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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was respect.

Last in Parliament October 2019, as Liberal MP for Regina—Wascana (Saskatchewan)

Lost his last election, in 2019, with 34% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, you have in fact made the point that the opposition is best served when they only hear half the answer.

There is nothing here that is inappropriate or untoward in relation to this matter. As well, of course the holdings of the former minister of finance were disclosed through all of the holding companies that were in fact always listed in the record.

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, it is absolutely untrue. In fact, I am aware of absolutely nothing inappropriate or untoward. It is--

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, I am not aware of the allegation the hon. gentleman is making. If he would provide me with the specifics, I would be happy to see what further information I could get for him.

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, a procurement process is underway in pursuit of the replacement helicopter. It is our objective to get a vehicle that satisfies the military requirements, that can be achieved at a good value from the taxpayers' point of view, and that, in fact, can be on hand as rapidly as possible.

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, the hon. gentleman is a master at twisting but not very good at the facts.

The facts of the matter are that a decision has been made with respect to the procurement of certain aircraft. Based on all of the information that has been presented to me, the appropriate steps were followed.

For the record, there was a warning extended that there could be legal proceedings. In fact, there were none.

Government Contracts October 21st, 2003

Mr. Speaker, obviously, this is a significant contract compared to, for example, the contract for purchasing military helicopters.

This is a relatively minor contract in respect of the jets. The two are not in the same order of magnitude when we compare the value. The best information I have is that the rules were appropriately followed.

Question No. 249 October 20th, 2003

Under section 3(1) of the Disposal Regulations of the Seized Property Management Act, properties are defined as any properties seized or restrained by court warrant or forfeited to Her Majesty under various proceeds of crime or controlled drugs and substances offences. This would include all (I) moveable assets, (vehicles, vessels, hydroponic equipment, artworks, furniture etc.), (ii) financial instruments and (iii) real property.

(ii) Financial Instruments include stocks, bonds, forfeited cash, RRSP's, mutual funds etc. and are not sold by public auction or by public tender. They are sold through brokerages and banks or in the case of cash, deposited directly into Receiver General accounts.

Member for LaSalle--Émard October 10th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Wilson will report on that in due course. However Mr. Wilson has already said that because this company was a subsidiary of a firm that was listed on the declaration, the blind trust provisions would apply in any event and, therefore, the matter was already covered.

Member for LaSalle--Émard October 10th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, it is interesting that when this issue is raised in the House, the opposition does not bother to raise it with the appropriate authority, and that is the ethics counsellor. However the member for LaSalle—Émard did raise it with the ethics counsellor. To ensure that the matter was properly dealt with, Mr. Wilson is examining the issue and he will report in due course. That is the proper way to deal with it, if members are interested in answers. If members are just interested in flap, then follow the opposition.

Government Contracts October 10th, 2003

Mr. Speaker, there are in fact stringent provisions in the contract to ensure that the security of Canadians is properly respected and that the whole process with respect to the census is conducted with complete integrity.