Mr. Speaker, in 1998, just one year after I was first elected, Canada ranked 27th on the Index of Economic Freedom. Now, in 2012, Canada ranks sixth for economic freedom. So says the Wall Street Journal.
I should share the credit with my Conservative colleagues, for I needed their votes to cut taxes and support free trade agreements. These fine Conservatives reduced the GST from 7% to 5% and just repealed the gun registry. However, I am not done yet. I sense my Conservative colleagues like the taste of freedom, and so we shall do more. I hope for more free trade agreements coming to the floor of the House. Budget belt-tightening has only just begun.
Let us just imagine what us Conservatives can do with several more years to go before the next federal election. We intend to streamline environmental regulations so jurisdictions do not overlap. Let us just think of all the jobs we can create, removing people from unemployment. So much done, yet so much to do. We have to love economic freedom.