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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was project.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Northumberland—Peterborough South (Ontario)

Lost her last election, in 2019, with 36% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Criminal Code May 3rd, 2016

Mr. Speaker, I am here today to talk about an issue that touches the lives of every Canadian—how we die. It is not an issue we usually like to discuss, but with the Supreme Court's decision in the Carter case, it is now at the forefront of our government's political and health agenda. On February 6, 2015, the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously declared that the criminal court prohibitions on physician-assisted dying were constitutionally invalid. Changes will come into effect on June 6 of this year. All governments are preparing to respond.

Consultations with the public have made it clear that there is extensive support for the provision of medical assistance in dying. An Angus Reid research poll that was published earlier this month found that 90% of Canadians surveyed think that some form of assisted dying should be allowed. The government takes the Supreme Court of Canada decision seriously.

It is a deeply felt and sensitive issue for all Canadians, and we understand it is essential that implementation of this new legislation be undertaken with careful consideration. That is why the government has developed a framework based on empathy, appropriate protections for vulnerable Canadians, and the need for choice. Careful consideration has been given to the eligibility criteria, substantive and procedural safeguards, and recommendations for monitoring and reporting.

I also want to make it clear, however, that medical assistance in dying is not to be the only choice for a peaceful, dignified death. No matter where people stand on the issues surrounding medical assistance in dying, they all agree that we must improve palliative care. Palliative care is a multidisciplinary approach to health care for individuals and families who are living with a life-threatening disease as well as other conditions. It focuses on improving quality of life through the prevention and relief of physical and psychological suffering, with treatment plans tailored to the needs of the patient and the family.

Reports about the status of palliative care in Canada suggest that the delivery of and access to palliative care and hospice care varies greatly across Canada. This is due to differences in regional demographics, societal needs, organization of health care services, and levels of funding.

When asked, most Canadians indicate that they would prefer to die at home in the presence of loved ones. There is clearly a need to bridge this disconnect and for all levels of government to support the needs and desires of Canadians at the end of their lives to receive the most appropriate, timely, and compassionate care. The gaps in palliative care have been raised repeatedly over the years by a number of organizations. It is very clear that Canadians are looking to their governments for leadership to close these gaps.

In the past, palliative care in Canada has been delivered primarily in hospitals by specialists, and largely to cancer patients in the last stages of their illness. While many people still associate palliative care with hospitals and cancer patients exclusively, it can be delivered to a variety of patients and in different settings, including long-term care facilities or even one's own home.

It is estimated that the health system is currently unable to provide palliative care to 70% of those who could benefit from it. This is why our government is taking immediate steps to address this gap and work with the provinces and territories so that more Canadians have access to the care options that are right for them when they need them.

The government is currently funding the Pallium Foundation of Canada to support training in palliative care to front-line health care workers, and this initiative is complementing a previous initiative called the way forward. This is aimed at integrating a palliative-care approach throughout the health care system and across a range of providers and settings.

The federal government has also supported a number of initiatives to improve public awareness: health care professional education and training, national best practices, and standards and research. Federal investments in research also expand the depth and breadth of understanding of end-of-life-care issues and how best to address them.

Recently, the federal government provided $14 million over two years for the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement to support applied health services research, as well as the foundation's work to identify savings and efficiencies in the health care system, including a palliative care component. In budget 2016, the government also committed to making compassionate care benefits easier to access, more flexible, and inclusive for those who provide care for seriously ill family members, and more flexible parental leave benefits to better accommodate unique family and work situations.

As with other health care services, delivery of palliative care is mainly the responsibility of the provinces and territories. While each province and territory has some level of palliative care services, with some moving ahead with frameworks or strategies, there are wide variances both within and between jurisdictions. Many are focusing on integrating palliative care with other types of care across settings and services. However, Canadians' ability to access palliative care remains mixed, depending on where one lives.

The Government of Canada has committed to developing non-legislative measures that would support the improvement of a full range of options on end-of-life care. In the discussions with provincial and territorial governments toward developing a new health accord, our government has committed to provide $3 billion over the next four years to improve home care, including palliative care.

I firmly believe my own experiences with end-of-life care are not unique from those of thousands upon thousands of Canadians. Losing my grandfather John, my mother, Gaye, and my Aunt Babs is something that has never left me. These people were titans in my life. My mom and Aunt Babs taught me everything I know about being passionate and determined, about giving of oneself to others, and about what it means to be a woman. They both had such a profound effect on every day of my life. I am here totally because of their legacy of excellence.

Both of these women, who were so strong and committed to family and community, were so harmed as human beings by diseases that ravaged them. I learned what it meant to sleep on the floor day after day because they were afraid to be alone. I learned how to administer morphine and Ativan and that, if they even whimpered, I was to give more, as that meant they were still being torn apart inside.

I learned how to raise or lower a home hospital bed. I learned how important palliative care is, to have access to it, but these are things I wish I had never had to learn. From all of them, I learned in those last days that there was no peace; there was only pain. There was no dignity, only terrible uncertainty. There was not nobility in their suffering. I learned pity.

I am proud to stand in the House today and express my support for this critical piece of legislation. Not only does it respond to the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in terms of amending the Criminal Code, but it also provides an excellent framework to facilitate the necessary changes to our health care system, which responds to this decision.

Our government has listened to Canadians. Our government has listened to the experts. We have developed an approach that we believe reflects this input. It is now time to move forward with this legislation so that individuals, families, and health professionals have more options for end-of-life care, including medical assistance in dying.

Forestry Industry May 2nd, 2016

Mr. Speaker, Canada's forest industry is important to our economy and to communities across the country. Budget 2016 provides $1 billion over four years, starting in 2017-18, to support clean technology in the forestry, fisheries, mining, energy, and agriculture sectors, as part of the Government of Canada's commitment to innovation.

Natural Resources April 15th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, I find it interesting. The other day the member opposite from Grande Prairie—Mackenzie stated that we should approve a project that has not even applied yet.

I want to say that our government appreciates and sympathizes with the hardships that families and communities are experiencing in this resource downturn.

We are looking forward to working with our partners, including the Province of B.C., to help get our resources to market in a sustainable way.

Natural Resources April 15th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, in January, the Government of Canada, as members know, outlined our interim approach of five principles that will guide decision-making on all major resource projects under review.

Budget 2016 provides $16.5 million over three years to the National Energy Board, Natural Resources Canada, and Transport Canada to implement the interim approach.

We look forward to working with our partners in order to implement this process.

Natural Resources March 11th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), I have the honour today to table, in both official languages, copies of the 2014-2015 Annual Report to Parliament on the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador fiscal equalization offset.

I am also pleased to have the honour to table, in both official languages, the 2014-2015 Annual Report to Parliament on the Canada-Nova Scotia fiscal equalization offset and on the Canada-Nova Scotia Development Fund.

The Environment March 11th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, the health and safety of Canadians and protection of the environment remain the Government of Canada's top priorities. The government is committed to regaining public trust by ensuring proposed projects such as new pipelines undergo credible, robust, environmental, and regulatory reviews. The Pipeline Safety Act would ensure that Canada maintains a high standard for its pipelines.

Employment March 11th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, as we have said many times in this House, we feel for the families and the communities in our energy-producing provinces who are going through this downturn in commodity prices. We are working to grow the economy.

The National Energy Board, with its five new principles, is reviewing major projects. As we modernize the NEB, we will have an opportunity to see projects go through a robust process that Canadians can have confidence in.

The Environment March 10th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, I can assure the member that science will be considered, and I can also assure the member that the five principles will be applied to any project in process.

Our government understands the importance of sustainably developing Canada's natural resources and moving them safely to market, but we also understand that it cannot happen without Canadians having confidence in the way projects are reviewed.

The best way to rebuild that confidence is by meaningfully consulting with indigenous communities, restoring the importance of science, respecting indigenous traditional knowledge, listening to Canadians, and assessing direct and upstream greenhouse gas emissions linked to the project under review, all things that our government is doing.

Canadians want us to work together—as governments, as communities, as individuals—because that is how Canadians have always worked best.

The Environment March 10th, 2016

Mr. Speaker, this government is committed to doing things differently, to recognizing both the importance of economic growth and the imperative of environmental responsibility.

Canadians understand the importance of natural resources to our economy. They know that this industry creates jobs and spurs investment, but they lack faith in the way we assess those projects. They have come to believe that the scales have been tipped too far in one direction.

Our government shared those concerns. That is why we committed to modernizing the National Energy Board to ensure that its composition reflects regional views and has sufficient expertise in fields such as environmental science, community development, and indigenous traditional knowledge. We are in the process of determining how these changes can best be made.

To further restore the confidence of Canadians, we have introduced an interim process for reviewing major resource projects. That approach is based on five clear principles. First, no project proponent will have to return to the starting line. Second, decisions will be based on science and evidence, including traditional indigenous knowledge. Third, the views of the public and affected communities will be sought and considered. Fourth, indigenous peoples will be consulted and, where appropriate, their rights and interests accommodated. Fifth, direct and upstream greenhouse gas emissions will be assessed.

To achieve all of this, our government intends to seek an additional four months to render a final decision on the proposed Trans Mountain expansion project, and with respect to the energy east project, we intend to seek six more months to allow the NEB to complete its work and three more months for our government to make its final decision.

We believe these are reasonable timelines and consistent with the prudent approach we have promised Canadians. With all of these efforts, our goal is straightforward: restoring public confidence in how major energy projects are reviewed.

That confidence is critical, because little can be achieved without it. As the Prime Minister has said, governments grant permits, but only communities can grant permission. If we are going to build the infrastructure to move our resources to market, Canadians need to have confidence in the environmental review process and know that it is fair and open and guided by science.

The process we have set out will take us down a different path—the right path, the path of properly weighing environmental concerns, meaningfully engaging indigenous communities, and listening to the input of Canadians. Our government will engage Canadians in a process whereby trust is rebuilt and certainty is restored and progress is made.

Citizenship Act March 10th, 2016

Madam Speaker, could the member opposite expand on why he believes it is so important for us as Canadians to say to the world that citizenship is important to us, that we respect the rights that go with that citizenship, and how much it means to those people we invite into our country to become Canadian citizens? Immigrants enhance our country. They have the capability to work and create opportunities in our country.