Madam Speaker, I really appreciate the engagement from my colleague. I appreciate it because he is passionate and he clearly cares about athletes.
At the same time, I was an athlete. I talk to athletes about this issue every single day. Somebody comes to me in my new capacity as parliamentary secretary for sport almost every single day to discuss these important issues. Without that experience that the then minister of sport provided me back in 2017, I do not know that I would be here as a member of Parliament.
I would also challenge the notion that we are continuing to fail. We are not failing. The Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner is stood up. It is a system that was designed for athletes and by athletes. It is not a system that sprung from a bureaucracy. This is a system that Canada can be proud of. Since June, the cases the member opposite mentioned and listed have all received attention from the office, and progress is under way.
That is not to suggest that more work is not absolutely necessary. That is true. There is always more work to be done, but I am proud of the progress thus far.
The conference was also an opportunity for ministers to assess progress toward making sport safer. Since the Red Deer declaration—