House of Commons photo

Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was liberal.

Last in Parliament October 2015, as Conservative MP for Calgary West (Alberta)

Won his last election, in 2011, with 62% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Criminal Code January 29th, 2014

moved for leave to introduce Bill C-570, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (mandatory minimum sentences for rape).

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to introduce my private member's bill, an act to amend the Criminal Code, mandatory minimum sentences for rape.

This enactment would amend sections 271, 272 and 273 of the Criminal Code to establish mandatory minimum sentences for sexual assault to fall within the definition of rape as defined for the purpose of those sections.

It would also establish that sentences for such offences must be served consecutively to any other punishment arising out of the same event or series of events.

It is my hope that this piece of legislation will keep offenders behind bars longer and help keep Canadians and their families safe.

(Motions deemed adopted, bill read the first time and printed)

Justice January 29th, 2014

Mr. Speaker, rape is a crime like no other. It is a violation of the spirit as well as the body. It is an assault on trust, privacy and control. It can leave the victim with a sense of bruising, shame and guilt, and it happens to a woman in Canada every 17 minutes. These are women who are teachers, nurses and judges. They are women whose husbands may be doctors or lawyers.

Thirty years ago, rape was folded along with indecent assault into a new crime called “sexual assault”. It covered everything from unwanted touching to any form of penetration, including offences involving a weapon or bodily harm.

Getting rid of the term “rape” did not stop it. Many argue that it negatively changed the justice system and resulted in lighter not tougher sentencing. The average jail sentence for sexual assault offenders is two years.

Today, I will be introducing a private member's bill that would help to change this. The bill would establish much tougher mandatory minimum sentences for sexual assaults that fall within the definition of rape, and those sentences would be served consecutively. The bill would help keep offenders behind bars longer and help keep Canadians and their families safe.

Natural Resources November 7th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Natural Resources is in Washington encouraging enhanced co-operation on energy and the environment. The NDP is there to attack Canadian jobs.

Our Conservative government remains focused on jobs and the economy. The Canada-U.S. energy relationship is the single most important energy relationship in the world. Conservatives support the Keystone XL pipeline because it promotes energy security and jobs. The NDP members speak out against the most important piston driving the Canadian economy. Our Conservative government, led by the Prime Minister, supports important energy infrastructure. The choice for America is clear: a reliable environmentally responsible friend and neighbour or more unstable sources.

The NDP is in Washington to kill Canadian jobs.

International Trade October 21st, 2013

Mr. Speaker, Halloween is approaching, and Albertans fear a repeat of scary national energy program thinking.

The NDP wants to suck the life out of us with a $21 billion carbon tax. Those socialist bloodsuckers want to impale us with a gas tax hike of 10¢ a litre.

Then there is this evil Liberal name that haunts us still and wants to hand out drugs to our kids. This ghost of the NDP wants to acquire heroin with taxpayer money and inject it into the veins of Canada's children.

What is not scary is our Conservative government's recent trade agreement with the EU. This will benefit Albertans by increasing the demand for agriculture products, especially opening the door for our barley farmers. It will also provide better access to European clothing and many other products, at a reasonable price.

While the opposition parties continue with their scary policies, our Conservative government continues to work toward improving Canada's economy.

Petitions June 17th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, I stand on behalf of Calgarians and Albertans on a petition which states that as Canada is a nation that has long promoted the right of equal protection and equal benefit of the law, preventing the birth of baby girls through sex-selective abortions is an affront to the dignity and equality of women and girls. Sex-selection abortions have denied millions of girls in Canada and throughout the world the chance to be born merely because they are girls.

The petitioners call upon the House of Commons to condemn discrimination against girls through sex-selective abortion and prevent sex-selective abortion from being carried out in Canada.

I hear these cries for baby girls loud and clear.

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada June 17th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, “Don't you know who I am?”

The leader of the NDP does not stop for the RCMP. The leader of the NDP does not stop for the interests of national security. The leader of the NDP does not stop when police chase him. The leader of the NDP does not stop for pedestrians visiting the House of Commons. The leader of the NDP does not stop for left turns like a $21-billion carbon tax. The leader of the NDP does not stop for left turns that kill jobs. The leader of the NDP does not stop for any left-turn tax hike.

If the leader of the NDP does not stop his left turning, “You're going to be in a lot of trouble”.

Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada June 11th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, after weeks of defending the status quo in the Senate, the Liberal leader is now coming to the defence of Liberal Senator Mac Harb, who even the Toronto Star has called disgraced.

Speaking to Global News recently, the Liberal leader said he would absolutely welcome the senator back to the Liberal caucus.

Senator Mac Harb is refusing to repay more than $50,000 in inappropriately claimed housing allowances and, instead, is trying to stick taxpayers with the bill.

Defending Senator Mac Harb is not the only lapse in judgment on the Liberal leader's part in recent weeks. The Liberal leader continues to allow Liberal Senator Pana Merchant to sit in the Liberal caucus despite uncertainty over the status of a $1.7-million offshore bank account that media have reported she has not declared publicly, as required by Senate rules.

The Liberal leader's defence of Senator Mac Harb and Pana Merchant is just more proof—

Free Trade June 10th, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 raised tariffs on over 20,000 goods. This act of protectionism and the subsequent retaliatory tariffs by trading partners turned the 1929 depression into the Great Depression. Trade decreased around the globe to record lows. That is why I believe we should pursue free trade.

In the last six years, Canada has signed new free trade agreements with nine countries and the European Free Trade Association. Canada is also exploring free trade with Thailand and has begun free trade negotiations with Japan. Advancing free trade opens new markets, creating opportunities for businesses in Canada. Recently, our government strengthened our free trade agreement with Chile because of the significant strategic value for both countries. This strong partnership is based on shared principles, such as the commitment to democracy, human rights, the rule of law and open economies.

Free trade is bringing investment, industry and innovation into Canada. Free trade delivers results like jobs, growth and prosperity.

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada May 21st, 2013

Mr. Speaker, the leader of the NDP has known about corruption in Quebec politics since 1994, yet he chose to keep it secret for 17 years. In 2010, he even denied to the media and to Canadians ever having been offered a bribe by the mayor of Laval. The leader of the NDP kept his first-hand knowledge of corruption from the public and was only forced to speak up and backtrack on his denial after corruption investigations began in Quebec.

The leader of the NDP should be investigated by the RCMP for concealing his knowledge of corruption. As parliamentarians we must uphold a culture of accountability. The NDP owes Canadians an explanation for its leader's 17-year cover-up on corruption in Quebec.

Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada May 2nd, 2013

Mr. Speaker, today is the second anniversary of our strong, stable, national majority Conservative government. We are two years into our mandate, and I am proud to say that we have kept our promises to cut taxes and have delivered great results. It is clear that we on this side of the House are standing tall for Canadians and their interests.

However, it is unfortunate that we cannot say the same for the leader of the NDP across the way. For example, the leader of the NDP spent his 2011 election campaign advocating for a $20 billion job-killing carbon tax. He said he has a cap and trade program that will produce billions. Most recently, the leader of the NDP introduced another $56 billion in reckless spending.

Hard-working Canadians simply cannot afford the risky socialist tax-and-spend policies of the NDP. Canadians entrusted us with their vote two years ago to fight these socialist policies, and that is exactly what we will continue to do.