That's right. I am going to stick it on him, because it looks good on him.
The Liberals have milked $14 billion out of businesses in this country in overpayments on EI. As a matter of fact, if we take how much Albertans overpay in EI taxes—and I want Mike Nyhus and other people in Calgary West to pay attention—they are paying $833 million more per year than they are actually collecting in EI premiums. That is their overcontribution. It is not how much they are paying.
If we broke that down for every single worker in Alberta, which has a workforce of roughly one million people in a province of about two and a half million to three million people, it represents about $833 per individual. Everyone who is working in the Alberta workforce is being milked hard by this government by over contributing to employment insurance. That is what this is coming down to.
Instead of giving taxpayers $1 billion in liability in the Small Business Loans Act, creating a bigger hole in my pocket, a bigger hole in my wallet, creating more administration and giving out more loans and loan guarantees to businesses that do not actually need loan guarantees, why does the government not do what businesses are calling for and cut EI premiums, cut CPP taxes, cut taxes generally and help businesses that way? That is what businesses are calling out for. It is not just me. I am not delusional over here.
The Canadian Federation of Independent Business, a business lobby group, an organization that represents small businesses in this country, is calling for these changes. It is calling for a lowering of taxes. It is not just me calling on this side of the House, it is the CFIB which represents businesses from coast to coast to coast in this country which is calling for those reforms.
There is also another fundamental question. One of the first questions I asked was: Why is it so rare for a government program to shrink? The other question I asked was: Who wants it? Not the small businesses. Forty per cent of them are eligible to get loans in other places and do not need the loan guarantees. The government is trying to solve a problem that does not need to be solved for those businesses. It basically amounts to a business subsidy.
The third question is: Who is going to pay for it? This is the real travesty. Other businesses are going to have to pay for this increase in taxpayer liability to help out their competitors.
Why is the government always meddling in banking like this?
I am going to tell members another story because the government needs to know some of its other foibles. If it knew more it might not pass these things.
The Federal Business Development Bank has billions of dollars in assets. Once again, when it first started this noble concept, the concept that warmed the cockles of the government's heart, it was to help invigorate and open new businesses and set up avant-garde enterprises. It would be the cutting edge. But politics got in the way. It realized that it actually had to make safe investments. As a matter a fact, it started making safer investments than what the chartered banks in this country make. Why? Because it was worried about the political ramifications, that it would be smeared with making bad loans. Goodness knows, the government has all sorts of experience in making bad loans. It would not want any more of that, would it?
There are billions of dollars of taxpayers' assets with the Federal Business Development Bank. What does it do? It intrudes into what other private sector institutions would be able to lend out. It goes ahead and takes taxpayers' money, sweat-soaked dollars, and it gives it out to businesses through the Federal Business Development Bank. It is intruding on loans that private sector institutions, the chartered banks in this country, would be able to make. It is so conservative with its loans that it does not come close to serving the original mandate of giving out that money to entrepreneurial, avant-garde, cutting edge businesses.
Once again, who is going to pay for it? The businesses that receive these loans are going to be subsidized by their competitors who are paying these high taxes and they themselves, if they become profitable, will be the ones who will be anteing up money for this poncy scheme. It is a joke.
We have asked four questions. Surely if I was to ask five or six questions the government would tuck its tail between its legs, walk out of this place and forget that Bill C-21 was ever raised in the House.
But I am going to press on. I am going to hope.
Question number five is: Does it actually solve the problem? No, it does not. If the problem is that there are not enough jobs in the country, then surely Bill C-21 is not going to solve the question of the high unemployment rates this government has been pregnant with for all of its time in office, after promising jobs, jobs, jobs. No, it has not realized the problem.
The problem is that it has this red tape, this bureaucracy and high taxes. Even its own members have admitted that taxes are too high in the country. It hushes it up now, pulls its foot out of its mouth and buries it. But, indeed, people across the way admit that taxes are too high in the country. The Liberals know it and they know they should be lowering taxes.
I wish, I pray, that during my time in the House I will see it happen in a real substantive way, as opposed to seeing just lip service.
Does it solve the problem? No, it does not solve the problem. The government is not creating more jobs by going ahead with this. Indeed, it overinflates. This is not the first time. It is not the only time and it probably will not be the last, sadly enough. But it overinflates for every single job that may be created as a result of the Small Business Loans Act.
If I have to come down to trusting the credibility of the auditor general or the credibility of the government, some of its spokespeople and ministers on this subject, I will take that of the auditor general. Call me a skeptic, but I will trust the auditor general before I will trust the government.
Even the auditor general admits that the government over reports the success five times, not twice. For every single job created it reports five. That is how embarrassing the track record is. It over reports five times the success of any type of job creation program.
That was question number five.
Surely by now the government argument on Bill C-21 is full of holes and the taxpayer will have to pay more money. All of this is bleedingly obvious, but I am going to go on to point number six. This one will severely Swiss cheese the government's argument.
Question number six is: Would it pass the judgment of fellow businesses? Once again we look at the CFIB survey of businesses in the country. The CFIB is not calling for an expansion of the Small Business Loans Act or a hike in CPP premiums. That federation is not calling for the government to continue taking $7 billion a year more in employment insurance contributions than it needs. The CFIB is not asking for more regulation. It is not asking for the 38 tax increases brought in since this government came to office in 1993. The CFIB is not begging and pleading for any of those things, yet the government keeps on delivering.
The federation is asking for a cut in EI premiums. It is asking for a cut in taxes that is long overdue and well deserved. That is what it wants. That is what will pass the judgment of fellow Canadians and fellow businesses. That is what is going to create jobs. That is what will deliver on Liberal election promises, instead of the pandering and dribbling and “drabbling” out. That is where the real success story lies.
Shame on the government. By increasing the liability for taxpayers with Bill C-21 the government is not solving the problem which it intends to solve. It is not speaking to the issues it would love to actually be able to say it is addressing. It is actually creating a higher, larger liability for taxpayers. It is growing a government program and it is not doing the service it should be doing for Canadian taxpayers. Shame on it. Bill C-21 should go back to the drawing board and be reformed. Shame on the Liberals.