Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, access to housing is worse than ever.
In 2015, when Conservatives were in government and the Conservative leader was the minister of housing, rent for a one-bedroom apartment was $970 a month. Today, the same apartment is $1,900. A typical family home cost less than $450,000, with a typical mortgage payment of about $1,300. Now the payment on that same home is over $3,500 and the down payment has doubled.
When the Conservative leader was housing minister, the budget was balanced, inflation was 1.4% and the Bank of Canada rate was half of 1%. After eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, inflation is at a 40-year high and the Bank of Canada rate is at 5%, because the Prime Minister has added more to the national debt than all previous prime ministers combined.
Canadians cannot afford the government any longer. The Prime Minister is not worth the cost.