Thank you, Madam Speaker. I am happy that you have trouble hearing me as it shows there is at least one person listening besides my colleagues, or two persons I should say.
The technical reason for this measure abolishing something retroactively to 1985-not the technical reason but the actual principle-is that it could not be implemented in real life. It was too complex to manage. It took eight, almost nine years to put in place this measure and the revenue department could not make it work. It is very hard to understand. Why did we wait so long and what happened to the money given to debtor businesses that could not be recovered? All this remains to be seen and we will ask questions when this bill is reviewed by the finance committee.
Another measure that we wish to see extended further in the future is the home buyers plan. This is a valuable measure with a stimulating effect on the construction industry. It allows individuals to buy a home, which is desirable. The bill provides for tax incentives and ways of doing things in terms of taxation which are very positive. When we talk about reform, we are not suggesting that everything about the present tax system is wrong. Some aspects of it are more positive than others, and this is one of them.
Two measures regarding flow-through shares and exploration expenses were included in an attempt to repair the mistakes made by the Conservatives when they axed the flow-through shares program. The Quebec government had jumped on the band-wagon and I can tell you that it had disastrous consequences in my region.
In 1987, the unemployment level was about 7 per cent in Abitibi-Témiscamingue. Today, we would call that full employment. In the beginning of the 1980s, full employment was fixed at about 4 per cent, but we must adjust this figure. After two recessions, one in the beginning of the 1980s and the second one ten years later, the unemployment level is now higher. Our economy was thriving. There was indeed abuse. As with everything else, there are some who take advantage of good policies. That is what happened and that is why we had to make drastic cuts.
A popular expression applies here: we threw out the baby with the bathwater. It could have been possible to correct the situation with a few technical amendments. We tried to make up a little for this. These measures are interesting, but a lot less, and it is not the main concern of the Association des producteurs et des exportateurs. I can tell you that the former incentives and flow-through shares plan were much more interesting than these measures.
There is another measure that must not be considered only in this light because one has to dig a little to put it in perspective. It is important since it is closely related to a suggestion made by the Bloc Quebecois, and which, hopefully, the government will study one day.
It provides for a maximum annual investment tax credit. This credit will be eliminated. Before, businesses could use this credit up to a maximum of 75 per cent. They could reduce their benefits by 75 per cent, so why not totally eliminate them and not to have to pay any tax?
It will now be possible. This has to be considered along with another measure from the previous year, namely a capital tax to ensure that most businesses pay a minimum of taxes. Where there may a problem, although we have to be careful and examine this issue in a much more technical and thorough fashion, it is with this capital tax of .02 per cent which applies only to a capital amount of $10 million or more. Do businesses with a capital of $5 to $10 million deserve this break? This is a good question which we must ask ourselves. It must at least be raised, but it should be examined and I hope it will be when the Finance Committee will look at this piece of legislation.
The other two measures were aimed at promoting research and development, and at ensuring the payment of tax instalments. The amount has been raised to help more people.
This bill is exactly identical to the one tabled by the Conservatives following their budget, except for the change to the GST refund. I do not object to the fact that it is so similar to the previous piece of legislation. What I am saying is that there is only one change. There will still be four quarterly payments, which is a good thing, and which also enabled the previous government to change somewhat the record keeping and underestimate the deficit. Now, it has the opposite effect with the new government, which uses it to slightly overestimate the deficit.
This is certainly not a major change. Some like the idea of four payments, others would prefer two, but in terms of public finances as a whole, this is of no consequence. It is essentially a cosmetic change.
Finally, there are two things about taxation and fiscal policy that bother me. These measures often target small businesses. Earlier, I heard an hon. member talk about the importance of the people and of the rural communities. I urge him to carefully consider the situation of the small and medium sized businesses, because there must be some in his riding too.
These businesses have a lot of trouble dealing with a very complex tax system. If the system is complicated for the individuals, it is even more so for small and medium sized businesses, who completely rely on an accountant or an analyst of their acquaintance for advice, even though it is not always in their best interests. They are told about temporary one-year
measures, but they are unable to assess quickly enough the benefits they can derive from these measures.
They do not take full advantage of the measures. The government should put in place a simpler mechanism, easier to understand, particularly in the area of research and development. There is not enough R and D done in the private sector in Quebec and in Canada. With all the economic changes that are occurring, the level of R and D in the private sector will have to increase. The government will have to encourage these people to get into R and D. However, they need about eighteen months before there are any significant results. I can tell you, Madam Speaker, that we have excellent tax incentives, the best in the world in some areas, but they are not well understood by businesses and they are very difficult to use.
Obviously, pharmaceutical companies understand them well and use them well. They are doing very well in Quebec. But in other areas, companies are not even aware of the tax incentives that exist. The Department of Industry, Trade and Commerce has a program, the Department of Finance has another program, there are just too many programs. Businesses have trouble finding their way through the maze of programs. They have to look at all the possibilities and it takes time. It is not only the GST that costs businesses a lot of money. There is also the cost of trying to understand all the government support programs. It can be very difficult, particularly for small and medium sized businesses.
I am about to conclude. Fiscal measures should always be evaluated as to their fallouts and costs before being announced. In economic jargon, it is simply called a cost-benefit projection. Then, results can be made public. This is rarely done and it is easy to understand why. When facts are published, the people can evaluate how good their government is. Thus, I hope that for the sake of openness this government will do more than its predecessor on this. The Minister of Finance has often promised to do it and his colleagues should press him to deliver.
To conclude, we will carefully monitor these measures and the upcoming budget. That is when it will truly start. And if this government does not want to end like the previous one, it should take a completely different approach.