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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was children.

Last in Parliament September 2008, as Conservative MP for Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar (Saskatchewan)

Won her last election, in 2006, with 46% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Ethics June 13th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, for the record, that consultation was a phone call telling us who the ethics counsellor was.

In March of this year, a B.C. firm, Dynamic Maintenance Ltd., won a $77,000 contract to provide cleaning services to the Natural Resources Canada building in Calgary.

On the face of it, this would seem like an ordinary matter. However, the Minister of Natural Resources owns Dynamic Maintenance and his company is now making money from his department.

Does the Prime Minister agree that it is wrong for a minister to do business with his own department?

Government Contracts June 13th, 2002

The Shawinigan sidewinder strikes again.

Early in 2000 when decent Canadians were embracing the new millennium and their promises of self improvement it was bad business as usual for the Liberals. An internal audit of public works revealed the next 1,000 years would be like the last 100 with Liberals bilking taxpayers to enrich cronies and supporters.

Red flags went up and the Prime Minister sent his most trusted advisers to bury it. A sanitized version went on the Internet and the Prime Minister breathed easy knowing he could campaign with no worry about a scandal with his fingerprints all over it. He could have put an end to that terrible waste of public money. He could have said “Stop, because it stinks to high heaven”. Instead he scuttled for cover and let the torrent of dollars continue to flow to cronies and supporters.

What are we witnessing today? A government in meltdown led by a Prime Minister who had plenty of opportunity to do the right thing but chose not to.

Ethics June 12th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, that is very interesting. Every time these people get caught doing something wrong they make up excuses, create diversions or make an announcement of some sort. They claim to have paid for residences. Officials say that they did not. Canadians deserve better.

I simply want the proof that the Liberal Party did as it claimed. Will the Prime Minister give us a document that supports the claim of his party?

Ethics June 12th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, it is wrong to use an official residence as a backdrop for Liberal election ads. It is worse to claim, as a Liberal operative does in the book, that the party paid to rent the residence when it did not. Talk about getting kicked.

The Prime Minister is already in trouble for misusing 24 Sussex Drive. Now we see he has misused Harrington Lake, too. When will he stop?

Government of Canada June 11th, 2002

Mr. Speaker,

In a far away land known as Ottawa An old party ruled over all that they saw They had friends in high places Who received many perks Like cash for ad contracts and shows that don't work.

The leader grew bold and wanted to know “I want more power, how far can I go? Raise me up higher I really must see My empire that extends from sea to sea”.

His followers piled up, one on top of another To establish a throne, higher than any other From this vantage he saw Much to his great dismay The auditor general, with reviews underway.

“I've been caught!” he cried loudly to his followers there “Let's put on brave faces and pretend we don't care It's only tax dollars Who's going to complain? They'll keep sending me cash--I need a new plane!”

But his opponents saw through his bluster And gathering all the strength they could muster They stood and shouted “Enough is enough! the truth has been outed”

“The empire is wise to all of your tricks Get down from your throne, there are problems to fix.

Canadians deserve much better than this!”

Government Contracts June 10th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, another day, another cover up. Canadians are losing track of all the contracts, all the scams and all the players. We know this much. Taxpayers send their hard earned money to Ottawa and this gang ships it by the millions to its Liberal pals.

The RCMP has been called in to look at more and more cases and files. Canadians deserve a full public inquiry. Why will the government not order one?

Government Contracts June 10th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, every time there is a new revelation of misdeeds involving advertising and sponsorship the Prime Minister shrugs his shoulders and says “These things happen”. The minister of public works speaks in calm tones and defends his predecessor's half measures.

For weeks we have been asking for a freeze on all discretionary ad contracts. What is the government afraid of and what is it covering up?

Petitions June 7th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present a petition on behalf of my constituents and constituents in the surrounding area.

The petition states “that the creation and use of child pornography is condemned by the clear majority of Canadians; that the courts have not applied the current child pornography law in a way which makes it clear that such exploitation of children will always be met with swift punishment”.

The petitioners, therefore, call upon parliament to protect our children by taking all necessary steps to ensure that all materials which promote or glorify pedophilia or sadomasochistic activities involving children are outlawed.

Government Contracts June 6th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, the prairies need moisture and we have grey fog. The minister tries to convince us he is looking after this mess. His calm tone and reassuring words are not fooling anyone. His lack of action tells the whole story.

Groupaction contracts are under RCMP investigation. Will the minister immediately stop all government business dealings with Groupaction, yes or no?

Government Contracts June 6th, 2002

Mr. Speaker, Groupaction triple billed the government for the same report and is now under investigation by the RCMP. The government continues to send hundreds of thousands of dollars in ad contracts to Groupaction. Last week Groupaction's U.S. affiliate cut all ties with it in an effort to protect its own shareholders and its reputation.

Will the minister do the right thing and cut up all contracts with Groupaction?