Mr. Speaker, as minister I am responsible for the decisions made in my riding. It was my choice to delegate the authority for approval for Canada jobs funds in my riding to the deputy. It is not necessary that that be done.
Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, as minister I am responsible for the decisions made in my riding. It was my choice to delegate the authority for approval for Canada jobs funds in my riding to the deputy. It is not necessary that that be done.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, in my view the right thing to do was to delegate the authority for approval of projects in my riding. Is the hon. member saying that he does not think this was the appropriate thing to do?
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I will try it again. Treasury Board allows me to delegate these authorities to my deputy and I did that. It was not necessary that I do that. I chose to do it.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I am not clear what the question was but let me try to explain again. In the information we provided, approved amounts and approval dates were on the list. If the hon. member is interested in actual expenditures, she can turn to the estimates of my department.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, I find the question very strange because the hon. member herself is on the standing committee for human resources development that asked for this information which we provided yesterday.
With particular reference to Anjou, let me say that this is one of the largest industrial parks in Quebec. By making wise investments in that riding we found spinoff opportunities for many constituencies around that area.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, let me try again.
It was not necessary for me to delegate the authority. I did delegate the authority. Of course as minister I remain accountable for all the things that happen in my department. In this particular case the proof is in the pudding. I have not approved any programs or projects in my riding.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, my response is consistent. Yes indeed, I did not have to delegate that authority but I did.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, details were provided yesterday to the hon. member and to others about how the transitional jobs fund works.
I quote from a 1996 brochure, which, in answer to the question “Who Can Participate?”, says:
To participate in (the transitional jobs fund) projects, individuals must be facing labour market difficulties as a result of high unemployment in their area.
It was very broad because the program was flexible to allow communities to respond to their local needs.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, as a matter of public policy we included flexibility in the transitional jobs fund. From our point of view it was extraordinarily important for local managers to have the opportunity to respond to local needs.
This has always been part of the program. The hon. member may have wanted us to pick a one size fits all strategy, to have Ottawa make all the decisions, but that was not the approach we took.
Human Resources Development February 22nd, 2000
Mr. Speaker, the information that we have provided gives considerable data on all of the projects that are available.
One of the important pieces of the undertaking is also to provide an opportunity for individual members of parliament who want more information on individual projects to make a request, and that information will be provided to them in writing.