresses aboriginal concerns and incorporates aboriginal viewpoints....
I have heard from many people since the government released its draft of the first nation education act. One person who wrote me talked about seven tests for the first nation education act. I will not have time to go through all of them, but there are a couple of points I think are important.
The first test is this: does it guarantee actual funding allocations, or leave it to the discretion of the department?
The second test is this: does it guarantee needs-based funding or equity to provincial schools?
The third test is whether this is real first nations control of education, or will the federal government maintain oversight?
The fourth test is this: will this act enable the full expression of first nations languages and cultures in first nation schools?
There are a number of other important tests as well.
I raise this point because the government itself commissioned a report called “Nurturing the Learning Spirit of First Nation Students”. There was not agreement on every point in that report, but there are a couple of pieces I want to highlight in the context of duty to consult.
The report outlined an important principle when it said:
First Nation Education Reform must be undertaken in the spirit of reconciliation and collaboration among First Nations, the Government of Canada, and provincial and territorial governments.
There were a number of recommendations made, and I want to touch on two of them.
The report said:
A strong First Nation Education System would be built upon a solid foundation that encompasses the following:
The co-creation of legislation in the form of a First Nation Education Act that outlines responsibilities for each partner in the system and recognizes and protects the First Nation child's right to their culture, language and identity, a quality education, funding of the system, and First Nation control of First Nation education
The other important recommendation, of course, was:
Statutory funding that is needs-based, predictable, sustainable and used specifically for education purposes
In the context of a report that was commissioned by the government and an interim statement by the special envoy, Mr. Anaya, on the need for meaningful consultation—and one can read “accommodation” into that—I want to reiterate my question to the parliamentary secretary: will the government heed the word of the UN special rapporteur and respect its duty to consult?