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Crucial Fact

  • Her favourite word was quebec.

Last in Parliament March 2011, as Liberal MP for Laval—Les Îles (Québec)

Won her last election, in 2008, with 40% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Victims Of The Holocaust May 2nd, 2000

Mr. Speaker, with great pride and great sorrow I rise today in this House to recall the day set aside annually to remember the six million people who were victims of the Holocaust in the second world war.

This day keeps alive the memory of these millions of people who died and whose descendants live here in Canada and throughout the world. This day of Yom Hashoah will commemorate forever the tragic events surrounding their disappearance.

Our thoughts and our prayers blend with those of the many families and friends of the victims. Canadians join with me in the hope that this day of remembrance will remind all people of the events of the past and serve as a warning for those who today continue to commit genocide.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I will be glad to answer the question just asked. First of all, with all due respect, I must tell my colleague that I think he answered the question himself.

The problem with illegal refugees is that they are not real refugees but people who are being used by international criminal groups. This is just like the problem with drugs, for example. Therefore, we have to be able to track down criminals who have very extensive networks and who do not reside in Canada. This is the case for refugees as well as drugs and several other things.

We need agreements with the countries where those criminals live and we are just beginning to do that. Furthermore, we need co-operation with organizations like Interpol and I know that the minister is working on that. The problem of illegal refugees, and I insist on the word illegal, is not a refugee problem, but a problem of international criminal activity.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, the question is extremely appropriate.

As we know, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration has just returned from an official visit to the People's Republic of China, where she discussed this issue with members of the government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and several governors of provinces from which the illegal migrants and illegal refugees are coming.

The idea here is to pass agreements with the governments of countries where these criminals come from, so that once we have established that these people have committed crimes and are not Canadian residents, action can be taken on the basis of the crimes they have committed. It is therefore a question of signing bilateral agreements with other governments, similar to those which already exist in other areas.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, it is too early to answer these questions in detail. However, I can tell my hon. colleague that we had the same problem with regard to refugees. It is possible to ask very specific questions to determine if people who wish to immigrate have really lived together, for instance for several years, and if they truly have spousal status.

In the Province of Quebec, where I come from, the legislation allows same sex spouses to receive some benefits from the provincial government. The beneficiaries only have to prove that they have been living together for a specific period of time. I believe we could apply the same rules in the case of immigration.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I had indicated that I would be sharing my time with the hon. member for Chatham—Kent Essex.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, from time to time, immigration makes the headlines. This is especially true lately. Whenever this happens, there is always someone to say that Canada should amend its immigration laws to fix the problem of the day.

Since I came here, we have all heard this on various occasions in the House. However, the time comes when we have to look at the whole picture. Instead of asking for a particular amendment to fix a particular problem, we must overhaul the whole legislation. We have to rethink the way we do things.

Essentially, this is what the government has done with Bill C-31. After extensive consultations, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration recommended that we, parliamentarians, approve a new legal framework for immigration and the protection of refugees in Canada. We are not talking about tinkering. We are talking about a whole new act in tune with today's needs and realities.

I want to spend a few minutes today covering some of the fundamental reasons that Canada needs Bill C-31.

I will be sharing my time with the member for Chatham—Kent Essex.

I want to talk about why the very structure of the act should be changed. Much has changed over the almost 25 years since parliament passed the current Immigration Act and over that time there have been many amendments to the act. In fact, parliament has amended the Immigration Act more than 30 times since the late 1970s. Even with all those changes, we still have issues to address, issues that the bill does address.

Changing attitudes and changing court decisions have obliged governments to see family relationships in a broader light.

In fact, we in the House passed a law not long ago which recognized our view of how family relationships have changed. As a result, Bill C-31 allows the sponsorship of common law partners as members of the family class.

Consistent with modernizing benefits legislation, regulations will then define common law partners as including same sex relationships.

Moreover, we are now living in a world where smuggling immigrants and trafficking in human beings has become a very lucrative activity for ignoble and unscrupulous individuals. This past summer, we all read in the papers about the arrival of hundreds of people being used by individuals who make money on their backs.

We are not only talking about people being smuggled into Canada, we are also talking about people who are trapped in clandestine forced labour by criminals. The bill before us today deals directly and harshly with such criminals. These illegal migrants are just one segment of the growing number of migrant workers throughout the world.

On the good side of the coin, Canadians must review the way our government encourages people who could contribute significantly to our economy to come to Canada. We must see to it that our country continues to take advantage of qualified immigrants coming to Canada in a world where competition is fierce to attract those people.

We must not forget that, as a government, our first responsibility is to Canadians and to the standard of living they want to have.

This bill opens our doors wider. Overall, we need administrative processes that yield good results in a more efficient manner. This bill serves the taxpayers better in more than one respect while preserving the basic principles of equity and a good decision-making process.

It is impossible to patch up the existing legislation to integrate all these changes as well as the other changes that will stem from passage of Bill C-31. The time has come to pass new legislation.

What kind of legislation will serve Canada best in the very volatile world of immigration and refugee protection? Events have already shown us that we need a flexible, responsive piece of legislation, not a cumbersome, rigid law.

To answer that question, I want to turn to the very structure of the act, which this bill would enshrine in law.

This is framework legislation. In other words, it sets out the general principles and policies on which our efforts in the area of immigration and refugee protection must be based. It says clearly that the procedures for the application of these principles and policies will be generally found in regulations.

Some claim, and I think they are wrong, that we are preventing Canadians from reviewing these regulations and giving their input. In fact, there already are many regulations and I can assure my colleagues that the regulatory process in Canada is very transparent.

There are measures to be taken before any proposed regulations take effect. Members and interest groups must be informed and consulted in that regard. And, of course, with tools like the Internet, the government gives Canadians the opportunity to examine existing and proposed regulations and to make comments.

Even so, not everything can or should be in regulations. That is certainly true of something as important to Canadians as immigration and refugee protection.

Canadian immigration policies are built on three pillars. First, we are committed to opening our doors to families and to reunifying families to the extent possible and consistent with Canada's interests.

Second, we are committed to opening our doors to people who can make an economic contribution to this country.

Third, we are willing to meet our obligations to protect people fleeing persecution and to continue our commitment to provide assistance to those in need of protection consistent with Canada's humanitarian ideals and traditions.

Those are the principles underlying the current legislation that will also underlie the new legislation. However, it is important to note that they have never been included in the law before but now will be.

The framework legislation is based on those principles. It integrates the substantive rules that determine who should not be eligible for settlement in Canada. The bill would guarantee fundamental rights. It clearly indicates the criteria used for the determination of refugee status. It clearly defines the power of arrest. Under Bill C-31, the elements that should be included in the act would be included.

The government's decision to introduce the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act as framework legislation is easy to explain. A brief overview of the comments on the current Immigration Act is enough.

Many consultations were held in the last few years on the new thrust this legislation should have. The opinions vary on many aspects, but nobody claims that the current legislation is a model of clarity and good public administration.

If we want usable and responsive legislation that can be understood, we have to put into law what ought to be in law. We should leave to regulation what is properly left to the regulatory process.

We will therefore be able to adjust rapidly to meet the needs of Canadians while ensuring that those rights and principles are duly respected. Canadians will have the opportunity to voice their opinion, which is as it should be in matters of public interest.

I will be proud to support this bill when we vote. I urge my colleagues from all parties to do so.

Immigration And Refugee Protection Act May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, I would like to comment on the speech of the hon. member of the opposition.

I wish to remind him that the vast majority of refugees do not immigrate to Canada to settle here. On the contrary, they choose to go to what they call a third country, the second or third country they move to, namely neighbouring countries to their country of origin. In other words, those who want to leave Rwanda will first go by the thousands if not by the millions to countries next to their own, rather than come to Canada.

When we talk about the few thousands of refugees who wish to come to Canada, I think we must consider the issue in its true perspective and consider the responsibility we have, as Canadians, to accept them.

But most of all, I would like to ask my hon. colleague a question. How can he reconcile what he said with the facts? The fact is that when the Liberals formed the government in the 1950s and 1960s and even during the 1940s, immigrants came to Canada from Italy, Germany, Greece, and we also welcomed Jews who left Europe after the war. We welcomed them by the thousands and they became the very backbone of our immigration. Today, their children and grandchildren are Canadian citizens.

Therefore, when the hon. member says that the Liberal government of the day never championed immigration, I would like him to explain how, in the face of evidence to the contrary, he can reconcile his comments with the facts?

Occupational Health And Safety May 1st, 2000

Mr. Speaker, April 28 was the National Day of Mourning, a day set aside annually to remember workers who have lost their lives or been injured in the course of their employment in Canada.

The main purpose of this day is to show Canadians' concern about occupational health and safety.

The day is commemorated around the world. Although it began in Canada, the Day of Mourning is now marked in more than 70 countries.

The reality is of great concern. In Canada, it is estimated that 1 out of every 16 workers is injured on the job. This means someone is being hurt every 9 seconds. Every year, over 800,000 work-related injuries are reported. Most at risk are the young and the inexperienced.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of victims. We too feel the loss of their loved ones.

Canada Customs April 11th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, on April 7, the Canadian government announced its plan to streamline customs control processes at borders and airports over the next four years.

It will do so by automating services and providing travellers with special permits. Pre-approved travellers will be able to use biometric technology (hand readers) for identification purposes and automated kiosks for paying duties.

Essentially, this more flexible approach will improve service to the clientele. Travellers and corporate clients will be able to obtain a “Canpass” that will allow them to cross the border quickly. Customs officers will, however, continue to carry out spot checks.

The two overall priorities for Canada Customs in coming years will be greater flexibility at Canada's borders and effective surveillance.

Let us hope that the Canadian public will appreciate these new measures, which have been implemented for their benefit.

National Volunteer Week April 10th, 2000

Mr. Speaker, this week, National Volunteer Week 2000, offers us an opportunity to publicly thank the millions of Canadians who contribute their time and talents to serve their fellow citizens.

This year's theme, “Volunteering: a time-honoured tradition” is well-chosen, for Canada has a long history of volunteerism. Over the years, volunteers have focused incredible energy for the health of their communities. All aspects of Canadian society have been profoundly affected by the cumulative efforts of ordinary citizens all over this country, which have had a considerable impact on its growth and development.

Volunteers have made a huge contribution to shaping this country in the past, and will continue to play a lead role in shaping our future. Their devotion and commitment truly pay a tribute to Canadians' values and identity.

I am sure all members of this House will join me in thanking the millions of volunteers active in all regions of the country.