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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was respect.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Regina—Wascana (Saskatchewan)

Lost his last election, in 2019, with 34% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Budget Implementation Act, 2007 June 8th, 2007

They're all losers.

Budget Implementation Act, 2007 June 8th, 2007

No, you're not. You're getting everything done for George Bush.

Budget Implementation Act, 2007 June 8th, 2007

It is a George Bush slogan.

Special Tribunal for Lebanon June 8th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I rise on a point of order. This item with respect to wage earner protection has been before the House now for many weeks and months, and various efforts have been made to try to find a way to break the impasse and make progress on legislation that all parties in the House say they support but recognize at the same time that there are some technical challenges.

I wonder if I could ask the government House leader, if the opposition parties can arrive at a consensus on the appropriate method to fix this problem, will he agree to take it up with the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Industry in order to see if we can finally break this impasse and get this legislation properly in force?

Africa June 8th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, Canada made a clear commitment to Africa in the budget in 2005. It was $2.8 billion. It was in the budget. That budget was passed by this House and it was not changed.

Why is the Canadian position at the current G-8 summit to downplay Africa, to reduce Canada's financial commitment and to shift Canada's primary foreign aid focus away from Africa? That is the public policy question. Why does the government believe that shortchanging Africa is good public policy?

Africa June 8th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, in Canada's 2005 federal budget, at page 213, this country made an explicit commitment to increase our foreign aid to Africa to reach $2.8 billion. The Conservative government now says that Canada will invest less than that promised amount and, further, that Africa is somehow no longer in Canada's “neighbourhood”, no longer a focus for Canadian assistance.

The poorest people on the face of the earth in Africa should not be shortchanged by Canada. Specifically, why has the government decided that Africa is no longer a Canadian priority?

Business of Supply June 7th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, the angst in the government ranks is palpable. I can understand why my friend from Regina—Lumsden—Lake Centre is so deeply concerned about this issue because it is taking a political toll on the Conservative Party in Saskatchewan as it is in Atlantic Canada.

With respect to the member's questions, he talked about the cuts that were made in various government programs in the course of the 1990s. I think he would recall that fiscal restraint in the middle of the 1990s was rather necessary because the previous Conservative government had left Canada with a $600 billion debt and a ballooning deficit that was rising at the rate of $40 billion per year.

The country was a basket case in terms of its fiscal situation because of the pathetic performance of the previous Conservative government. It created that problem and Canadians wanted that problem solved.

We had to get the balance sheet under control and we did that. I would point out that the Conservatives at the time and Reformers at the time said we were not cutting enough. They said we should cut more back in the mid-1990s, so they can hardly argue about the cuts that were made when they wanted more cuts.

I would point out that the fact remains that after the period of restraint, we did raise transfer payments to the provinces to an all time record high and we had booked $100 billion more in those transfer payments to come.

Second, the hon. gentleman said Liberals did not help the situation in Saskatchewan. I would point out that in fact we made changes in the formula that put $799 million in extra equalization benefits into Saskatchewan between 2004 and 2005.

Finally, on the issue of the promises that have been made, I would point out that it is his leader and his Prime Minister who made the promise of removing non-renewable natural resources. His leader and his Prime Minister said there would be no cap. That is the promise that has been broken. Our leader has said that when he gives his word on an issue, we can honour that word. He will keep his word. He will not betray the provinces and the premiers like the Prime Minister has done.

Business of Supply June 7th, 2007

I hear the bravado from across the way. It is nice to have a little chutzpah, but the fact of the matter is their behaviour on this issue has changed the issue.

It is no longer some narrow technical argument about which complicated equalization formula is better. It is not a clash of various types of arithmetic and mathematics. That is past. The issue is now a character issue. It is a trust issue. It is an honesty issue.

It is an issue that goes directly to the government's integrity, or, as most Saskatchewan people now see it, the government's obvious lack of integrity. Saskatchewan has been used and abused on this issue. Saskatchewan has been taken for granted and so have the people of Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia.

A very telling exchange with respect to the Atlantic accords just took place a few moments ago in the course of the question and answer period before I began my remarks.

One of the members on our side asked the government member who was speaking that if everything was so perfect, if the member for Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley had no valid reason for crossing the floor, if the government was doing everything right on equalization and the Atlantic accords, why then is there this flurry of activity for the government now trying to change the rules yet again? If the Conservatives have it so right, why are they still trying to change it? Why did they offer, with one minute to go on Tuesday night, some deathbed deal to try to keep the member for Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley from doing what he intended to do and cross the floor?

I think all members of this House have an enormous respect for the member for Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley and for the courage that he demonstrated on Tuesday night. It is clear that his constituents have a very huge regard for him. It is clear that the public and the media in Atlantic Canada are praising his actions.

What is equally clear is that there are observers and media commentators across this country who are praising the member, including in my province of Saskatchewan, where they are asking why there was not a Saskatchewan Conservative who was willing to demonstrate that kind of backbone.

The people of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan have been betrayed, and so have a great many other Canadians in many ways by this budget.

There is one common theme that underlies all of this concern. It is a sense among a great many Canadians that they have not been told the truth, a sense that they have been betrayed at the hands of a dishonest government. The depth of that feeling, which exists in this country today and which is growing, is something that the Conservatives will not be able to cap.

Business of Supply June 7th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, this is a very important debate. I think it helps to explain why the Conservatives gave up on their plans earlier this year to engineer a premature spring election in Canada. They very much wanted to call one. They doled out more than $12 billion for pre-election government spending to buy votes through January, February and into March. They added another $4 million for some very abusive attack advertising. Their budget was delayed to suit their election timing. They thought they would use it to launch a campaign about the middle of March. However, then everything began to fall apart.

The budget, instead of launching, landed with a dull thud. It confirmed increases in personal income taxes, and that was not popular with Canadians. It slashed things like student summer jobs, which has been debated extensively in the House about the disappointment across the country among both the employers and the employees. The budget mangled the funding for aboriginal people, for foreign aid, in Africa especially, for the fight against climate change and, quite surprisingly, it reduced federal help for farmers.

The budget demonstrated utter Conservative incompetence on issues like the hollowing out of Canadian enterprise, and it broke promises left, right and centre. For example, the Conservatives drove a stake through the heart of the Prime Minister's promise on income trusts.

Let me quote one particular journalist who has written a lot on this topic. John Ibbitson, writing in the Globe and Mail, stated:

The Conservatives deserve every bit of grief they are subjected to on this file. [The Prime Minister] promised over and over again that his government would never attack the “hard-earned” savings of seniors by taxing trusts....Then he broke his word.

On the issue of broken promises and broken trusts, the same is true on equalization and the Atlantic accords, especially betraying Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador. These provinces were given explicit and written promises by the leader of the Conservative Party, now the Prime Minister, and incidentally by every Conservative candidate.

In Atlantic Canada, the Conservative promise was to respect the spirit and the letter of the Atlantic accords as they were signed in February 2005.

In Saskatchewan, the promise was to calculate the province's entitlement to equalization, as if Saskatchewan had no provincial revenue whatsoever from oil and gas. The Conservatives were good enough to calculate exactly what that promise to Saskatchewan would mean. They promised an extra $800 million in equalization benefits to Saskatchewan every year.

I point out that when the finance committee made the opportunity available for the Premier of Saskatchewan to be heard on this matter, he read into the record chapter and verse of the Conservative speeches, the Conservative pamphlets, the Conservative promises that made the point absolutely crystal clear. There were no ifs, ands or buts. It was absolutely unmistakable, absolutely unequivocal. It was in writing and in every Conservative speech about Saskatchewan for more than two full years. Then out of the blue, on budget day 2007, it all came to a crashing halt. Saskatchewan was sucker punched.

I should point out that these promises, which had been accumulating on the part of the Conservatives, have been accumulating, as I said a moment ago, over a period of two years. When the election came and went and the Conservatives were elected in January 2006, Saskatchewan people anticipated that this would be, that is the promise to Saskatchewan, one of the very first things with which the newly elected government would be dealing.

It did not appear in the throne speech. It did not appear in its first budget. The government said that it would have to wait for first ministers meetings and for other negotiations. Therefore, Saskatchewan put its expectations on hold. It thought for sure it would come in the fall of 2006, but the first ministers meetings were cancelled.

Therefore, there was no action in the fall of 2006, so Saskatchewan put its expectations on hold again and deferred its waiting period until the budget of 2007. When March 19th came and went, it all came to a crashing halt. Saskatchewan was sucker punched. There was no $800 million more to go to Saskatchewan from equalization every year, not even close. Why?

The problem is very much the same as the problem that afflicted the promise to Atlantic Canada with the Atlantic accords. A never before mentioned Conservative cap on how much Saskatchewan could gain was suddenly imposed in the budget of 2007. That cap effectively guts the entire promise to Saskatchewan.

My province will get about $226 million once this year and this year only, then it is over. There will be nothing thereafter. We must remember that the promise was $800 million per year ongoing. The promise was clearly broken and it was broken by the cap.

The process of reforming equalization began much more successfully for Saskatchewan under the previous Liberal government. Between 2004 and 2005, Liberal changes to how equalization works brought in to Saskatchewan an extra $799 million in direct equalization benefits over those two years. That was the biggest equalization bonus in history.

We also increased other federal transfers to the provinces to an all time record high level, and Saskatchewan, like all provinces, benefited from that. We invested and put into the financial projections of the Government of Canada another $100 billion in steadily increasing federal transfers over the coming decade, particularly for health care and equalization, but also for a number of other things like child care, for example.

When the Conservatives arrived in office, they reduced or cancelled a broad range of federal transfers, programs and services for Saskatchewan and its citizens. We lost funding for child care, for student aid, for workplace training, for rural roads, for farmers and for aboriginal people. The net loss, after we add in the few trinkets and bells and whistles invented by the Conservative government, after we add in all the puts and takes, is $250 million per year.

The Conservatives have made what they call the fiscal imbalance worse for Saskatchewan, not better. The net result is to take money away. However, that, of course, was all to be fixed by this new hypothetical equalization formula that they were working on and that would be forthcoming in the budget of 2007, except whatever new formula is used, the Conservative cap still applies and that cap effectively cuts Saskatchewan off at the knees.

The Premier of Saskatchewan and the provincial leader of the opposition, who is a Conservative I would point out, and the news media and the people of Saskatchewan generally all feel that they have been betrayed and misled. The Conservative government's feeble defence is now to say that it never promised not to slap a cap on Saskatchewan.

In fact, the finance minister, his parliamentary secretary and Conservative Saskatchewan MPs now claim that it was really always their intention to have such a cap. Anyone with half a brain they said would have been able to figure that out, but they forgot to mention it in the run up to an election. That means that they knew exactly what they were going to do. They knew exactly that they were going to break their word. They knew exactly that they were going to have a cap. That was always a part of their planning, so their deception was calculated and premeditated.

The member for Regina—Lumsden—Lake Centre told the CanWest news service in Saskatchewan on April 3 this: “If you want to say we didn't fulfill the commitment or keep our promise, fair enough.” It is not “fair enough”.

As the Saskatchewan Conservative caucus chair, the member for Prince Albert wrote a letter to the Prime Minister on July 25, 2006, when I think he was beginning to suspect that a broken promise about equalization in Saskatchewan was just about to be shoved down his throat. In a very candid moment, he wrote:

—anything less than substantial compliance with our commitment will cause us no end of political difficulty during the next election...there is very little “wiggle room” for the Conservative government and its Saskatchewan MPs on this issue--

Of course, when we apply a cap that totally negates the promise, there is something that is very substantially less than compliance with the commitment.

The Prince Albert MP was right in forecasting a lot of political difficulty. But rather than stand and fight, he simply decided not to run for re-election.

There is a stark contrast between Saskatchewan's Conservative MPs and the Nova Scotia member for Cumberland—Colchester—Musquodoboit Valley. The latter member had such devotion to his duty as he saw it, and to his constituency and constituents who have been loyal to him, that he suffered expulsion from his party rather than vote for a budget that was filled in his view, and in the view of thousands, indeed millions of Canadians, with incompetence and dishonesty on an issue like equalization.

In an editorial yesterday, the Saskatoon StarPhoenix described Saskatchewan's 12 Conservative members as:

—a group of political sycophants willing to bend the truth with constituents and try to convince them that black is white, instead of standing up for what they know to be true.

As a diversionary tactic, the Conservatives have concocted a rather wild yarn lately that their budget is in fact investing $878 million in what they call new money in Saskatchewan. When we look at the figures, that assertion is absolute nonsense. Every expert and every analyst in Saskatchewan that has looked at that figure takes it apart with great derision.

This is not annual, new funding. It is a wild conglomeration of bits and pieces of this and that, spread over several years into the future, but all added together now to make it sound big. It is not big.

Some of it is recycled from money that Conservatives previously took away over the last year and a half. Some of it is totally speculative, for unapproved projects which may never happen. Some of it is in fact private projected benefits from tax cuts, which have absolutely nothing to do with equalization.

Most of what is in this Conservative package is simply normal federal funding that is always available to all provinces on an equitable basis across the country. There is nothing unique for Saskatchewan in this package in lieu of equalization or to make up for the broken promise.

Murray Mandryk, the political columnist who writes for the Regina Leader-Post, summed up the situation as follows:

What we've got from Saskatchewan [Conservative MPs] on their equalization commitment is unadulterated dishonesty--a calculated, political effort to deceive the Saskatchewan people into believing their rehashed annual spending or one-time commitments in the federal budget are equivalent to the equalization commitment by their party.

The facts are these. The Conservatives have in fact failed to tell the truth about equalization from the very beginning, from 2004 when they first began to talk about the subject. Members remember very well that we had a number of debates in this House, not just question period and the back and forth during that sometimes rather hostile period in the House of Commons, but full opposition day debates and other debates about the future of equalization. The position of the Conservative Party was always clear: take non-renewable natural resources 100% out of the formula. It never once mentioned a cap.

The Conservatives have, it seems to me, taken a page out of the Karl Rove playbook for the republican party in the United States. If we tell a big enough falsehood loudly enough and long enough, without showing an ounce of conscience, we just might get away with it, but no one believes the Conservatives anymore, and that is why this equalization issue is changed.

Business of the House June 7th, 2007

Mr. Speaker, I wonder if the government House leader would inform us of what would be on his agenda for government business through to the end of next week. I wonder if he could also in his answer indicate what he considers to be the government's major priorities to be completed before the normal summer recess on June 22. Finally, l wonder if the minister could indicate the government's intention to act or not under Standing Order 27(1) next week.