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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was quebec.

Last in Parliament May 2004, as Bloc MP for Rimouski-Neigette-Et-La Mitis (Québec)

Won her last election, in 2000, with 60% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Publishing Industry May 3rd, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I am outraged at seeing the government turn into a farce a question dealing with Canadian Heritage.

How can the Minister of Canadian Heritage still pretend he is defending the Canadian Heritage when his only concerns are to give answers that leave no trace since they are strictly oral and to blindly follow this memo instead of trying to shed light on this sale to American interests?

Publishing Industry May 3rd, 1994

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Canadian Heritage. According to this morning's Toronto Star issue a secret memo, addressed to all members of the cabinet, told them what strategy to use when dealing with Ginn Publishing. They were advised not to make any statement on the sale of this company, and also to dismiss all possibilities of inquiry on the matter by a parliamentary committee.

Could the Minister of Canadian Heritage confirm the existence of such a secret memo and tell us if this is the reason why an inquiry on this sale has been rejected by the cabinet and by the Parliamentary Committee on Canadian Heritage?

National Sport Act April 27th, 1994

I was at the Forum the day of the riot. That dates me, I guess.

Several members have mentioned the great ones: Lemieux, Gretzky, Roy, Orr, and Hull. I congratulate the members who took part in this debate and carried it through. I am very happy to have two national sports from now on.

National Sport Act April 27th, 1994

Perhaps. Let us not argue about it. Anyone can make his own choice.

Making hockey our national sport gives Canada another symbol. We had the beaver, the national anthem, the flag, now we have two national sports: lacrosse in the summer, and hockey in the winter. So these are important elements of our national identity. For now, they are declared national sports of Canada. As mentioned by my colleague, we will see in due time what Quebec will do about it, but I already favour the parliamentary secretary's proposition. The Montreal Blocs could very well play against the Toronto Maple Leafs. That would be a good representation of the two Canadian nations, once sovereign.

When the national news on TV begin with the announcement of the Canadian's defeat, I wonder less about the fanaticism of Montreal or Canadian fans than about the choice of the news desk officer. Recognizing hockey as our national sport implies that we must not value it excessively. Recognizing hockey as our national sport is of course recognizing its rights, but also its duties accordingly. I think we must act and clearly define standards so that Canada's national sport is played according to rules that apply even in the national league. Parliament could be called upon to adopt rules that would allow civil or criminal lawsuits against NHL players whose conduct does not improve because a national sport must set an example for a country's young people. Consequently, Canadian hockey officials will have to take on the responsibilities that come with it.

Canada should also make sure that, when it sends a team abroad to compete in our national sport, it can win medals as we are able to do with players of the calibre of our national champions such as Rocket Richard, who made this sport famous, the great Jean Béliveau, Bernard "Boom Boom" Geoffrion, who became the highest scorer, passing Maurice the day Mr. Campbell suspended him-

National Sport Act April 27th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to be able to spend five minutes of my time on this bill that I support, naturally. I would like to congratulate the hon. member who finally managed to bring his project to fruition. At least it is debated, and I hope it will pass before the end of the sitting. I congratulate also the parliamentary secretary for her amendment that we will gladly support. Since I do not know very much about lacrosse, I am sure this will be an opportunity to learn about it. We will have to find the equipment to learn how to play though. However we are already masters at other sports.

The previous speakers dealt mostly with hockey and I will follow their example. We tried to rewrite history, but the truth is the origin of hockey is largely uncertain. It is very difficult to know for sure where and how it started. Some people go back 2,000 or 3,000 years. Nobody knows. Even in Canada, the time and place of the first game ever played are difficult to find. I choose to remember one place, Montreal, and one date, 1837, 100 years before my birth.

Pearson International Airport Agreements Act April 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I will be very brief. Obviously a deal has been concluded, this is very clear in this legislation. This is the only thing transparent in this bill, there is a deal. Now it has been repeated during the whole campaign, Conservatives and Liberals are six of one and half a dozen of the other, they amount to the same thing. If we are able to rise today in this House and condemn this legislation, and denounce the scheming and the patronage, it is because our hands are clean.

Pearson International Airport Agreements Act April 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his very pertinent question and his very judicious comment. It is quite clear that one does not need a crystal ball or clairvoyant powers to see what is in clause 10 of the bill.

Thanks to clause 10, people will recover what they lost when their contract was cancelled. I agree totally with my colleague on that point.

Unfortunately, I do not believe in the work of committees. Based on my personal experience, I find these committees a sham. Unless we can have people subpoenaed and testify under oath, these committees are merely entertainment for most Liberal backbenchers, but are becoming quite a waste of time for us on this side.

Pearson International Airport Agreements Act April 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his question and for giving me an opportunity to talk a little bit about political party financing.

It is, obviously, extremely important that the federal government address this question and make a fundamental change to prohibit all companies from making donations to political parties. The money to fund political parties must come from individuals and there must be a limit on contributions.

We have seen what has happened in the past. If we look at Mr. Desmarais' contribution in the Charlottetown referendum campaign, each of the eight members of his family, including a three-year-old girl, gave $3,000. His contribution could not exceed $24,000. That is a far cry from the $250,000 campaign contribution he could have made.

It is the same thing with Bombardier. These companies have to paint themselves red or blue. It would take too long to give a detailed answer to my colleague's question, but if we took away the right of companies to donate money to political parties, we would not have such a mess on our hands. If the legislation on lobbyists was reformed, we would know exactly how things work and we could get to the bottom of the matter.

The same applies to people who appear as witnesses before committees. We should adopt the American system where sworn testimony is the rule, otherwise the work of committees is pointless.

Pearson International Airport Agreements Act April 26th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I consider it a privilege to speak in this debate on Bill C-22. In the last election campaign, the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada travelled from coast to coast to promise a transparent government, among other things, to the Canadian people. Where is this government after six months in office?

I will quickly go over a few facts that, in my opinion, are revealing in this regard. As promised, the government cancelled the helicopter contract but we and the Canadian people still do not know how much this decision really cost.

Last December, when hardly anyone was paying any attention to what was happening in Ottawa, and while we were busy setting up our offices in Ottawa and in our respective ridings, the government announced an increase in unemployment insurance premiums. In its February 22 budget, the government tried to portray itself to Canadians as a generous and understanding government and a very good manager by announcing a premium reduction that will, however, only come into effect in 1995. This government does not want to let Canadians know that it has brought premiums back to where they were before it increased them.

In the Ginn Publishing affair, the government did not fool anyone who followed the case, and Canadians did not fall for the very strange and contradictory explanations given by the various ministers questioned on this subject.

The Official Opposition tried by every means available to shed light on the sale of a Canadian publishing house to an American giant. It was all in vain. All Liberal members and ministers continued to act in collusion, preferring silence to clear and unequivocal answers. They prefer to swim in neutral waters where only spoken words leave traces and where the Liberals feel tied by a verbal agreement apparently made by a minister from the previous government. According to a legal opinion given by the Department of Justice at the request of its client, the Department of Finance, this information is subject to solicitor-client privilege pursuant to section 23 of the Access to Information Act.

Given the lack of transparency of this government, it was impossible for the population to know for sure who was protected in this deal and who really benefited from it. This was followed by another troubling situation: serious allegations to the effect that the Museum of Nature was mismanaged. There was a general outcry from Canadian and international scientists, who asked the government to intervene before it was too late.

The Official Opposition pointed out, once again, before the Committee on Canadian Heritage that the population had the right to know whether or not the allegations were founded since the $18 or $20 million budget of this museum comes from taxpayers. Both Opposition parties demanded the right to let the committee hear witnesses so we could listen to both versions of the story. No such luck! The Liberals who are so proud of their transparency refused, once again, to let us shed light on this issue.

I will not pretend that I undertook an exhaustive review of this government's first six months in office. My purpose is rather to draw the public's attention to one constant in the few examples I have just given. The constant is this: every time the government could follow up on its promise of integrity and openness, it chooses subterfuges, even though, in the red book and in his speeches throughout the campaign, the Prime Minister said in various ways that openness was necessary if people were to regain confidence in government and in politicians.

Now let us take a closer look at Bill C-22, an act respecting certain agreements concerning the redevelopment and operation of terminals 1 and 2 at Lester B. Pearson International Airport. I will go right to the point and highlight briefly, in my own way, some of the events which began in April 1987.

First, the Conservative government agreed to entrust the building and operation of terminal 3 at Pearson Airport to a real estate company owned by Charles Bronfman. This first group of friends included Herb Metcalfe, a lobbyist for Claridge Properties Inc. and former organizer for Jean Chrétien; Leo Kolber, a Liberal senator who, as has been mentioned on many occasions, held a party at $1,000 per guest during the election campaign; Peter Coughlin, president of Claridge Properties Inc. and general manager of Pearson Development Corporation; Ray Hession, who was deputy minister of everything important in previous Liberal governments and has ties to Paxport Inc., as the Ottawa Citizen pointed out.

Later, Brian Mulroney's government went back on one of its decisions and in December 1992 decided to turn the redevelopment and operation of terminals 1 and 2 at Lester B. Pearson International Airport over to private enterprise. The deadlines were very short and only two firms could answer the government's call for tenders and bid: Claridge, for Charles Bronfman, and Paxport, for the Matthews group. Paxport Inc. was selected.

This time we find the Conservative government's real friends, including Don Matthews, president of Paxport Inc., who was president of Brian Mulroney's leadership campaign in 1983; he is a former president of the Conservative Party and chaired many fund-raising campaigns. His son-in-law, David Peterson, was Premier of Ontario. Mr. Chrétien asked Bob Nixon, a former Peterson Cabinet minister, to investigate, behind closed doors, the transaction that he promised to cancel on the very last day of his campaign.

Otto Jelinek, a former minister in the Conservative government, is a member of the board of directors of Paxport and president of an Asian subsidiary of the Matthews Group. Fred Doucet, a professional lobbyist and long-standing friend of Brian Mulroney, will be hired by Paxport; his name will also come up in the Ginn Publishing affair. As you can see, Mr. Speaker, it all holds together.

Bill Neville, another Paxport lobbyist, and a former chief of staff-a very interesting character, as you will see-of Joe Clark when he was Prime Minister, member of Brian Mulroney's inner circle and head of Ms. Campbell's transition team. He will have served all three of them; in his case, it was wall to wall.

Paxport Inc. was to demonstrate the financial viability of its proposal by February 15, 1993, but the government did not hold firm on this condition. Since its financial backing was not solid enough for this transaction to go through, Paxport will have to turn to their pal Charles Bronfman and ask him: "Come to our rescue, competitor dear. Let us merge and acquire a controlling interest in this highly profitable airport. This will allow us to add millions to our respective family trusts". As a result, T1 T2 Limited Partnership was established; it was the only way to go on with negotiations with the government. Furthermore, Cla-

ridge, the rival company, became a majority holder, with 66 per cent of the shares, while the company initially selected to implement this project found itself holding a mere 17 per cent of the shares of the new company, based on what it could afford.

To make this enterprise very profitable for its friends, the government undertook to divert passenger traffic to that airport and curb, if not stop, any airport development activity within 75 kilometres of the Lester B. Pearson Airport.

Since the government apparently had unlimited funds available given the possibility of making deficits, it dug out several other millions to complete this privatization which would allow the government's friends to get rich on the backs of the taxpayers. To sell privatization to key groups, the following compensations were offered: severance pay for Transport Canada employees, for a grand total of $5.5 million and this, in spite of the fact that all jobs had been protected for at least two years with Pearson Development Corporation.

Add to that a 15 per cent contribution toward the rent paid by Air Canada and foreign airlines using the facilities at Terminal 2.

Moreover, while the government had expressly committed itself to not finance the construction, repair or renovation of terminals 1 and 2, it secretly decided otherwise by agreeing to a 40 per cent carry over on rent, through a good clause in a contract which is about that thick. I saw it this morning and I was rather surprised. The money will be paid back later, with interest based on the Bank of Canada rate, plus 2.5 per cent.

The Lester B. Pearson Airport generates profits, and this could make it attractive for third parties. Yet, in a contract that thick, the Canadian government did not even include a clause to enable it to oppose such a transfer, so that the airport operations could fall in the hands of foreign interests and the government would not even be able to do anything about it.

There seems to be sufficient reasons to justify a public inquiry. Indeed, in the report which recommended cancelling the privatization of Pearson Airport, Mr. Nixon mentions that the role of lobbyists in this case went largely beyond what is normally acceptable, especially as regards the reassignment of several senior civil servants. The report also points out that to conclude a transaction of this scope during an election campaign flies in the face of democratic practice.

The first eight sections of the legislation cancel the transaction and prohibit any suit against the Government of Canada and its officials. Fine. The Liberal government had made a promise and, for the second time, it gets out of a written commitment involving several million dollars. First, it got out of the helicopter contract and now, through a piece of legislation, it is getting out of a hastily drafted contract regarding the Lester B. Pearson Airport.

How can this same government claim, as it has been doing for months now, that it was not able to get out of an oral commitment made by a minister of the previous government, while it gets out of the written agreement? This government is not fooling anybody, and the inquiry could reveal other things.

What is really behind the cancellation of this whole deal? Is it that too many Conservatives and not enough Liberals were benefitting from the transaction? Or, was there some fear that the scheme would eventually be discovered?

There is reason to be worried, and Canadians will come to know the contents of this bill. Just when they are being asked to tighten their belts and prepare for a review of their social security net, the government wants to enact legislation favouring those who let certain political parties come to power.

Pursuant to clause 9, there will be no compensation in connection with the coming into force of the Act. But, according to clause 10, compensation may be awarded if the Minister deems it appropriate. This is doctoring, Mr. Speaker! I was very happy to hear other members say that to leave all that power in the hands of the minister was dangerous, as some bleeding is occurring and God knows when it will stop.

Here is my conclusion: This government is hog-tied thanks to friends of the system who, year after year, continue to fill the campaign coffers of both the Liberal and the Conservative parties.

And I will remind hon. members that the Leader of the Opposition very clearly demonstrated this morning that the five largest Canadian banks split their donations fifty-fifty between both traditional parties, handing out almost half a million dollars, that is $250,000 to the Liberal Party and $250,000 to the Conservative Party.

These old political parties take into account the best interests of those who make it possible for them to take turns running the country, while ignoring the best interests of the public.

The time has more than come to put public finances on a healthy footing by introducing a bill concerning the financing of political parties, something similar to the legislation passed by the Quebec government.

In this case, we do not have any other choice but to set up a royal commission to clarify this very dismal and shameful instance of patronage.

This commission could, if necessary, recommend the amounts of money to be paid following the cancellation of the current contract. However, it is understood that this money could not be used to cover any potential profit T1 T2 Limited Partnership

could have made from Terminals 1 and 2 at Pearson Airport or to cover the fee paid for the purpose of lobbying a public office holder.

To put it plainly, that covers any fee paid to the lobbyists who made the government do their bidding by reminding them who in fact is responsible for their election.

Canadians are sick of this government's lack of openness. They are sick of these secret promises that cost a bundle to Canadian taxpayers.

Canadians have had enough of this government protecting its friends and paying back those who financially supported its election campaign. They have had enough of the promises made in the red book-which, when I was young, referred to the used cars listing-and which makes the government look good and projects an inaccurate picture of its true identity.

In short, Canadians are sick of promises that keep the wheel turning, that allow the rich to get richer, the poor to get poorer, and the traditional political parties to take turns at running the country and taking a slice of the pie.

Canadians have reached the threshold of tolerance and have lost confidence in a government which, in a very short period of time, has missed all the opportunities it was given to restore confidence and refused to show any openness.

On their behalf, I too call for a royal commission to get to the bottom of this shocking deal.

Supply April 18th, 1994

I think we do, Mr. Speaker, but I did not think that was the point of this debate. I am glad the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage asked this question, because I am disappointed as well.

What I find particularly disappointing is the position taken by the Liberal Party-I do not know whether I am supposed to say that here-by the government, I should say. It is the same thing. What I find disappointing is that the minister arranged for two planted questions, and trick questions at that, one from the hon. member for Madawaska-Victoria and one from another member who talked about Saskatoon today, in which they praised the government for not making any cuts.

Francophone communities are in dire straits, and the minister was very sympathetic to the needs of francophone communities. Budgets have been cut. Last year, there was a 10-per-cent cut in funding for these associations. They expected another 10-per-cent cut this year, and they got another 5 per cent on top of that. In some cases, some associations will cease to exist or they will have to lay off several staff members.

When we no longer have associations to defend our rights, it means being left without any protection whatsoever. That is what is so disappointing. Our position is clear. We respect the francophone community. We want to work as partners when Quebec becomes a sovereign nation, and we will do everything to try and defend that community as long as we are part of Canada. However, we cannot give them the 5 per cent the government refuses to give them and which they need so badly. That is the truth of the matter, Mr. Speaker.