Mr. Speaker, bullying and cyberbullying are serious issues for many Canadian families and communities. According to a recent study, more then 40% of youth reported being a victim of cyberbullying, and more then 60% have witnessed cyberbullying.
In this Bullying Awareness Week, I encourage Canadians to get more informed on this issue, as well as the devastating consequences it may have on its victims, and the resources available to help Canadians combat it.
I especially encourage parents and teachers to visit the website to get informed on how to recognize and prevent cyberbullying. I also invite everyone to discover BullyText, an interactive tool offered by the RCMP that aims to encourage conversation amongst youth about these questions.
On a brighter note, more then 70% of Canadian youth who have witnessed cyberbullying said they intervened. Let us follow their example at school, at work, at home, and in all spheres of life, and let us put an end to bullying.