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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was quebec.

Last in Parliament October 2000, as Bloc MP for Portneuf (Québec)

Won his last election, in 1997, with 43% of the vote.

Statements in the House

The Constitution November 27th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, my question is directed to either the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs or the Deputy Prime Minister.

Yesterday, Daniel Johnson repeated what he, his party and all other Quebecers had heard and understood, namely that the Prime Minister had undertaken to make constitutional changes in line with Quebec's aspirations. That is why Mr. Johnson urged Ottawa to act quickly on its referendum promises.

Will the Prime Minister, his deputy or the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs admit that setting up a phoney committee to save Canada is only a tactic to water down the Prime Minister's commitments, but a tactic that fools no one, not even former allies of the no side like Daniel Johnson and Liza Frulla, who are now asking him to deliver the goods quickly?

Department Of Human Resources Development Act November 23rd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, when I hear the member for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell telling us that it is crystal clear and explaining things at great length, with a certain sense of humour, I feel that, after all, the problem might lie in the very objective way he is looking at the situation, a liberal and objective way, I might add.

I will use the next few minutes to explain to my "objective" colleague a number of facts which might help him understand our huge reservations-I am quite sure that he is listening very carefully to my remarks and that he will take them into serious consideration.

Instead of being part of the solution, Bill C-96 makes the problem worse.

Indeed, far from heralding the withdrawal of the federal government from manpower training, Bill C-96 reinforces the federal presence in this area. Duplications and inefficiencies resulting from this bill will grant the minister new powers, whether the objective member opposite likes it or not, new powers to negotiate directly with local governments or agencies, bypassing the provinces, which will enable him to set directions, standards and outcomes unilaterally.

The honourable government whip told us that clause 6 did not provide for new powers and that it defined and restricted them. Well then, let us have a look at clause 6. It reads:

The powers, duties and functions of the minister extend to and include all matters over which Parliament has jurisdiction-

Tell me, Mr. Speaker, is there any matter over which Parliament does not have jurisdiction, and which would not come under the laws of the land? Whatever goes on from sea to sea is regulated by this country's legislation and, consequently, is a matter over which Parliament has jurisdiction one way or another.

Not only are they not restricted, but they are incredibly increased. In fact, the powers, duties and functions of the minister are quite broad. Moreover, contrary to the present legislation, they are not specified, and we know that the federal government has a habit of intruding on matters of provincial jurisdiction. Therefore, there is cause for concern when you see the numerous jurisdictions of Parliament.

Let me quote the description of Human Resources Development Canada which is found in the Budget Plan tabled on February 27, 1995. It says: "Human Resources Development Canada administers unemployment insurance, income security programs for children and the elderly, the current federal programs of support to

provinces for post-secondary education and welfare, labour market adjustment and social development programs, and student loans."

What we see today, with Bill C-96, is a strengthening of the federal government's hold on each of these areas and on all of them collectively. I was listening earlier to the member who expressed some deep feelings about this. I remember that the Minister of Human Resources Development has told us repeatedly that we simply did not understand that things would be better. It seems the only ones who are optimistic about Bill C-96 are the government party and the minister.

I would like to refer to a press release issued by the Institut canadien d'éducation des adultes on October 5, 1995. It says that the Board of directors of the ICEA, formed of academic, labour and community representatives, is unanimously opposed to Bill C-96. The organization invites all its partners to mobilize and denounce that bill which undermines the equity principle governing our social security system in Canada and denies the exclusive jurisdiction of provinces over manpower training and development.

It is not a sovereignist institute from Quebec which says that, it is the Institut canadien d'éducation des adultes. It seems that only the minister and the cabinet believe that Bill C-96 is a good thing. No, it is not a good thing. The same press release says: "Bill C-96 is, for the most part, one of the worst scenarios, something that our Institute denounced last fall, during the hearings of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development." This indicates not only that the minister consulted, but that he was told that this was the worst thing to do. And yet, he went ahead and did it.

I would also like to mention the position of the Quebec government, because I believe that our viewers should know what Quebec thinks of this intrusion.

Mrs. Harel, the Quebec Minister, said: "When you read Bill C-96, you understand why the federal Minister of Human Resources Development did not respond, last spring, to my pressing demand for a federal-provincial conference on that reform. The bill is the opposite of the Quebec consensus on manpower. The opposite of the single window principle. This is proof that the federal government is committed to continuing and even increasing the costly duplication and overlap in the area of manpower in Quebec".

So, when the minister tells us, as he did during Question Period, "I consulted, I went to see my counterparts in the other provinces", we can only say that as far as the Quebec minister is concerned this was not the case. Once again, we have a minister who is intruding on provincial areas of jurisdiction and in particular Quebec jurisdiction, in a dangerous manner.

I would also like to mention the SQDM. Yesterday during Question Period, the Minister of Human Resources Development said that during the summer he met, through officials, with representatives from the SQDM and that agreements had been signed. He implied that everything was fine. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. On October 4, 1995, the SQDM stated its position on Bill C-96 in a press release and I quote: "The board members of the Société québécoise de développement de la main-d'oeuvre ask the federal government not to set up a parallel structure of partnership and not to take initiatives overlapping Quebec jurisdiction in the area of manpower development".

Bill C-96 has catastrophic consequences. Starting withMr. Valcourt, a former minister in the previous federal government, and now with the present minister, we are headed toward disaster in the area of manpower management.

In fact, in his recent report, the auditor general mentioned that job creation through the manpower development programs of our Canada Employment Centres was more costly in Quebec than elsewhere. Why? Why is it that the federal government is less efficient in Quebec than elsewhere? Simply because it stubbornly refuses to give Quebec all of the powers in this area.

To conclude, I would like to give specific examples affecting ordinary people. We are not talking about a piece of paper called a bill, but about real people suffering through real unemployment.

A few weeks ago, a woman who wanted to start her own business dropped by my office. There is a program called Self-Employment Assistance which would have allowed her, because she was receiving unemployment benefits, to start a business, to create jobs. Believe it or not, there is just enough money in this program to satisfy a handful of individuals in my own riding, and she was told to look for a job rather than to create one since, if she created one, she would no longer be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. That is the great way unemployment is being perpetuated in Quebec. We prefer to give money to people to do nothing rather than help them create jobs for themselves and for others.

I will conclude on this note: I look forward to the day where a minister will have the courage to tell his or her civil servants that the federal government will no longer interfere in the manpower area in Quebec and that it is going to give the province all of the powers in this field, which will result in huge savings. We will, at last, be able to create the jobs that everybody needs.

Information Highway November 22nd, 1995

Mr. Speaker, my question is also for the Minister of Canadian Heritage.

Recently, the Information Highway Advisory Council tabled its final report. This report completely trivializes Quebec culture, since it calls for an information highway serving a single so-called Canadian identity and culture. As well, various elements of this report are likely to result in further federal intrusion into areas in which Quebec is already fully exercising its responsibilities, health and education for instance.

Does the minister commit to rejecting these recommendations, which invite the federal government to interfere in areas that are exclusively Quebec's jurisdiction, such as health and education?

Department Of Health Act November 6th, 1995

I thank the members opposite for applauding these words. However, the question is: What kind of services? I have a problem I want to share with the hon. member. She will probably have an interesting answer and I am eager to listen to it.

Two years ago, former first minister Bourassa had skin cancer. Where did he go for treatment? Washington, D.C. I want to know if people with a fat wallet will have to cross the border to get proper treatment. How come Mr. Bourassa could not be treated either in Quebec or in Canada? What was special? How would health care in Canada be able to cope with such a situation?

I am sure the member has a proper answer and I am eager to hear it.

Department Of Health Act November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I listened a few moments ago to the answer of the hon. member opposite. She said that access to health care should not depend on the wallet, that poor and rich people should have equal access to services. I could not agree more with that.

Department Of Health Act November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, we know that transfer payments for health and postsecondary education have been reduced over the last several years.

I personally asked the Minister of Health to give me the figures in constant dollars on a per capita basis. There has been indeed a 7 per cent reduction over the last four or five years. Obviously, this has had an impact on the provinces' ability to assume their responsibilities with regard to health.

In Quebec, for example, we know that the Minister of Finance has announced a $1.5 billion reduction in transfer payments for health and postsecondary education for next year. At the same time, we learn that the federal government is going to spend $2 billion to buy armoured vehicles.

There is some type of dichotomy here. I want to believe that we do need armoured vehicles, but health is also essential. Armoured vehicles will not be much help to us when we get sick. There are societal choices to be made.

I know that Quebec would not have made that choice. I know that if Quebec had collected its tax money directly from the taxpayers, it would not have chosen to invest that money in armoured vehicles rather than in health care.

I would like my colleague opposite, if she can listen to me, to talk about the societal choices that are made here, in this House, and that have an impact not only in Quebec but in every province. These are the choices that have Canadians increasingly worried about their province's ability to provide them with the health care services they need, considering the fact that they have paid for these services but, for some reason or other, that money seems to have come to Ottawa on a one way ticket.

How is it that this money finds its way here but is not being returned where it should to fund something as essential and fundamental as health?

Lip service is a nice thing, but here we should do something more. We heard from the MP opposite. I am waiting for your answer.

Department Of Health Act November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I listened with interest to the comments made by my colleague from Quebec. She raised what I think is an extremely important point, which I would like her to develop further.

She talked about centralization and decentralization. We now see that the federal government, in particular the Department of Health, is trying to centralize a number of health matters, especially the general direction of health care in Canada.

At the same time, we see that the provinces, including Quebec, want to make innovative, creative decisions to better manage health care within their territories. In Quebec, there is a wide consensus to decentralize health care decisions to administrative regions. I am not talking about Canada's administrative regions but about administrative regions in Quebec. We see that the people want to be able to define in their own communities the kind of health care services they need and to have access to them.

This is in complete opposition to the tendency evident in the federal government's measures. Our concerns are justified. The federal government's centralizing vision is totally out of touch with the expectations of people in every province, including Quebec.

I would like the hon. member for Quebec to expand on this, to give the people listening to us and the members of this House an overview of Quebec's favoured approach, which seems to strike a chord in some other provinces.

The Constitution November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the reply by the real Minister of Justice. But I must regret the lack of insight in his answer, which lead to my supplementary question.

Because two out of three Canadians are opposed to reopening the constitution, will the Minister of Justice admit that the only true path to change for Quebecers is the sovereignty of Quebec?

The Constitution November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Justice.

Saturday he confirmed that the federal government is opposed to any constitutional recognition of the distinct status of Quebec and that it is preparing instead to table in the House of Commons a simple and inconsequential resolution which will not change anything concretely for Quebec.

Are we to understand that the fact that only one Canadian in three outside Quebec would be prepared to modify the constitution explains the federal intention to offer Quebecers only a simple resolution on the distinct society which will serve no useful purpose to the men and women of Quebec?

Department Of Health Act November 6th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, you will permit me to disagree completely with my hon. colleague's remarks.

Health is a provincial matter. If the federal government wants to keep an eye on all the provinces, it should not go through the people of the provinces, but through the governments, whose job it is to administer the system within their province. When you start short-circuiting the authority of the individual provinces and going directly to individual citizens, you are short-circuiting a process that is normal, natural and desirable, because it is practical and necessary. You mess up the whole thing.

In June 1994, a journalist called me and asked me about the forum. I said it was window dressing. I say the same thing today, almost two years after the speech from the throne, this forum has served absolutely no purpose. We have not made any progress, and the provinces are increasingly aware that they are being given responsibilities and deprived of the means to carry them out. This is both unfair and inefficient, and, in the final analysis, the provinces will have the last word, because common sense always prevails.