Mr. Speaker, this file is being reviewed with the member of parliament. I can confirm that there has been a review of the particular grant and to this point things are in order.
Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, this file is being reviewed with the member of parliament. I can confirm that there has been a review of the particular grant and to this point things are in order.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, the investigation is ongoing and I will not make any further comments on that.
Training February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I draw the hon. member's attention to our past budgets where indeed we have focused on these important undertakings. I would also ask the member to wait until 4 o'clock and see other undertakings of the government.
Training February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, in the hon. member's own province we clearly have a new relationship with the provincial authorities focused on training. They are partners with the federal government in terms of taking employment insurance part II dollars, and providing training opportunities for those men and women who need additional support to find renewed employment.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I would like to remind the hon. member that we are talking about investments in communities where the unemployment level has been high. Significant numbers, more than half of the grants and contributions have gone to opposition ridings. In talking about transitional jobs fund numbers, in areas of less than 12%, over half of the money went to opposition ridings. How can the member make such incredible assertions?
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, let me try this again, for the umpteenth time.
I am the Minister of Human Resources Development Canada. I am the minister who received the results of an internal audit which said that we could make improvements on the administrative side of our grants and contributions. I am the minister who made that public and I am the minister who will work with my department to ensure that we fix this problem.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, the hon. member should be very careful in the kinds of allegations he makes. If he has proof of things in this regard he should say them outside.
It is absolutely appropriate and part of our democratic process for individuals to make contributions to political parties, to this one and even that one. He should be very careful in the kinds of allegations he makes.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, the hon. member is incorrect in her assertion. I would say to her again that we are taking this issue very seriously. We are now making progress on the implementation of our plan. We are reviewing our active files.
We will do what Canadians want. We will fix this problem, as we have fixed so many others.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I can confirm that this has been an active file for my department. It has been referred to the RCMP and, as such, it would be inappropriate for me to comment on it.
Human Resources Development February 28th, 2000
Mr. Speaker, accountability does not mean running away from problems. Perhaps we should ask the hon. Leader of the Opposition if he is being accountable when he seems to be running away from the party he started.