House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was fact.

Last in Parliament September 2021, as Liberal MP for Halifax West (Nova Scotia)

Won his last election, in 2019, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Petitions October 23rd, 1996

Madam Speaker, I also want to present two petitions which seek amendments to the Criminal Code to increase the penalties on those convicted of driving while impaired.

Petitions October 23rd, 1996

Madam Speaker, I would like to present a petition urging Parliament to table a bill to protect endangered species. This is only part of the petition, which was signed by a total of 70,000 people.

Starlab October 22nd, 1996

Mr. Speaker, in Halifax West our government is fulfilling its commitment to youth and technology by funding an innovative project.

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the launching of Starlab, a cutting edge teaching tool. For school children, this mobile planetarium generates interest in the sciences by changing the focus from lecturing to experiencing. This was made possible by funding from ACOA and InNOVAcorp.

Two priorities of the industry portfolio are: developing youth and enhancing technology. Starlab does both.

The $20,000 in federal funding for Starlab is an investment in Canada's future and evidence of our government's commitment to youth and technology.

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency June 20th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Industry.

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency has made great strides in helping to improve the Atlantic economy. In this time of major adjustment there is still an important role for ACOA, but a

Senate banking committee has suggested that ACOA be merged with other agencies.

Will the minister confirm the government's commitment to a strong and independent ACOA? Yes or no?

March Against Poverty June 17th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, on May 14, two women's marches against poverty began, one in the west and one in the east. They converged Saturday on Parliament Hill.

This march was about freedom, freedom from violence, freedom from poverty, freedom from joblessness. These are not partisan issues, nor are they strictly gender issues. Women's issues affect men and families no matter what the political persuasion.

I applaud the organizers for the very successful march and for working on issues that are important to all Canadians.

National Unity June 10th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, yesterday, several thousands of people gathered on Parliament Hill in order to demonstrate their attachment to Canada.

Our government was not involved in the organization of this demonstration. We recognize and pay tribute to any demonstration giving Canadians from throughout the country an opportunity to express their love for their country.

This morning, certain newspapers carried a photo showing a disgraceful scene from yesterday's rally. We wish to make known our disapproval.

The issue of national unity will not be solved by insults and mockery, as was fortunately understood by the very great majority of participants at yesterday's rally.

Petitions June 5th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I rise to present a petition signed by 2,016 petitioners.

The petitioners request that Parliament proceed immediately with amendments to the Criminal Code which will ensure that a sentence given to anyone convicted of driving while impaired or causing injury or death while impaired reflect both the severity of the crime and zero tolerance by Canada toward the crime.

Student Employment June 5th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, across Canada this summer, students are looking for summer jobs. In Halifax West we are responding.

The summer career placement program is off to a promising start. Over 100 sponsors have joined the federal government to create over 200 summer jobs for our youth. These are not just McJobs. They include lifeguards, veterinary assistants and community development officers, all worthwhile activities.

I am confident the summer career placement program will be a resounding success.

From Terrance Bay to Timberlea, from Boutiliers Point to Bedford, students are working this summer in Halifax West.

Student Connections May 30th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I want to talk about an important measure the government has taken, a concrete measure to create jobs.

Industry Canada together with Dalhousie University and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada has begun the student connection program. This program will send out 2,000 senior university students across the country to introduce small and medium size businesses and voluntary organizations to the Internet. They will train people in middle and upper management in these businesses to use the Internet to support their own decision making processes. They will be taught how to use Internet sites like Strategis, the largest Canadian source of information on business on the information highway.

All Canadians are concerned about jobs, especially the young. This program is aimed not only at helping business use information technology but at creating jobs for young people, a very worthwhile goal.

Since we took office as a government the economy has created 636,000 new jobs in Canada. The student connection program alone will directly create 2,000 work term jobs.

Bedford Junior High Band May 13th, 1996

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to a fine group of young students who form the school band at Bedford Junior High. They have just returned from a fantastically successful trip to Orlando, Florida where they took part in the All American Music Festival.

This band was the only junior high band at the festival. It was selected the most outstanding concert band, the most outstanding jazz band and the most outstanding ensemble for the jazz band trumpet section. They were the youngest musicians at the festival.

I hope all members will join me in congratulating Mr. Gary Adams, their teacher, and all these find young musicians for their tremendous success and hard work.