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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was cultural.

Last in Parliament April 1997, as Liberal MP for Laval West (Québec)

Won his last election, in 1993, with 46% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Canadian Synchronized Swimmingfederation February 7th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the member would like me to make a commitment and start interfering in the operation of national sports organizations. I will not do so because they have the right to their autonomy. However, I have asked for further information regarding this decision.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation February 7th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, surely the hon. member knows that members of Parliament attend caucus meetings. However, she forgot to mention that the Premier of Quebec has also asked for the resignation of the heritage minister, but I will provide an explanation. The reason is that the Premier is so desperate to find a Quebec minister of culture that he is now turning to Ottawa; however, I have no intention of doing him that favour.

Crtc February 7th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, far from putting up roadblocks, we are opening an information and cultural highway for them with great success.

Crtc February 7th, 1995

Mr. Speaker, the decision taken by the CRTC is precisely designed to protect Canadian artists and the Canadian cultural industry.

CMT, which is owned by The Nashville Network, was informed by the CRTC when it scheduled in Canada that if there was another channel opened by Canadians it would have to move out. There is no surprise there. The CRTC has taken its decision with full regard to the trade obligations entered into by Canada.

Questions On The Order Paper February 6th, 1995

For the years 1992 and 1993 the CBC's total number of car leases, which includes leases starting or ending within the two-year period, was 78 and 64 respectively.

All those leases were for general use vehicles for the purpose of corporate business, except for the following which were assigned to specific individuals and were leased under the name of the CBC: (1) 1989 Buick Lesabre at $560 per month; lease expired April 23, 1992; (2) 1988 Buick Lesabre at $450 per month; lease expired June 30, 1992; and (3) 1993 Buick Lesabre at $529 per month; lease expires May 4, 1996.

Question No. 108-

Cable Television December 13th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I am sure many consumers welcome the hon. member's question.

The marketing technique known as negative optioning is one that comes under the jurisdiction of provincial consumer legislation. However, the CRTC is responsible for ensuring that cable operators provide all information available to consumers so that they know the choices which are available.

Rogers Cable December 13th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I already had the opportunity to express my views on extending the RDI service to francophone communities. Radio-Canada has a responsibility which I have recognized, and it is precisely from that angle that I look at the issue.

Rogers Cable December 13th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to serve Canadian and francophone communities. I have no intention of interfering with the decisions of the CRTC, except to the extent of the legislative powers delegated to me. The hon. member's remark is interesting. In fact, we are examining this issue.

Canada Council December 12th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, perhaps our colleague is also criticizing the Canada Council for having no school.

The council is doing what it can to get some co-operation. I hope it will get some, since it cannot develop a good business plan without comments from the public and the people it serves.

Canada Council December 12th, 1994

Mr. Speaker, it is very hard for me to oppose consultations between the Canada Council and the artists. Our colleague would perhaps prefer longer and more complex consultations. But it is normal, I think, that the Canada Council develop a business plan and this is what it is doing in co-operation with the people and groups concerned.