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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was information.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Liberal MP for Brant (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 56% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, let us review the facts again. This was a draft communications plan. It is normal for the communications officials in a department to prepare communication strategies.

This was being prepared and the audit was not even completed. It was not forwarded to me and, as I have said earlier, I would not have expected it to be.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, because our story is the truth.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, with reference to the Department of Human Resources Development Canada, I have been forthcoming with this House. Other than the press release that was issued by my department last Monday, things are as they have been.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, again in the House we talked about the issue of the trust funds. I made it clear that there was an inappropriate administrative strategy undertaken by my department. Those trust funds were closed. The programs are still functioning and people are working.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, we have reviewed these projects on a number of occasions in the House.

I reiterate that these projects have created employment for people in areas of high unemployment. I reiterate that the Government of Canada is but one partner in these projects and that it was strongly supported by its kissing cousins in the Government of Quebec.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I reject everything that the hon. member has said. Her thesis is completely wrong.

I had the pleasure of going to Calgary last week and visiting some very important projects which received grants and contributions in the member's own backyard: programs to get young prostitutes off the street, programs to help young people who have not had the chance to get a full time job to get a job.

Perhaps since the hon. member will not go to visit those programs she would come to my riding. She would understand then why Mr. Marshall of Duchess Foods said: “I believe the attack of the Reform Party is strictly based on political considerations and not—”

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I counter it with fact.

The fact is, it is our department that made the audit public. The fact is, it is our department that has provided over 10,000 pages of information to members of the House.

We have gone well beyond the most proactive strategy suggested in what the hon. member is referring to. Quite frankly, that was only a draft report.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I have been as transparent as is appropriate to the House with regard to this particular issue.

The hon. member knows that these issues are before the police and therefore the question should be addressed to the police.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, again, as part of our undertakings we have implemented a plan that will make a difference.

I want to remind the hon. member that the auditor general will be completing a full review of grants and contributions in the Department of Human Resources Development Canada. As an arm's length agent of this body, I am sure the hon. member would appreciate that he is the one who can best review and advise in this regard.

Human Resources Development March 13th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, what I am glad to confirm again to the House is this. Placeteco has just signed a three-year collective agreement with its employees and it has signed a five-year contract for $8 million with a major aeronautical company.

This partnership, which has been agreed to by the local community with the Government of Quebec and with the federal government, is creating jobs for people in a region of high unemployment.