Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for her speech.
I would like to ask her a question regarding the message this government is sending with these amendments at report stage, not only to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, but also to other parliamentary committees that are tasked with studying government bills.
Acting in good faith, committees study bills and propose amendments. When amendments are passed in committee, one would have to assume it is because they improve the bill. The committee then sends the bill back to the House with amendments. Now, suddenly, the government is back pedalling. In fact, it is reneging on several amendments at report stage and removing them from the bill.
What message does this send to the other committees that will be called upon to examine other government bills and that might face the same tactic when the bills are returned to the House?
What message does this send about the important work that committees do, and not just the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security?