Mr. Speaker, this morning I rise on a point of order to clarify remarks that I made on November 4 in the House. I have sent the following letter to the member for Calgary Southwest and I would like to read that letter today for members:
I am writing to you in connection with three statements made in a published press release on Friday, November 4, 2005.
The three statements, which I now understand to be untrue, are:
(1) “The NCC...has been charged six times under the Canada Elections Act of various malfeasances relating to third party advertising--many of these under [the Leader of the Opposition's] watch”;
(2) [The Leader of the Opposition's] “past is littered with examples of questionable if not illegal behaviour.”; and
(3) [The Leader of the Opposition] “was in contravention of the Lobbyist Registration Act.”
I make the following statements as a correction and by way of apology.
Yours very truly....
I am pleased to table a copy of this letter.