Mr. Speaker, on Sunday, an Oakville man with a lengthy criminal record was arrested and charged with a violent home invasion, prompting the Halton police chief to tweet, “Yet another violent offender already out on similar and violent charges with court conditions.... Anyone surprised that some of these violent [offenders] reoffend? Over and over and over [again]? Our citizens deserve better! This offender needs to remain in custody to keep others safe!!”
Again and again, law enforcement officers across this nation are expressing the dire need to fix Canada's broken bail system. However, the Liberals are ignoring their concerns and are completely out of touch when it comes to community safety. The Liberals' soft-on-crime policies, like their catch-and-release bail failures, have led to a 50% increase in violent crimes across Canada. Canadians deserve to be safe in their communities, and police deserve to be heard.
Enough is enough. It is time for the NDP-Liberals to get out of the way so Conservatives can stop the crime and prioritize public safety.