Mr. Speaker, I do not mean to be pre-empting anybody in this place, but because I do not know if I will be on my feet in this place tomorrow, I do want to say something quickly.
Tomorrow is October 22. It was 10 years ago tomorrow that I and a handful of people, who still remain in this place, had the unfortunate scenario of being locked down in the House of Commons. I was in the reading room of the Conservative caucus with former prime minister Stephen Harper when a gunman killed Corporal Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial and then proceeded into this place. I know that there will be people commenting about this, but I want to give my continued condolences to the family of Patrice Vincent, the warrant officer who was killed a few days earlier, and to the family of Nathan Cirillo.
I am also thankful for the continued work of our Parliamentary Protective Services. It was not that way then; in fact, the contingent was reorganized after that incident. However, I want thank J.J. Frankie, who was the security guard in our caucus room that day, and Constable Son, who actually took a bullet that day. I want to thank all the Protective Services. As a hunter, I knew exactly what I heard outside the doors of that caucus room. In the almost 19 years of doing this job, I do not remember every single day, but I remember that day.
I rise today to speak to a motion of privilege put forward by my Conservative colleague following the government's refusal to hand over all documents related to the Prime Minister's green slush fund to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
In my 18-plus years as a parliamentarian in the House, I have understood that breaches of privilege of parliamentarians is a serious matter, however, it seems that the current Liberal government does not share that same understanding. The Liberal government has ignored the will of Parliament and Canadians once again.
I will go back and summarize this latest act of corruption by the Liberal government with a quick review of the timeline.
In late 2018, the former industry minister expressed concerns regarding the chair of Sustainable Development Technology Canada, given that he had been publicly criticizing government legislation at the time. The then minister's office requested that the chair stop criticizing his government's legislation. The minister at the time, the Prime Minister's Office and the Privy Council Office were warned of the risks associated with their desire to replace the chair with a proposed candidate who was receiving Sustainable Development Technology Canada funding through one of their companies, which was a clear conflict of interest.
In June 2019, the minister decided to proceed with the appointment of the conflicted chair, despite repeated warnings expressed to the minister's office. The new chair created an environment where conflicts of interest were tolerated and managed by board members.
Board members then went on to award Sustainable Development Technology Canada funding to companies in which they themselves held stock or high-level positions within the companies that received the funding. Two additional appointed and controversial board members engaged in unethical behaviour in breach of the Conflict of Interest Act by approving funding to companies in which they held ownership stakes. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada officials witnessed 186 conflicts at the board but did not intervene.
In November 2022, whistle-blowers raised internal concerns with the Auditor General about unethical practices at Sustainable Development Technology Canada. The Privy Council was briefed by the whistle-blowers about the allegations shortly after the commission's two independent reports.
In September 2023, the whistle-blowers took the allegations public and the minister agreed to suspend Sustainable Development Technology Canada funding.
In November 2023, the Auditor General announced an audit of Sustainable Development Technology Canada. In June 2024, the Auditor General's report was released finding severe governance failures at Sustainable Development Technology Canada, and that brings us to where we are today.
On June 10, the House adopted a motion calling for the production of various documents related to Sustainable Development Technology Canada to be turned over to the RCMP for review. It was passed by a majority of members in the House.
In response to the motion adopted, departments either outright refused the House order or redacted documents were turned over, citing provisions of the Privacy Act or Access to Information Act in direct violation of the order that was voted on by a majority of members of the House. Nothing in that House order required redactions. The House enjoys the absolute and unfettered power to order the production of documents that is not limited by any statute. These powers are rooted in the Constitution Act of 1867 and the Parliament of Canada Act.
In response to the failure to produce documents, my colleague, the Conservative House leader, raised a question of privilege, arguing that House privilege had been breached due to the failure to comply with the House's direct order.
On September 26, the ruling on this question of privilege found that the privilege of the House had indeed been breached, and the Conservatives have been fighting for the will of Canadians and to uphold the powers of the House in debate ever since.
The whistle-blower for Sustainable Development Technology Canada stated:
I think the Auditor General's investigation was more of a cursory review. I don't think the goal and mandate of the Auditor General's office is to actually look into criminality...I'm not surprised by the fact that they haven't found anything criminal. They're not looking at intent. If their investigation was focused on intent, of course they would find the criminality
The whistle-blower went on:
I know that the federal government, like the minister, has continued saying that there was no criminal intent and nothing was found, but I think the committee would agree that they're not to be trusted on this situation. I would happily agree to whatever the findings are by the RCMP, but I would say that I wouldn't trust that there isn't any criminality unless the RCMP is given full authority to investigate.
Full authority means that it has to have all of the facts, not just the facts that the government chooses to release in direct contravention of an order passed by the House. It is high time for the government to hand over the documents to the RCMP and for the RCMP itself to determine the criminal activity in the green slush fund scandal.
The whistle-blower continued, stating:
...I...[am] confident that the Auditor General would confirm the financial mismanagement at [Sustainable Development Technology Canada], I remain equally confident that the RCMP will substantiate the criminal activities that occurred within the organization.
...The true failure of the situation stands at the feet of our current government, whose decision to protect wrongdoers and cover up their findings over the last 12 months is a serious indictment of how our democratic systems and institutions are being corrupted by political interference. It should never have taken two years for the issues to reach this point. What should have been a straightforward process turned into a bureaucratic nightmare that allowed SDTC to continue wasting millions of dollars and abusing countless employees over the last year.
The Conservatives know that the current government remains more concerned about its own insiders, friends and ministers than the issues that are facing ordinary everyday Canadians. I could not have said it better myself than when the whistle-blower for this massive government overreach said, “I think the current government is more interested in protecting themselves and protecting the situation from being a public nightmare. They would rather protect wrongdoers and financial mismanagement than have to deal with a situation like [Sustainable Development Technology Canada] in the public sphere.”
It has become abundantly clear that after nine years, the NDP-Liberal government is not worth the cost, crime or corruption, and the green slush fund scandal is just another scandal on the heap pile of the festering corruption of nine years of the government.
My Conservative colleagues and I prioritize the concept of responsible government in Canada. The government must answer to members as the representatives of the people and must be held accountable to Canadians who are suffering from the failed policies, actions and inflationary spending of the government.
In 2015, the Prime Minister set his core principles of open and accountable government as a central tenet of his office and the role of cabinet. For years, the actions of the Liberal government have broken promises for this motto and now has failed to explain to Canadians where $400 million taxpayer dollars have gone under the green slush fund. Just to refresh everybody's memory, the $40 million through the adscam was just one-tenth of what this scandal alone is.
The Prime Minister's own statement in “Open and Accountable Government” states:
Creating the culture of integrity and accountability that allows us to earn and keep the trust of Canadians will require constant attention and ongoing commitment by all of us throughout our mandate. This guide will serve as an important reference as we strive to provide an open and accountable government for all Canadians.
How has that turned out? Broken promises, corruption and scandal are now known by millions of Canadians as the core principles and tenets of the Liberal government and its Prime Minister, rather than their so-called open and accountable government document. The Liberals never refer to it anymore.
The Speaker has ruled that the NDP-Liberal government has violated a House order to turn over evidence to the police for a criminal investigation in this scandal. It is time for some accountability, and it is time to show Canadians where their tax dollars are really going.
The Auditor General's findings reveal that Liberal appointees paid $400 million to their own companies, involving not one, not two, not 10, not 50, not 100 but 186 conflicts of interest. Canada is struggling. Our country feels broken under the leadership of the Prime Minister and his NDP-Liberal government.
Canadian families will spend $700 more this year at the grocery store, and food banks have seen a 50% rise in visits since 2021, with two million Canadians a month visiting food banks. Life has never been less affordable and more expensive. At a time when Canadians are struggling with an impossible cost of living, the Liberal government continues to spend recklessly, funnelling taxpayer dollars to their friends and their insiders.
To summarize the facts and this serious breach of privilege, Sustainable Development Technology Canada was established in 2001 by the Government of Canada through the Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act to fund the development and demonstration of new technologies that promote sustainable development. Sustainable Development Technology Canada is responsible for the administration of the SD tech fund in accordance with the guidelines of the funding agreement with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.
In 2019, the former industry minister began appointing conflicted executives to the board of Sustainable Development Technology Canada. The board appointed by the Liberal government began voting companies in which executives held active conflicts of interest. The Auditor General and Ethics Commissioner initiated separate investigations after whistle-blowers came forward with allegations of financial mismanagement of the fund. The Auditor General's investigation finds severe gaps in governance standards and uncovers that $400 million in Sustainable Development Technology Canada funding was awarded to projects in which board members, the ones making the decisions of the awards, were conflicted during the five-year audit period.
The government has opposed the opposition at every step of the way in getting these documents, trying to silence the will of parliamentarians in the House and avoid accountability to Canadians. The Liberals are trying to hide the $390 million that has gone to Liberal insiders under this program. They continue to oppose this production order for important documents to be turned over to the RCMP.
The Prime Minister's personal department, the Privy Council Office, defied the order of the House to produce these documents and ordered departments to redact all sensitive information. The Prime Minister's office turned its back on Canadians by blacking out these documents. Canadians want to know what exactly the government is hiding. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, Canada is facing corruption like we have never seen in my 18 years in the House.
The Conservatives have asked for these documents to hold the Liberal government to account. My voters in the riding of Red Deer—Lacombe have had enough and want answers. The government needs to answer for its corrupt actions and release these documents. The Liberal government is resisting and hiding these documents because it knows there is corruption that has yet to be revealed. If this were a private sector company, that company would be turning those documents over to police for immediate investigation.
This is our job, not the job of police to seek with the courts. It is our job to expose the corruption in the things we have authorized money for in this Parliament. It is our job, and it is time that the Liberal minister and the Prime Minister started caring about it.
The Auditor General found that Sustainable Development Technology Canada gave $58 million to 10 ineligible projects that, on occasions, could not demonstrate an environment of green technology. These projects had nothing to do with the mandate of the organization. There was $334 million given to projects in which board members had conflicts of interest. In these cases, just a handful of board members managed to wind up in 186 conflicts of interest. We cannot make this stuff up.
There was $58 million given to projects without ensuring that contribution agreement terms were met. In other words, where there were matching funds expected, there was no requirement for the matching funding to come, so we would just send out another $60 million. Normally we would do due diligence and make sure that, before we released any taxpayers' funds, the matching funding would come. Who cares? It is just another rich day for Liberal insiders.
Even the Prime Minister's own government departments know that the Liberal government is not worth the corruption or the cost. A recording of a senior civil servant revealed the outright incompetence of the government, which gave 123 million dollars' worth of contracts inappropriately. The blame for this scandal clearly lies with the Prime Minister and his ministers of industry, who did not sufficiently monitor the contracts that were given to Liberal friends and insiders.
In fact, just today, the Speaker tabled a further update from the legal clerk on the responses to the June 10 production order concerning Sustainable Development Technology Canada. It would not come as a surprise to anyone in this place that these documents from the departments of Finance and Industry, as well as the Treasury Board Secretariat, were heavily redacted or had pages withheld in their entirety. What a surprise it is that, even in the context of the debate in this place, the Liberal government is withholding information from Canadian taxpayers. This privilege ruling and the actions of the NDP-Liberal government have already paralyzed Parliament and made it impossible to address the serious issues facing Canadians, such as doubling housing costs, food inflation, crime and chaos.
I will just remind the viewers at home that this is not the first time we have actually been in this scenario. I hope the Speaker has good legal counsel because the precedent has already been set that, in the event that the House is adjourned, the Speaker could be facing legal consequences. The scandals are too numerous to mention. However, in just one of them, the Winnipeg lab scandal, the last Speaker tried to produce documents. The government was actually going to take the Speaker to court in order to cover up its accountability and its actions, or lack thereof, when it came to protecting Canada's sovereignty. Such are the lengths the government will go to.
I have news for government members about the lengths that Conservatives will go to in order to hold the government to account and to make sure that taxpayers are adequately informed about where their hard-earned dollars are going. We will continue this debate until the result that Canadians deserve and expect is produced, which is that the full, unredacted documents are disclosed here in Parliament and turned over to the RCMP so that we can pursue any criminality, if necessary, within Sustainable Development Technology Canada.
It is time for the Prime Minister to take accountability and provide these documents outlining the conflicts of interest of this green slush fund. Only common-sense Conservatives will end the corruption and get the answers that Canadians rightfully deserve.