Mr. Speaker, I will address some of the arguments put to us this afternoon by members of the Reform Party.
I will limit my remarks essentially to four arguments. The first made by the member for Medicine Hat is an economic argument about market choice. It is an interesting theory about the ability of consumers to know their own needs best. It is a very alluring theory but there are flaws with that theory which I hope to point out.
The second argument is that of the member for Edmonton Strathcona on the apparently arbitrary nature of Bill C-103 with regard to its targeting Sports Illustrated and its split run and the timing of the proposal.
The third argument deals with the whole notion of state sanctioned cultural protection, alluded to by the members for Edmonton Strathcona and Peace River. The final argument deals with the whole notion of whether we can compete without this kind of government subsidy, an argument made by the member for Peace River. Let us review those arguments in order.
How does the world actually work? The world actually works in economic theory and in economic practice in two different ways. We have what could be described by any economist as imperfect market conditions in many of our relationships with the United States.
This is particularly true when, because of the market size and dominance in the cultural industries, there is a virtual monopoly condition which unless counterbalanced would essentially wipe out Canadian culture. It is true not only of magazine publishing but equally of broadcasting, movie distribution, popular music and many other cultural areas.
Our experience in this country is a sad one, going back to the days of radio in the 1920s and 1930s when we discovered there was simply no place for a Canadian voice unless we created it, unless we legislated some protection, some place for Canadian voices to be heard, which led to the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
We noted in a later era that in popular music Canadian voices could not be heard unless there was some place they would be protected initially so they could form a critical mass and then become competitive. We have noted in film distribution that there is still no place for Canadian voices because of the enormous market power of the American distribution systems. We have noted it in magazine distribution where we saw from 1961 a market share of 25 per cent of publications available in this country declining to 21 per cent. With the introduction of various measures designed to prevent this kind of dumping Canadian magazines started to increase in their number and in their proportion of the marketplace.
In other words, we are talking about public policy that actually has a track record of working; public policy that has worked in broadcasting with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, public policy that has created a vibrant successful popular music business which can now compete successfully in the United States, and public policy that has supported a vibrant Canadian magazine industry. Public policy works.
The argument has been put on the second point that this is grossly unfair to Sports Illustrated , a magazine that deliberately tried to violate the spirit of the law against this kind of dumping by trying a technological device not available at the time of Time magazine or Reader's Digest when we had to deal with this problem previously. It was a deliberately provocative act which demanded a deliberate, measured and firm response, which is what this is about. The spirit of the law is quite clear and it has been violated by Sports Illustrated .
The third argument has to do with the notion of state sponsored cultural protection. It is very interesting that we are not the only country to try to protect our cultural industries. It is also clear the United States does exactly the same thing. It is not possible for a foreigner to own a television station in the United States. The foreigner has to change nationality. We might argue that is a form of cultural protection. The Americans put it in a different way. They see that as a matter of national security so if ever they had to clear the air waves, a station would not be owned by some nefarious Canadian who would stop them. It is a form of cultural protection under the guise of national security.
The Americans do all sorts of things in this area. They do not allow foreigners to own significant amounts of the merchant marine because it might be required for national security. Surely if we chose to do so in this country we could simply redefine what we are on about here as our form of national security, our national cultural security. We also have something at stake here but we do not fight so much with arms as we do with our culture.
I think that, for all Canadians in whatever cultural or social group, our culture is nonetheless worth fighting for, since this culture, whether expressed in French or in English, represents us.
I think that we will also benefit from the European model, which reflects similar concerns with respect to culture. Our French counterparts have done the exact same thing, taking action for instance against the distribution of American movies and television programs. The problem is the same, it has to do with who they are.
That is what this is all about and why we are entering into a kind of alliance with the French and the Europeans on culture, in spite of American provocation if I may say so.
The Americans look upon us as a kind of Trojan horse. And if they cannot prevent us from taking such action, they will not be able to do so, even with the Europeans.
I suppose the argument, particularly by the member for Peace River, is whether we can compete without a government subsidy. The answer to that is quite clear. We cannot compete in an unfair market in which superior economic power is evidenced by dumping. The product coming across the border in the form of the split run by Sports Illustrated has been légèrement canadianisé. It is not a true Canadian product. It violates all of the agreements we put in place when we dealt with Reader's Digest and Time magazine. It was designed to do that deliberately. We have to take deliberate action against it.
As for being a subsidy, it is not a subsidy. It is simply a provision of the Income Tax Act which does not allow them to have favoured treatment because they have come up with a clever technological trick.
For all these reasons I reject the arguments of the members of the Reform Party and urge the House to support this measure.