Speak intelligently. Has it ever happened to you?
Lost his last election, in 2011, with 20% of the vote.
Speak intelligently. Has it ever happened to you?
Automotive Industry June 11th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, we have met with General Motors and we have also met with a number of their dealers.
It is clear that GM's intransigence makes no sense. A number of very successful and very profitable dealerships might have to close.
As a shareholder of General Motors, it is time for this government to follow in the U.S. government's footsteps and support the dealerships who are fighting with GM to stay open.
When will the shareholders across the way stop being complicit in these closures and layoffs?
Daniel Richer, known as La Flèche June 11th, 2010
For fear of usurping your privileges, Mr. Speaker, I will not cry out “Oyez, oyez, oyez!”
Today, I ask my colleagues to acknowledge the great Canadian crier and storyteller Daniel Richer, known as La Flèche.
Armed with a background in theatre and singing, Daniel Richer has been crying his art all over America and at numerous international events. His instrument, a 110 decibel voice, has allowed him to practice his art for over 29 years.
The history of town criers goes back to the antiquity, and criers were very popular during the Middle Ages. Nowadays, criers are primarily called upon for protocolar or tourist events.
Daniel has won several international town crier titles, including that of best dressed international town crier, and that of best ambassador.
Daniel will be taking part in the World Town Crier Tournament, in Chester, England, from June 13 to 20. He will be one of eight Canadians participating in this tournament, and our only French-speaking representative.
We wish Daniel the best of luck.
Student Gala of Excellence June 10th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, on May 18, the Outaouais celebrated the success and talent of its young people during the eighth annual student gala of excellence.
This annual event is organized by Les amis de l'Étudiant Outaouais. This year's host was Patrice Bélanger. The gala is an opportunity to present local and regional awards to our young people who have distinguished themselves in the field of journalism.
This year, there were three award recipients. Elena Chudzia-Conde, from Collège Saint-Joseph, won gold for her text, Le chaos nauséeux du français. Vanessa Marroquin, from the Nicolas-Gatineau school, won silver for La grande demande, and bronze went to Florence Bolduc, from Collège Saint-Alexandre for her text, Perle de vie.
I want to congratulate these three award winners and all the finalists. I also want to congratulate all the organizers for their outstanding dedication and the entire team at Transcontinental's La Revue for a job well done.
National Defence June 8th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, we must ensure that the $9 billion is well spent, especially since it is borrowed money. The Procurement Ombudsman denounces the awarding of a sole source contract. It is even more worrisome when we have a government that is completely incapable of managing a budget.
Will the government undertake to use an open bidding process or will it spend the $9 billion without any transparency, without any competition?
National Defence June 8th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, we must ensure—
National Defence June 8th, 2010
That is $9 billion, Mr. Speaker, all of it borrowed. Given the government's track record with counting, it will probably be even more.
Why will the minister not allow an open bidding process so that Canadians get the best value for this borrowed money?
National Defence June 8th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, everyone here acknowledges the need to keep the Canadian Forces equipped with the best resources we can afford. However, the Conservatives have decided to sole source one of the biggest single contracts we have ever seen: $9 billion for new fighter jets.
Ethics May 31st, 2010
Mr. Speaker, it was the Conservatives who prevented Justice Oliphant from investigating the real issue.
Brian Mulroney stated under oath that he did not have a business relationship with Karlheinz Schreiber. This got him a $2.1 million payment from the government. We must immediately initiate legal proceedings to recover the $2.1 million and there should be a public inquiry into the Airbus affair.
Will they take these two steps or will they continue to protect their own?
Firearms Registry May 28th, 2010
Mr. Speaker, yesterday Quebec's public safety minister came to Ottawa to ask the Conservatives and the New Democrats to save the registry.
In seven years, the registry has saved 2,100 lives. Do the NDP and the Conservatives think $4 million is too steep a price to save 300 lives every year? We are talking about $400 million compared to $1 billion they are going to spend on three days of security at the G8 and the G20.
This billion dollar Conservative waste of money would fund the registry until 2260.
A billion dollars is being spent because of the Prime Minister's incompetence, but they cannot save 300 Canadian lives a year for the next 250 years. That would be 75,000 lives saved in all.
Yes, the $1 billion spent on three days' security at the summits would pay for the registry for the next 250 years. That $1 billion would save 75,000 Canadian lives.
Quebec's public safety minister said it: the Conservatives' message on law and order is completely inconsistent with their policies.