Madam Speaker, it is certainly a great opportunity to speak on the motion tabled by the hon. member for Peace River. To fully understand the situation that we find ourselves in now, it is imperative that we look at a little background on these overpayments and an explanation of the tax collection agreement would prove valuable.
Under these agreements, the collection of personal income taxes from all provinces and territories is the responsibility of Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, with the exception of the province of Quebec. In turn the federal government issues payments to the provinces of the appropriate share of taxes collected based on the accounts provided by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency.
Because of a tax accounting problem at Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta received overpayments. Specifically, the problem relates to the accounting of capital gain refunds by mutual fund trusts. Both federal and provincial income taxes on capital gains are paid by the mutual fund trusts. In some specific cases the trusts may receive refunds from both the federal and provincial portions of this tax paid.
As in life, mistakes can be made and a significant one was made. The result was the non-deduction of the provincial portion of the capital gains refund claimed by the mutual fund. Because of this problem with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency and its accounting processes, the deduction did not factor into the computation of the provincial tax revenues. Instead this was deducted from the federal revenues.
To put it in other terms, when mutual fund trusts paid income tax to the provinces on capital gains, that money was added to the payment to the provinces. However when the mutual fund trust received a refund of provincial taxes paid, the refund was not deducted from the payments to the provinces. In no way were the taxes paid by businesses or individual citizens affected as the issue was strictly between governments.
The amounts of money we are talking about are not small. In fact they are fairly significant. Over $3 billion were paid out over a six year period. As previously stated, the provinces most significantly affected include Ontario, Manitoba, B.C. and Alberta. The province of Alberta was paid $4 million; $120 million was paid to the province of B.C.; $400 million was paid to the province of Manitoba; and $2.8 billion was paid to the province of Ontario.
It was during a major retrofit of the computer systems used for tax accounting at CCRA that the problem was first identified and an indepth review was then undertaken. Once the extent of the problem was identified, CCRA officials informed finance and the auditor general.
The government acted quickly and deliberately. Actions taken were open and transparent. It was imperative to move and to prevent further overpayments and that was done. Discussions with those provinces impacted began immediately. To determine the entire scope of the problem, the CCRA and the auditor general were asked for confirmation of the amounts involved.
Reports from the office of the auditor general on the overpayments were presented to the new Minister of Finance this past week. As stated earlier in the debate by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, the auditor general presented four reports all together. There was an auditor's report for the years 1997 to 1999. There was an accountant's report for 1993 to 1996 and another for years prior to 1993.
For the 1993 to 1996 period, the procedures carried out were the same as those used to conduct an audit. However, because some documentation was not available the auditor general cannot express an audit level verification on the amount of the overpayments for these periods. For the period prior to 1993, the auditor general found that the necessary financial information to determine the amount of overpayments relating to this period just does not exist.
Finally, the fourth report deals with Canada Customs and Revenue Agency's accounting practices. This report verifies that the CCRA has taken the necessary steps to address these problems. Essentially I would think we could agree that these problems are being addressed.
The reports have been made available to the provinces and indeed to all Canadians by the Minister of Finance. We are now in the process of identifying, in concert with the provinces and territories, the impact of these findings. To further complicate this issue, these overpayments have impacted on the calculation of equalization, so in essence they have impacted on all provinces.
I am certainly not an accountant and, as a matter of fact, on matters of finance I considered myself somewhat challenged, but I think most Canadians recognize it is normal that if an overpayment is made, retribution is sought.
I recognize the complexity of this issue, and the solution is not obvious at this point. I assure the House that the government is committed to the resolution of this problem, to a solution that reflects fiscal responsibility and fairness. We will continue to co-operate with the auditor general, the provinces and the territories on this issue and do what is right for Canadians.