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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was information.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Brant (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I understand that the Bloc has made an access to information request in this regard. I think we would all agree that the responsible approach when we are dealing with individual information on Canadians or Canadian companies is to use that process.

I am glad to see that they have made the request, and I am sure all information that can be made public will be made public.

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I have been advised in this case that indeed there was a third party representation and jobs may have been moved. An internal investigation was undertaken and this was not confirmed. As such, the project has continued, and I say again that 162 men and women are employed.

I would also remind the hon. member, as I always do, that in this project it is not just the federal government that is a partner but also the province of Quebec which supported this project.

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

In fact, Mr. Speaker, I can confirm that is not the case. I am pleased to say that there were an expected 160 employees that were to be able to find work as a result of this transitional jobs fund, and there are actually 162.

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Again, Mr. Speaker, I would be glad to look into the details of the particular case.

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, what I can say is that as a result of the undertakings of the internal audit the department is looking at all its grants and contributions.

It is clear that this department is taking very seriously our role in ensuring that Canadians get the benefit of Canadian tax dollars to make new jobs and to ensure that Canadians who need help with literacy and young people to find employment get it. In this particular case, if the hon. member wants to bring forward details I will look at them.

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, in this particular regard the hon. member is making reference to an audit of the Business Advisory Centre of Hamilton-Wentworth.

It was the Department of Human Resources Canada, along with its provincial and municipal partners, that decided to do the audit of this sponsor. It is the department that discovered an overpayment. It is also the department that got the money repaid to the government. What more does the hon. member want?

Human Resources Development May 8th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, on the question of trust I would just like to refer back to questions that were asked over and over in the House by that party with regard to our six point plan last week. I was perplexed at how they got all their facts so wrong, but I discovered they had never even read the full and complete action plan.

It was on Friday of last week that a senior researcher from that party called and asked for a copy of the final report. They had never read it. They had not listened to me in committee as early as February 10. I must ask that party over there how the Canadian public can have any confidence in the questions they ask.

Human Resources Development May 4th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, again we have talked about this file over and over in the House and 170 people continue to be working at this company and its sister company. From our point of view that is a good investment. I would remind the hon. member again that the Government of Quebec supported this undertaking.

Human Resources Development May 4th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member is wrong. We incorporated the recommendations.

I say again that if the hon. member wanted to make further recommendations for improvements I would have been glad to receive them, but I received none because on that side of the House they are not interested in this issue at all.

They want to cut a billion dollars from people with disabilities. They do not want to help them get jobs. They want to cut a billion dollars for young people, youth at risk who do not have the opportunities to find employment that they so desperately need. They want to cut a billion dollars from the grants and contributions program so that those regions of the country that have not been able to benefit from our economic upsurge have got the opportunity—

Human Resources Development May 4th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, we added it for the benefit of members of that party. Even though I have told them time and again, day after day that we incorporated the recommendations of Deloitte & Touche, they do not get it. I thought maybe if they read it on the website they would.