Mr. Speaker, I do not understand why is Liberal government is so pleased. I do not understand why the colleagues of the Minister of Finance are so pleased, because bringing down a budget that is practically meaningless is certainly nothing to be proud of. And there is certainly no reason to be proud of this year's deficit forecast of $39.7 billion, nearly $40 billion.
Considering past experience, it would not be unusual, in the light of the quality of the forecasts produced by the Minister of
Finance and his department, for this deficit to go over $39.7 billion. So there is nothing much to be proud to start with.
If we look at the tax revenue estimates, it is clear the Minister of Finance is making the same mistakes as his predecessor. He is still living in the middle 1970s and early 1980s, when tax revenues were growing at the same rate as GDP.
For instance, it is expected that every 1 per cent increase in GDP will result in an increase of more than 1 per cent of GDP, that is 1.2 per cent. The Conference Board of Canada has just released a study which says that every time there is a 1 per cent increase in GDP, tax revenues increase by only 0.5 per cent because of the growing impact of the underground economy. This is something the Department of Finance has completely blocked out, which tells me and my fellow members of the Bloc Quebecois that these estimates are off to a bad start.
Mr. Speaker, my colleagues and I are also beginning to realize, what the Minister of Finance meant when he talked about broadening the tax base. The Minister of Finance and his government are broadening the tax base by slashing the incomes of the middle class. That is where he wants to broaden the tax base.
A few examples: Over the next three years, by taxing employer contributions to various group life insurance plans, the Minister of Finance plans to get at least $520 million, one half billion out of middle income workers.
Another instance is when he talks about reducing or altogether eliminating the age credit for retired taxpayers. The Minister of Finance is broadening the tax base at the expense of pensioners and, over the next three years, plans to get almost $500 million in the process. He says that 75 per cent of pensioners are not affected. But 25 per cent are affected. Do these people deserve this, after having worked all their lives?
There is a third measure which shows the Minister of Finance and his government have no social conscience. Over the next three years, they want to get $740 million by reducing deductions for entertainment expenses, but according to a study released by Ernst and Young not long ago, about 80 per cent of the people that take advantage of this deduction are not rich taxpayers but middle income taxpayers, mostly self-employed, and even blue collar workers.
I repeat, this government wants to get $740 million over the next three years, mostly out of the pockets of self-employed and blue collar workers, and that is a disgrace.
These and many other measures are widening the already impressive gap between personal income tax paid by Canadians and Quebecers and taxes paid by Canadian corporations. Whe talk about corporations, we mean the big corporations.
Did we know that individuals in Quebec and Canada are already paying seven times as much income tax as the big corporations? Did we know that 72.5 per cent of the federal tax base consists of revenues from private citizens and 27.5 per cent of revenues from corporations? Twenty-five years ago, it was already twice the tax revenue contributed by corporations. Today, the measures tabled by the Minister of Finance are further broadening this unfair gap between what is paid by private citizens and what is paid by corporations.
With all the posturing on family trusts and tax shelters, why did the Minister of Finance fail to announce in his Budget that he was abolishing the disgraceful system of family trusts and the possibility for large corporations to shelter their money in tax havens like Barbados, for instance?
It is almost beyond comprehension that the Minister of Finance would immediately set out to attack middle-income earners through the imposition of specific measures over the next three years, while leaving unscathed wealthy taxpayers and large corporations that did not pay any taxes at all in the late 1980s and that continue to rob the tax system today. This is really rich!
The minister has not deviated from the path he initially embarked upon. Since October 26, his statements about restoring fiscal equity in Canada and in Quebec have been nothing but pious wishes. All he will commit to is consultation and more consultation. It has become his new mantra, almost as powerful as the one he adopted during the election campaign when he spoke of "jobs, jobs, jobs". The thing is, this budget contains no additional job creation measures. On the contrary, the government's tax grab over the next three years will hinder any chance for a lasting recovery and for job creation in Quebec and in Canada. This is unacceptable for a government that has been claiming from the beginning that it is concerned about job creation. I am completely baffled by this, as are my colleagues.