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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word is food.

Conservative MP for Carleton (Ontario)

Won his last election, in 2021, with 50% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Mental Health and Addictions December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the results are in: The Prime Minister's radical liberalization of hard drugs has led to a 200% increase in overdose deaths; 47,000 people have died, and the worst deaths have been in NDP-controlled B.C., where the liberalization has been the most extreme. Worse, he is allowing 80% of the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl come in unregulated and legally over our border, to be used by criminals who get out because he softened the sentences. Now our trade relationship is threatened over it.

Will the Prime Minister reverse the disastrous experiment to save the jobs and the lives of Canadians?

Mental Health and Addictions December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the results are in on the Prime Minister's radical liberalization of hard drugs. He teamed up with the BC NDP to decriminalize fentanyl, crack and heroin, he lowered jail sentences for mass producers of deadly fentanyl, and 80% of the fentanyl made in Canada is done so using ingredients that are not even regulated and come right into our country where they are cooked into poison, which is now threatening our trade relationship with the U.S.

Will the Prime Minister reverse his radical liberal drug agenda to save lives and jobs?

Finance December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, inflation is on the rise as a result of this Prime Minister's inflationary spending. In fact, the four measures of inflation are higher than the Bank of Canada target, and this election-minded, inflationary spending is making it harder for the Bank of Canada to reduce interest rates for Canadians who are struggling to put food on the table and a roof over their heads.

I will repeat my question. The Prime Minister promised to cap the inflationary deficit at $40 billion. Will he do that?

Finance December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister says he is going to leave the economy to bankers. He says that he does not think much about monetary policy, that budgets balance themselves and that he is not very good with numbers, but he did get one thing right: He said that deficits cause inflation, as did his finance minister right before she introduced his budget, saying that there would be no deficit above $40 billion.

This is a straight-up question: Will the Prime Minister keep his word and cap the inflationary deficit below $40 billion?

Taxation December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister claims he is taking taxes off fresh-made produce. He really does think that food comes from the grocery store, not from the farmers who actually grow the produce. That is why he, I guess, thinks he can carbon tax those farmers without taxing the food. Then there is his friend, the Maserati Marxist. He wants to tax their gas. They are both out of touch. Canadians are out of money.

How about a carbon tax election?

Taxation December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, this is from a Prime Minister who is helping Donald Trump take away our jobs. We can just imagine the President-elect in the Oval Office calling our businesses to say, “Hey, I saw that you have a quadrupling carbon tax north of the border. Why not come south of the border where there's no carbon tax and other taxes are falling?” How about the latest electricity tax the Prime Minister is bringing in that will drive factories south of the border, or his energy cap that will drive away our resource companies?

I understand why President Trump wants to take Canadian jobs, but why is the Prime Minister trying to help him do it?

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, I guess “diversity of opinions” means the opinion that he should not be Prime Minister. That is the predominant opinion among Liberals across the country.

On the front page of The New York Times, we would think the foreign minister would be fighting Trump's tariffs. Instead, she is fighting for her boss's job, where she is described in the headline as a “possible successor” after she sat down for a photo shoot and made the case. This is on top of a Liberal leader in Ontario who is against the Prime Minister's quadrupling carbon tax and a Liberal Premier in Newfoundland who opposes his job-killing energy cap.

Why will the Prime Minister not get the point? His party does not want him anymore.

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, this weak Prime Minister has lost control of everything. He has lost control of the borders, lost control of immigration and lost control of spending. Now he has lost control of his cabinet and party. In fact, his foreign minister is now announcing her leadership campaign in The New York Times. The Liberal leader of the Province of Ontario has announced she is against his quadrupling carbon tax. The Liberal Premier of Newfoundland is against his job-killing energy cap, and 20 of his MPs want to fire him.

How is it that he clings to power when he has lost control?

The Economy December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, he cannot stand up because he has lost control. I already said that he has lost control of our borders and immigration. He lost control of his inflationary deficits, which are increasing the cost of living. That is how he doubled the national debt, the cost of housing and the number of people who need to use food banks.

He promised to cap the deficit at $40 billion in his budget. In his economic statement next week, will he keep that promise?

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada December 4th, 2024

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister is weak and has lost control. He has lost control of the borders, immigration and spending, and now he has lost control of his party. The Ontario Liberal leader is against his tax hikes. The Liberal Premier of Newfoundland is against his policies that attack natural resources. There are 20 Liberal MPs who want to fire him.

How can the Prime Minister continue to cling to power when he has lost control?