Madam Chair, earlier this year, about 360 international farm workers, who were working in greenhouses in Leamington, Ontario, were put in solitary confinement after being required to quarantine in hotel rooms. They had no contact with anyone for 14 days, and 12 of the workers were found to be asymptomatic. The owners of the greenhouse had to shut their greenhouse down, resulting in the loss of 7.8 million pounds of vegetables. It was shut down the same day the cucumber harvest was supposed to start.
For workers, while they are in Canada, their co-workers are like their family. They live together, and then they were put in solitary confinement, away from their Canadian families. For the workers, being barred from in-person human contact was inhumane and it took a toll on their mental health. This was like COVID prison for them.
For many farmers, their farm workers return year after year to work with them. Some of them even go and visit their workers in their home countries. The relationship between farmers and their workers is like a family. In fact, earlier in the part of this forced confinement, the farmers were providing three square meals a day to each of the workers until they were banned from doing so. Then the Red Cross came in and offered them so-called meals of chips and pop.
In my family business of farming, my family has brought international seasonal workers here, just like Juan, Tyrone and others who were confined. Given that this happened earlier this year, it is understandable that Juan, Tyrone and several other seasonal farm workers like them may be reluctant to come back to Canada.
Finally, shutting down a farm or a greenhouse shuts down food production and puts Canadian food security at risk. Of the 575 greenhouse workers tested at that particular greenhouse in Leamington, 199 came back with positive tests, but none of them were hospitalized and most of them were asymptomatic.
What steps are the minister and her cabinet colleagues taking to ensure Canadian producers and workers like Juan and Tyrone will not have a repeat of what happened this year with farm workers coming to Canada?