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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was terms.

Last in Parliament January 2024, as Liberal MP for Toronto—St. Paul's (Ontario)

Won her last election, in 2021, with 49% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Census February 23rd, 1998

Mr. Speaker, the recent release of the 1996 census report has raised serious concerns among our newest Canadians. They, finally having become Canadian citizens, are still being asked their race and ethnic origin.

I have a question for the Secretary of State for Multiculturalism. Why does the government collect this data and how is it used?

Marion Powell Award February 18th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, tomorrow evening I will be attending the tribute to the late Dr. Marion Powell and will present the Marion Powell award at the launch of the screening of the film Passing the Flame: The Legacy of Women's College Hospital at Roy Thompson Hall.

During her illustrious career Dr. Powell established the Bay Centre for Birth Control at Women's College and advocated contraceptive choice for women.

The famous five worked to get women the vote. Dr. Powell worked to get women control of their own bodies. She is considered a pioneer among her peers and was a beloved member of the Women's College Hospital family.

Tomorrow I will have the honour of presenting the Marion Powell award to Dr. Penny Ballem of the Children's and Women's Health Science Centre of British Columbia. Dr. Ballem has devoted her career to establishing innovative state of the art programs and women centred services. She represents the passion, commitment and vision that Dr. Powell would have applauded.

I applaud Women's College Hospital and Organon Canada for the creation of this award. I hope the recognition of Dr. Ballem's work encourages her and others like her to continue to spearhead innovation in women's health.

Citizenship And Heritage Week February 12th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, yesterday evening I had the opportunity to attend a special session of the Court of Canadian Citizenship in my riding. I would like to thank the minister of immigration for attending. I would also like to thank the Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma for hosting the ceremonies.

In this Citizenship and Heritage Week I would especially like to thank the presiding judge, Judge Pamela Appelt, whose warmth, empathy for our new Canadians and pride in our country were truly inspirational.

The highlight of the evening was the swearing in of Ms. Kim Fouk. Many people feel that the famous photo of Ms. Fouk fleeing her village in Vietnam exemplified to the whole world the horror of war.

It was an honour for me to meet Ms. Nancy Pocock who was there supporting Ms. Fouk. At 87, Ms. Pocock remains as an effective activist and pacifist as she was against the Vietnam war. For her work in the refugee communities in Canada she has been recognized by receipt of the Order of Canada.

It is important that once a year we recognize the importance of citizenship and heritage in this week long celebration. Events such as last evening help us all to pause to recognize how proud we are to be Canadian.

Film And Television February 6th, 1998

Mr. Speaker, thank you for your wonderful and thoughtful speech last evening to our friends from the Canadian Film and Television Production Association. Your impassioned challenge to them for continued leadership in helping to tell our Canadian stories was timely and obviously heartfelt.

I have been married to Peter O'Brian and the Canadian film industry for almost 19 years and I know firsthand their struggle. We are all grateful that people like our host from last night, Michael MacMillan from Atlantis Communications and my riding, and our minister of heritage are fighting to ensure that our Canadian values will always be reflected on our movie and television screens. They know the importance of reflecting our shared experiences as Canadians. Our culture, unity and understanding of what it is to be Canadian are strengthened and enhanced.

Yesterday the Department of Canadian Heritage released a discussion paper entitled “A Review of Canadian Feature Film Policy”. All Canadians are invited to make submissions on the discussion paper by March 20, and I encourage them to do so.

We must all continue the work of strengthening the film and television industry in Canada.

Family Violence December 9th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, as I reflect on the words of the hon. Margaret Norrie-McCain from the memorial service for the 14 young women murdered in Montreal, it is clear that we must now acknowledge Marc Lepine as a victim of violence himself.

Mrs. McCain has made an urgent plea. The American model of more jails and more police will not address the most important cause of the Montreal massacre.

The catastrophic impact of family violence on children's emotional development and self-esteem is now well documented. We must do more in support of the important work of people like Dr. Paul Steinhauer of Voices for Children and Dr. Fraser Mustard and Mrs. McCain in the establishment of such places like Beatrice House, which will provide real and holistic solutions for protecting children from family violence.

My colleague, the member for Moncton, was co-chair of the Crime Prevention Council where it was made clear that crime prevention must begin with preventing the genesis of criminals who, upon examination, almost always have come from violent homes.

Violence Against Women December 4th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, I rise in honour and remembrance of the 14 young women who were brutally murdered in Montreal on December 6, 1989.

In Toronto at Women's College Hospital we have an annual remembrance ceremony in their honour. This year the Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain, the former Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, will be the keynote speaker. Her talk will raise the issue, what have we learned from the Montreal massacre?

As we remember the sad events of eight years ago, I am reminded of the courageous stand taken by our former minister of justice in bringing about comprehensive gun control in our country. It is clear that we have indeed learned from the Montreal massacre and that we have tangible evidence that this government is committed to ensuring that this type of horror never happens again.

I know I am joined by the women's caucus and all members of the House in remembering the victims of the Montreal massacre, including those who have chosen to act to end violence against women.

The Environment November 26th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, I would urge my colleagues across the floor, and particularly their leader, to take heed from a significant group of taxpayers in western Canada, the physicians from out west.

I would like to read the physicians' statement on climate change from the Alberta Medical Association, the British Columbia Paediatric Society, the UBC department of paediatrics, the Yukon Medical Association, the faculty of medicine at UBC and the Family Physicians of Canada, the Alberta chapter.

The first two signatories to this climate change are Dr. David Bates, professor emeritus from the University of British Columbia, and Dr. Tee Guidotti, professor and director of the occupational health program, faculty of medicine, at the University of Alberta. These people are not in agreement with members opposite and I implore them, if they will not listen to the scientists, at least listen to the physicians out west.

What these people are saying is that as physicians they fear that global climate change carries with it significant health, environmental, economic and social risks and that preventive steps are justified.

They say that all human health is ultimately dependent on the health of the biosphere. Scientists believe that climate change will have major irreversible effects on the environment with secondary consequences for human health and well-being that could occur within a matter of decades.

These impacts include increased mortality and illness due to heat stress, worsened air pollution, increased incidence of vector borne infectious disease, expanding populations of pest species, and impaired food production and nutrition. Extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and wind storms could endanger lives and create environmental refugees.

As physicians they believe in the wisdom of preventive measures, and therefore they urge prompt and effective action to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. Canada has one of the highest per capita emission rates of greenhouse gases in the world. It has become urgent that Canada provide scientific, technical, economic and diplomatic leadership in the worldwide effort to significantly reduce greenhouse gases.

I also want members in the official opposition know that this erudite body, some of whose members even voted for them, in separate resolutions and the CMA and the CPHA are calling on the federal government to reaffirm at the Kyoto convention on climate change in December its position of achieving 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2005.

I urge the Speaker to implore the official opposition to actually include a few more stakeholders in its consultations. The physicians of western Canada are watching.

Hepatitis C Society Of Canada November 25th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize the important and outstanding work of the Hepatitis C Society of Canada. I had the honour of being asked to sit as a founding member of the society's board in 1994 and this past Sunday was pleased to participate in its Horizon of Hope Annual Conference in Toronto.

The Hepatitis C Society of Canada is a national organization with a network of more than 20 chapters and telephone support lines across the country. The society provides advocacy and acts as a strong support network for survivors and their families and provides valuable information sharing on such things as treatment and disability issues.

Approximately 300,000 Canadians have tested positive with hepatitis C. Many more have the virus and do not know it. Of those infected, some have not shown symptoms but in others chronic hepatitis C presents itself as serious liver disease.

I want to thank the Hepatitis C Society for the important work it does and for its commitment to increasing the quality of life for the many Canadians who live with hepatitis C.

Post-Secondary Education November 18th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Human Resources Development.

Young Canadians are increasingly aware that the most important criteria for whether they have a job when they are 30 is the level of their post-secondary education. They are also increasingly concerned that they might not be able to afford it.

I ask the minister what he is doing to ensure that all Canadians will be able to get this kind of education when they want it.

Rabbi Gunter Plaut November 4th, 1997

Mr. Speaker, tomorrow evening I will have the honour of attending the inauguration of the W. Gunter Plaut Humanitarian Award at Holy Blossom Temple.

Rabbi Plaut will be the first recipient of this award which recognizes community leadership and commitment to human rights. He has worked tirelessly to promote social justice in the community.

This occasion will also mark the launch of Rabbi Plaut's new book More Unfinished Business and his 85th birthday.

Rabbi Plaut is a world renowned theologian and the esteemed senior scholar at Holy Blossom Temple in my riding. Holy Blossom Temple is the oldest and the largest Jewish reform congregation in Canada.

Rabbi Plaut has made significant contributions to Holy Blossom and our broader community for the past 36 years.

I thank Rabbi Plaut for his dedication and work in our community, congratulate him on receiving this well deserved award and wish him a happy 85th birthday.