House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament March 2015, as Conservative MP for Ottawa West—Nepean (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Political Party Funding October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the Liberal Party of Canada has its own research bureau; it is called media reports.

The member opposite is clearly on a fishing expedition. This government has always acted ethically in this regard. We have ensured that there has been an open and transparent process with respect to the awarding of contracts.

If the member opposite has any allegations that he specifically would like to make, I would encourage him to do so outside.

Port of Montreal October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we made an appointment at the port of Montreal that we are very proud of. We think the individual in question is accepting his responsibilities and working incredibly hard on behalf of taxpayers from coast to coast to coast.

We are going to continue to work hard to ensure that the port and the bridges in the area are managed properly.

If the member opposite has any facts that he would like to put on the table, I would encourage him to do so. If he has any allegations he would like to make, I would also encourage him to make them outside of this place.

Government Advertising October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we are tremendously pleased to be hosting the G8 next year. We have one of the most beautiful places on earth in Muskoka, Georgian Bay. It will be highlighted to literally thousands and thousands of journalists. It will be bringing together some of the greatest leaders in the world, and we want to make one of the most beautiful places in this world even nicer. We are working hard to do that so it can benefit from tourism.

With other infrastructure projects, the Minister of Industry was working hard with his provincial colleagues on infrastructure investment in every corner of the province.

The member cannot even get along with Dalton McGuinty, and someone who cannot get along Dalton McGuinty is certainly no friend of mine.

Government Advertising October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, when we made many investments in the province of Ontario, in the great riding of Parry Sound—Muskoka, we did so in most cases with the support of the government of Ontario.

Let us look at what people are saying. Let us look at what the ward 6 councillor in the city of Mississauga said, a woman by the name of Carolyn Parrish, “The three levels of government are co-operating extremely well in our city, and I would like to personally thank the provincial minister and the local member of Parliament for Mississauga—Erindale on behalf of all residents of ward 6 for bringing us the largest single infusion of infrastructure money ever received in the city of Mississauga”.

If we look at the facts—

Government Advertising October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, that is an interesting question from the new leader of the rat pack, Mr. Speaker.

Our economic action plan is about cutting taxes for Canadians to allow them to keep more of their hard-earned dollars. It is about making important infrastructure investment in every corner of the country to create jobs. It is about the initiative taken by the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development to ensure people have a secure pension, to ensure people have an employment insurance benefit when they need it.

The Liberal Party has completely abandoned any opportunity of presenting alternatives to this place, and all those members do is throw mud. That is regrettable for the taxpaying public.

Government Advertising October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we certainly welcome the accountability to the Canadian people. They will have an opportunity at some point to make judgment on this government's performance.

What we are focused on now though is the economy. What we are focused on now is creating jobs. What we are focused on now is creating a sense of hope and opportunity around the country. That is what our economic action plan is all about.

This House of Commons gave an important responsibility to this government to report back to Canadians, to tell them what we are doing to deal with the worst global economic downturn in the history of this country. We accept that responsibility and we will continue to follow our obligations to report back to the Canadian people.

Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, let me tell the House the concern that the member opposite is failing to demonstrate. She is failing to demonstrate putting facts on the table. If she has any specific facts or any specific allegations, I would encourage her to have the courage of her convictions and to repeat them outside of this place. It is absolutely essential that, if she has anything to put out, she put it on the table.

It is this government and this Prime Minister who has eliminated the influence of big money in politics. No more business contributions, no more unions getting involved in political fundraising. We have even reduced from $5,000 down to $1,000 the maximum that any individual can contribute.

We have been the most ethical government when it comes to political--

Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated October 28th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, if the member wishes to bring forward allegations, she must submit them to the appropriate authorities and not to this House. If her facts are right, if they are real allegations, she should make them outside this House.

It is our government and this Prime Minister who have made unprecedented changes to the rules for political fundraising in Canada. It is our government that has brought in rules to limit donations from companies and unions, and it is our government that has acted the most ethically in the history of Canada.

Infrastructure October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, while those of us on this side of the House are focused on jobs, are focused on the economy, are focused on the plight of the unemployed and on what we can do to make this country a brighter and better place, we have crossed political lines.

Look what the Liberal deputy premier of Ontario said:

I think overall when we see how all the infrastructure dollars that are stimulus related have been allocated, I am pretty confident that there is going to be a very, very equitable regional distribution.

I agree with Mr. Smitherman.

The bottom line is that the member does not like us working with the Province of Ontario. If he cannot get along with Dalton McGuinty, then thank goodness there are those of us on this side of the House who--

Infrastructure October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, around the province of Ontario we have been able to accomplish a great deal, and I will tell the House how we have been able to do that.

We appealed to all municipal leaders across the country. Did they have infrastructure projects that would make our water cleaner? Did they have infrastructure projects that would expand public transit to improve the quality of life of people in this country? Did they have projects that would make bridges safer and our transportation systems better?

We had a partner in that effort, and that partner's name is Dalton McGuinty.

We are proud of our partnership with municipalities. We are proud of our relationship with the Premier of Ontario.

I only wish that the member could get along as well with Dalton McGuinty as those of us on the frontbench on this side do.