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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was veterans.

Last in Parliament September 2021, as Liberal MP for Hamilton East—Stoney Creek (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2019, with 39% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Business of Supply September 25th, 2018

Madam Speaker, I would advise members on the other side that all of us became concerned when we heard about this. I believe the minister has said that the government is not going to be talking about the specific case, but that it is looking into the matter. I believe this happened about three weeks ago or so.

My colleague mentioned that the Conservatives took steps in the Clifford Olson case. The Olson information was released in March, and the steps were taken in June, which is three months. We have had about three weeks.

I wonder if the member could give us time to consider what steps we need to take in this matter.

Petitions June 20th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present petition e-1455 in both official languages.

The petitioners call on the Canadian government to seriously consider the reopening of the Canadian embassy in the beautiful and historic city of Sarajevo. The petition has been signed by hundreds of Canadians across the country who believe that it is in our best interest to provide diplomatic leadership in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Fisheries Act June 12th, 2018

Madam Speaker, I want to note that it was Dickens, in Oliver Twist, in Mr. Bumble's voice, who said, “If the law says that, sir, then the law is an ass.” We read it in high school, and I just remembered it. That was a long time ago.

I am curious about the statement that the local people know better. Many years ago, John Crosbie closed down the cod fishery in Newfoundland. Most people in the room would recall the anger that ensued. Thousands of people were put out of work. As a result of the data from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Mr. Crosbie's insight into that data, he had to bring forward the bad news, and 20 years later, fishermen agreed that he was right.

I am just wondering if my friend would consider again the notion that the local people know better than the government and its research teams.

Impact Assessment Act June 7th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the comments from my friend from Fort McMurray—Cold Lake. I am a little puzzled, and I wonder if he could share with us the current numbers for employment and business activity.

In Hamilton, we are very proud to have one of the lowest unemployment rates of all Canadian cities, at 4.2%, and we have two new orders of 1,000 grain cars each from CN and CP at the railcar facility in my riding. Those grain cars will be applied to the economy of the west.

I have limited knowledge of northern B.C., and my friend will know why. The unemployment rate in the cities I have some familiarity with dropped drastically over the past year or so, to half of what it was. Could my friend be clear on just what the employment activity is like in the Fort McMurray—Cold Lake area?

Frederick Engelbrecht June 4th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, one of the last survivors of the Dieppe raid of World War II, my dear friend Frederick Engelbrecht, has died.

Fred was 22 years old when the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry hit the beach in France on August 19, 1942. By that night, 916 soldiers were dead, including 197 of his regimental comrades. Fred was captured after firing at the enemy while the last survivors were being evacuated.

Fred's granddaughters Amanda and Shari moved us all to tears, talking especially about not hating those he fought and who took him prisoner but rather emphasizing the goodness that people and life had to offer.

For 34 years after his return, Fred served with the Hamilton fire department. Chief Cunliffe spoke of his outstanding qualities as a professional firefighter.

Fred was a soldier, fireman, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, friend. May Fred rest in peace. We will remember him.

Commendation for Honesty April 24th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, the tragic event in Toronto has saddened us all, but we need to remember that there is so much goodness in our people that truly defines our nation.

Recently a taxi driver from my riding found in his car $4,000 in cash in small bills. Tajamal Rana came to Canada about 16 years ago from Pakistan and has raised his family, his wife, and three young children on the wages of a cab driver. His first thought on finding the money was that it did not belong to him and that he must return it. He eventually traced the person and returned the money.

When I learned of this, I asked him to my office where, in a brief ceremony, I handed him a certificate that says in part “You are to be commended for setting such a remarkable example of honesty and truthfulness and making our community a better place.”

A humble Pakistani Canadian, Tajamal Rana is a reminder to all of us of the decency of our people.

Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1 April 18th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate the member for Richmond Hill on a very well-researched presentation, especially in dealing with some of the numbers involved in the benefits that are being received by his constituents.

I think many of us have crunched the numbers, and I know that in my own riding several million dollars of investment, even on a monthly basis, is occurring. I wonder if the member has made the same observation I have in Hamilton East—Stoney Creek, which is that the money almost immediately goes right back into the economy.

International Trade March 27th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, as co-chair of the all-party steel caucus, I am proud to have hosted our Prime Minister in Hamilton earlier this month.

We sat and talked with steelworkers from both ArcelorMittal Dofasco and Stelco, as well as union representatives and stakeholders. We heard first-hand the concerns that they have over steel import tariffs and their unintended consequences concerning steel dumping.

Can the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs please update this House on the strong measures announced by our government today to address this important issue?

Business of Supply March 22nd, 2018

Mr. Speaker, we have not had one question about this in my particular office. I am wondering how many Canadians contacted the other offices in this regard.

There are so many very important issues facing us. I am not sure what the general Canadian interest is in the question posed by my friend from Calgary Shepard. How many people actually got in touch with his office? We had none.

Robert “Bob” Morrow February 6th, 2018

Mr. Speaker, it is my sad duty but honour as well to share with the House the passing of one of Hamilton's and indeed Canada's great mayors, Robert “Bob” Morrow.

Starting in 1982, Bob won six straight elections for a total of 18 years of service as mayor. Bob and I shared a love for Hamilton as politicians and as performers, a love of music. My last visit with Bob was in the organ loft of St. Patrick's church at the Christmas concert, where Bob played the organ and conducted the choir.

The impact he had on residents was so strong and enduring that on several occasions, 10 years after he was mayor and I was now the mayor, I was introduced many times as the mayor of Hamilton, Bob Morrow, which I took as a compliment. He was beloved by all segments of our diverse city and was a model to all of us in public life in how to relate to our community.