Mr. Speaker, I would like to honour the memory of Roger Nicolet, a leading engineer and well-known face in Quebec public life. He was responsible for unforgettable projects like the Louvre pyramid, the CN Tower and the Olympic Village in Montreal. He served tirelessly as mayor of Austin for 33 years, as reeve of an RCM and as president of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités.
We will also remember how committed he was to Quebec, in particular as a member of the historic Bélanger-Campeau Commission on the future of our nation. He presided over commissions on significant matters of public safety in Quebec, such as the ice storm and the Saguenay floods. He received a number of honours for his commitment, most notably being named an officer of the Ordre national du Québec.
On behalf of the Bloc Québécois, I want to offer my condolences to Roger Nicolet's family and loved ones. He was a talented, generous man and we recognize his legacy.