Mr. Speaker, after nine years, taxes are up, costs are up, crime is up and time is up. Canadians are finding the dream of Canada shattered. A country where we could once find a good job, buy a home in a safe neighbourhood, afford groceries, access reliable health care and pay fair taxes is slipping away.
The Liberal-NDP government's reckless spending and socialist agenda have committed economic vandalism. GDP per capita is down. Unemployment rates, especially for our youth, are up. Household debt is up and taxes are up, all this when Canada, under the Liberals, starts at third base and they act like they are hitting a triple. We are rich in talent. We have the talent and the resources, and we should be hitting a home run.
Canada is mired in economic vandalism, but common sense will lead us home. We will cap spending, axe taxes, reward work, build homes, uphold families, stop crime, secure borders, rearm our forces, restore our freedom and unite our people. Canada, let us hit a home run and bring it home.