Mr. Speaker, it is a pleasure to stand and speak during the prebudget consultations and offer support for further investment in sport and physical activity. I will be sharing my time with my colleague from Kitchener Centre.
What we have in front of us is a great opportunity. Recent reports that have been published with regard to the state of our young people, with the great concern for their inactivity and youth obesity, have really woken up Canadians as a whole.
The numbers are alarming. Close to 60% of young people are inactive, to the point of endangering their health. Young Canadians aged 2 to 11 are estimated to spend an average of 19 hours per week watching television. That is not taking part in other activities that have become so popular with young people today, such as surfing the net and communicating on chat lines. There is a tremendous amount of non-active time right now with young people in Canada and it is causing great concerns.
Three-quarters of overweight teens will still be overweight when they reach adulthood. We cannot dismiss this because it will have a tremendous impact on our health care system. If we were to address this concern and get young people up and moving, we would save $2.5 billion annually through our health care system. If we were to get all Canadians active, it would be more like $5 billion. It is important to get people up and at it.
We are armed now. Canadians know the facts. They have had an opportunity to speak through the Kirby report and through the Romanow report. They have said loud and clear that they believe there should be an investment in physical activity and that we really have to address this problem.
The Kirby report calls for sharper government focus in areas of illness, disease and injury prevention. The report states that the standing committee was told repeatedly by those it consulted that governments should develop public policies and programs that address the non-medical detriments of health. It goes on to urge the Government of Canada to promote health and wellness.
One thing that we all drew from the Romanow report was the sense that Canadians are the major player in improving the overall health, not just of individuals but of our communities. It is an individual's own responsibility for the state of his or her health in many cases. The report acknowledged the alarming level of physical inactivity in Canada and called for a major investment in health promotion.
We recognize that it is not just dollars. It is quality of life issues. You know yourself, Mr. Speaker, that when you come back from a workout in the gym or get back from a brisk walk, whatever it might be, you feel better, you are sharper mentally, emotionally and physically. It is a major initiative that we have to pursue as a government through an investment in sport and physical activity. I certainly hope all members in the House can appreciate that.
Sport and physical activity goes far beyond that as well. We can look at instances in our justice system. We know that active kids are productive kids. We can take certain statistics like teen pregnancy rates. For young females who play an active role in sports, in particular competitive sports, there is almost a 70% decrease in the number of teen pregnancies.
It is incredible how teen smoking rates dissipate when teens are active in sports and have active physical lifestyles.
I had the great pleasure to coach at the elite levels. I had two experiences with the Canada games team out of Nova Scotia where I had the opportunity to deal with the best 16 and 17 year old male hockey players in the province. I always recall the reference to the dumb jock and the hockey players. I must say that the players I saw coming through this program and through elite programs were above average in their physical attributes and their physical fitness levels. They were straight A students, very respectful and mannerly. They had social skills and time management skills. They were very goal-oriented and community minded. They would come back and put something back into their communities. We could see the benefits of their involvement in sports through the Canada games program.
I think sometimes we dismiss the economic impact of sport as well. It is a major industry and it has a tremendous impact on all communities across our country. In my hometown of Glace Bay we host a major event, the Vince Ryan hockey tournament. The impact is incredible. The hotels are booked and the restaurants are full. About 135 to 140 teams take part in the tournament. For five or six days the town is just abuzz. It brings a tremendous amount of economic stimulation into our community. It throws something like $1.2 million into the economy over that period of time. That is a manageable hockey experience. Sometimes we dismiss the economic impact of sport and sport events.
In two weeks' time Nova Scotia will host the World Junior Hockey championships in Halifax and in Sydney. We are very proud to help with the sponsorship of that event. The event will draw the best 18 and 19 year old hockey players from around the world. Economically, it will have a tremendous impact, not just in Halifax and in Sydney, but throughout Nova Scotia.
We have our fingers crossed because on Monday, December 16, an announcement will be made for the host city for the Commonwealth Games. It is down to between two Canadian cities right now. We are really hoping that Halifax will have some success and luck there.
We are a country that takes a great deal of pride in our sports and in our athletes. It is imperative that we invest in our athletes. Our athletes are our heroes and our role models. We do not have to go too far to see a case for this. We only have to look at the recent performance in the Olympics in Salt Lake City of two great Canadian athletes, Catriona LeMay Doan and Marc Gagnon.
In 1988, Catriona LeMay Doan was 12 years old. In 1988, Marc Gagnon was eight years old. It is no coincidence that in 1988 Gaétan Boucher came back from the 1988 Olympics with a pocketful of medals and distinguished himself as one of the greatest speed skaters of all time. He was a role model. With impressionable, young Canadian kids he made an impact. It is important that we continue to support our athletes so that we can continue to pass down that legacy and inspire young Canadians to get involved in sport and lead active lives. I do not think it is a big sell.
With Romanow, with Kirby and with the recent statistics that we have seen about our youth, we can see the benefit in encouraging physically active lifestyles for our young people. We can see the benefit in investing in our lead athletes.
I call upon the House and my colleagues to support further investment in sport and physical activity in the upcoming budget.