That, in the opinion of this House, the government should review the current equalization program formula with a view to decreasing the clawback on provincial revenues from resource development projects.
Mr. Speaker, last fall I had a private member's bill on Newfoundland's unemployment problem selected and debated here in the Chamber. In my final remarks I remember saying that if we had a fairer equalization formula applied to Newfoundland, and for that matter applied to all of the have-not provinces which receive equalization payments, then we would be a whole lot better off as a nation.
The Canadian equalization program, as we are all very much aware, redistributes the wealth of the nation. Last year the province of Newfoundland received about $996 million in equalization payments.
In this fiscal year we are expected to get roughly $896 million. That figure, of course, can be greatly affected by the national economy. In a good year any province that receives equalization payments can receive more and, of course, it can receive less when the economy is down.
The population of the receiving province is also a factor. In recent years it has meant a downward trend because of Newfoundland's decreasing population. Since 1987 Newfoundland has lost approximately 60,000 people. It is very serious indeed when the province in total has a population of less than 600,000 people.
However, the main variable I am concerned with is the fact that, with any major new influx of resource revenue, those revenues are deducted dollar for dollar from our equalization entitlements. That is to say, if the province had taken in about $1 billion in additional resource revenues in the 1997-98 fiscal year, we would have been only $4 million better off.
Just imagine that a province like Newfoundland can take in a billion dollars in additional resource revenues in any fiscal year and only be $4 million better off because, of course, the first $996 million of revenue will have merely gone to replace equalization.
There is not much of a chance for a province receiving equalization payments to catch up, to become equal with the other provinces. Of course, there is not much of an incentive for any province to develop.
I served as a member of the Newfoundland House of Assembly for a number of years. During those terms both PC and Liberal governments talked about the equalization formula that we have in this nation.
I think that was brought into focus in Newfoundland especially by the massive Hibernia discovery on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. At the time of that discovery in 1979 Hibernia held the promise of jobs and revenues for our beleaguered provincial economy.
In the early eighties oil prices were high and the prospect of multibillion dollar annual oil revenues was not out of the realm of the possible. Overcoming the equalization problem, the equalization hump, seemed to be within the realm of the possible. That is to say, we would lose the first billion but we could keep subsequent millions or billions of dollars, whatever the case may be.
However, as we are all aware, it proved impossible at that time for the government, the Trudeau administration, to negotiate an offshore oil agreement. So an agreement on offshore revenues was held up until the Mulroney administration came to power in Ottawa. By the time we actually started to develop that project oil prices were a whole lot lower. Now there was no possibility of multibillion dollar oil revenues and it looked as if the oil revenues that would be generated would merely replace equalization payments.
What happened then? To his credit, John Crosbie negotiated a deal with the Mulroney administration that would see us lose only 70 cents on the equalization dollar for revenues raised from the Hibernia project. However, the deal applied only to that particular project. The revenues from projects like Voisey's Bay would still be subtracted on a dollar for dollar basis.
Do not get me wrong. We are pleased that we have an equalization program. That equalization program can keep a province from starving. However, we are not pleased that it is a formula that will also keep us from getting ahead as a province. How can we ever be expected to catch up if every new dollar we earn is subtracted from equalization entitlements? And catch up we must.
For as long as I have been in public life the unemployment rate in the province has been double the national average. On top of that, the federal government has cut transfers for health and education by 35%. As a result, thousands of provincial public servants have been laid off and our public services are now under a great deal of strain, especially those in rural Newfoundland. The federal government has cut the federal public service in Newfoundland by 30% as compared with 15% nationally. It is hard to believe that a province with double the national unemployment rate was saddled with double the rate of federal job cuts.
Because the public service in general plays a larger than usual role in the province's economy, the cumulative effect of these cuts has been more devastating in Newfoundland than in other provinces. That is one more reason we need a new deal in this Confederation if we are to move out of park and into high gear.
The United Nations says that Canada is one of the best countries in the world in which to live, but I guess it all depends on where you happen to live in this nation. How can Canada hold up its head in the community of nations while one of its provinces, in this case the province of Newfoundland, has an unemployment rate that is double the national average? That is another reason we need a better equalization formula, to leave more wealth in the hands of the people of the province.
The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has vast oil and gas reserves. It has a lot of iron ore, nickel and hydroelectricity. In most countries that would form the basis of a massive industrial complex which would bring more people into the province. Instead, what we have in Newfoundland is the exporting of people and raw resources. I do not want to be cynical about this, but it seems to me that the centres of power in the nation do not want that to change.
Indeed we have recently been treated, if you will, to political and editorial comments out of central Canada that our nickel reserves should be used to feed smelters in Ontario and in Manitoba as well. The premier of Ontario really should have more sense than what he demonstrated in making that point about resource development in Newfoundland in Voisey's Bay. He should be saying as the premier of the largest province in Canada that we should be allowing the province to develop and we should be allowing the province to catch up.
We should be helping provinces like Newfoundland do that by implementing a new program that would see equalization cut by only 50%; a 50% clawback on the resource related revenues in the province.
I suppose some provinces can argue, and rightly so, that Newfoundland and the have-not provinces owe them something for providing jobs to migrant Newfoundlanders over the years, but should we therefore give away the wherewithal that we need to make us self-reliant? I think not.
I can understand, for instance, that the good people of Sudbury are concerned that the days of cheap local iron ore are over. Mining and related operations generally have a very fixed lifespan, as we are well aware.
I remember in Newfoundland, in my own constituency, that the towns of Bell Island and Buchans had to deal with the reality of ore running out and the tragedy of those mining towns shutting down. Such is the eventual fate, of course, of any mining town.
While we wish all the best to the good people of Sudbury, I do not feel that the nickel discovery at Voisey's Bay is the solution to their problem. Rather, the Voisey's Bay find is one of the solutions to Newfoundland's chronic economic problems. Properly done, with a new equalization formula, that project could provide thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue. Being able to hold on to some of that revenue from that resource is what this motion is all about today.
We need revenues to do more than merely replace equalization. We need revenues to augment our economic situation. We need revenues to augment our equalization. We need those revenues to catch up, to make progress and to try in some way to become, if we possibly can over time, equal to the rest of Canada.
Canada will never be the nation that it should be if it does not seriously try to help rectify the crippling unemployment problem that we have in Newfoundland. I have suggested one mechanism, that of an improved equalization formula, which would leave more wealth in the local economy. Lower payroll taxes and income taxes could also help.
However, I do not believe anything will change if there is not an attitude change on the part of the federal government. That is why I am standing here today in the House asking for understanding for the kind of plight the province finds itself in. I am asking for understanding for a new deal within the Confederation of Canada, where all Canadians can be truly equal, wherever they happen to live, whether it is in Newfoundland, British Columbia or Nova Scotia. I do not think that will ever happen unless we get a new deal in this Confederation.