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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was cultural.

Last in Parliament April 1997, as Liberal MP for Laval West (Québec)

Won his last election, in 1993, with 46% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Ethics March 20th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the chairman of the National Capital Commission is not an official of my department. He presides over a fully independent government agency, which operates at arm's length. Consequently, I have no authority over that official, since he is not a member of my department. I should also add that this person is free to use his leisure time as he pleases.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 20th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, our colleague just made reference to decisions announced by the CBC. I assume that his sources are the press and certain statements made by a vice-president of the CBC's French network. I would like to quote what she said with respect to the number of job cuts. She said that it was "an estimate, not a firm figure". She also said that this estimate will have to be approved by a board of directors. That is exactly what I said last week.

I said that there were, of course, dealings between the vice-president and her staff, but that no decision had been made. I said so last week and I repeat it today, supported by a quote from the source herself.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 20th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I think that the budget is clear with respect to the figures available concerning the CBC. I have already covered this ground and I have nothing to add.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 16th, 1995

My grandfather, who was born in Sainte-Flore-

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 16th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member may be discreet, but he did not listen to my last answer. I already answered that question a few minutes ago. I explained that discussions had taken place at Radio-Canada, but that there was no-

Should I quote another proverb to keep the hon. members quiet?

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 16th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member's logic is astounding. To say that I have no confirmation of any cuts is not at all the same as saying that there will be no cuts.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 16th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I gather that our colleague did not like my answer. I am just stating the facts, as provided and confirmed by Radio-Canada, but he refuses to hear the truth. I too had good masters and good professors. My grandfather, who was born in Sainte-Flore, Quebec, used to say: "When you let the ewe out of the barn, it comes and relieves itself on your doorstep".

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation March 16th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, I checked the information the hon. member is referring to. Radio-Canada, my source, confirmed that no cuts were announced. I assume this means no staff cuts or layoffs have been decided. It is only natural for Ms. Fortin to share her concerns with union reps when she meets with them, but no layoffs have been announced by Radio-Canada.

Referendum On Quebec Sovereignty March 14th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the hon. member would be well advised to refrain from making accusations in this House. She is saying that these communities are selling their support and she is condemning them for doing so. This is shameful.

Referendum On Quebec Sovereignty March 14th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, not so long ago, the hon. member accused the heritage minister of not supporting the French-speaking and Acadian communities adequately. But we are doing that. We are doing it to preserve the French language, in compliance with the Official Languages Act, and also the culture of these communities, and we will continue to do so.