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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament March 2015, as Conservative MP for Ottawa West—Nepean (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 45% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Lobbying October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, it is kind of interesting to note that there is a fellow who used to work at this company. What is his name? His name is Warren Kinsella. There is another arch neo-con working at this firm and he used to work for the member for Toronto Centre. His name is Robin Sears.

I do not think this is any sort of secret Conservative organization.

Lobbying October 27th, 2009

The lobbyist code of conduct, Mr. Speaker, is the responsibility of the independent, arm's-length officer of Parliament, the Commissioner of Lobbying, not the government.

The commissioner, as I said, is an independent officer. The office was established by this government in the Federal Accountability Act, so that these practices can be dealt with very transparently by an independent officer.

This government prides itself on accountability and ethics. That is why we strengthened the powers and the responsibilities of this arm's-length agency that is charged with investigating this matter, and we will continue to abide by all the rules.

Jacques Cartier and Champlain Bridges Incorporated October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, this Prime Minister and this government created the Federal Accountability Act. This government put an end to all of the former government's practices.

It is the Prime Minister and this government that eliminated big money from politics. It is the Prime Minister who eliminated corporate, union and $5,000 cocktail parties. It is this government that has brought about more accountability and ethics reform than any other government in history, and we have every right to be very proud of that.

Competition Bureau October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, I have here a press release put out by the Liberal Party, which states, “Liberal Party National Director Rocco Rossi today welcomed Yves Lemire, the new Deputy National Director of the Liberal Party of Canada”. He is becoming “an integral part of the Liberal team” and he has the full support of the Liberal leader. We checked later on in this press release and Mr. Lemire was also a municipal councillor on the island of Montreal and he used to work for Benoît Labonté, the executive director of Vision Montreal. Quel scandale.

Competition Bureau October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the outrageous comments made by the member opposite do not serve her or her constituents well. They do not serve the Liberal Party well.

If she has any facts whatsoever to present, I would encourage her to do so in this place and I would encourage her to do so outside this place. If she has any evidence or anything to put up, she should put it on the table. The reality is that all we have seen from the Liberal Party this month after their pursuit of an unnecessary and opportunistic election is mud throwing.

We are going to remain focused on jobs, hope and opportunity for every Canadian in every part of this great country.

Ethics October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, in September, all the Liberal Party had to offer Canadians was an unnecessary and opportunistic election. In October, while this government focuses on jobs, the economy, the health of Canadians with H1N1 and the needs of the unemployed, all the Liberal Party can do is muckrake.

I will tell the member what we are doing in the province of Ontario. We are working hard with the provincial government of Dalton McGuinty. We are creating jobs. We are creating opportunities. We are building cleaner water systems. We are building public transit. We are getting the job done. We are going to remain focused on the needs of Canadians and ensure that we get the job done for our economy.

Ethics October 27th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, I say to the member for Ottawa South that this government has an important responsibility to communicate our actions through Canada's economic action plan.

We are going through some unprecedented economic times and Canadians want to be informed of the significant actions that their government is taking in this regard. We have put politics aside and are working constructively with all provincial and territorial governments across the country.

We are focused on jobs. We are focused on fighting H1N1. We are focused on building industry. We are focused on supporting the unemployed. All we have is the sloganeering from the Liberal member opposite and that is too bad.

Points of Order October 26th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, I have great regard for the member for Willowdale. I have great respect for her ethics and for her presence in this place.

When the Liberals do it, it is always a mistake and an error. When the Tories do it, it is always a conspiracy.

I will table an email sent out from the member's parliamentary account dated September 14 at 12:16 p.m. that was widely circulated around this place. It wanted to raise funds and said it wanted to do it, and I am not making this up, “SHAMESLESSLY”. It gives a website where money can be donated to the member opposite's leadership campaign.

Again, I have great regard for the member's ethics. I have great personal regard for the member. I know she would want to have as equal regard for our colleagues on this side of the House.

I will be pleased to table this, Mr. Speaker, if you are concerned.

Political Party Funding October 26th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, the member is very good at making outrageous allegations within the confines of this place where he enjoys protection. If he is so brave and so sure of the facts in this matter, he should place them before this House and he should have the courage to make these allegations outside the protection of this place.

Political Party Funding October 26th, 2009

Mr. Speaker, we are getting to a stage now where the official opposition has abandoned discussing any serious public policy issues.

We are tremendously concerned about what we are seeing going on with H1N1. We are tremendously concerned about creating jobs. My colleague, the Minister of Human Resources, is working hard to make employment insurance more available to those hardest hit by the recession and all we have is the political muckraking of the members opposite.

I wonder whether those same members would have the courage to make these outrageous statements outside of this place.