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Crucial Fact

  • His favourite word was tax.

Last in Parliament February 2019, as Liberal MP for Kings—Hants (Nova Scotia)

Won his last election, in 2015, with 71% of the vote.

Statements in the House

Government Contracts May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, perhaps the hon. member is referring to the fact that the building is located in Quebec. It is interesting that he should do that given that his riding is on the border on the Ottawa side, but perhaps it speaks to his opposition to the 75:25 rule where we are working to ensure that 25% of the employees of the federal government are in Quebec.

Why is he attacking our efforts to ensure equity in the national capital region? Why is he playing petty politics with a genuine effort by the federal government to ensure equity within the national capital region and that Quebec is treated fairly on this issue?

Government Contracts May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the lease contract was awarded under a fair and open tender process and was overseen by a fairness monitor, KPMG. The winner of the competitive contract on the basis of the least cost was the firm of Alexis Nihon, which is a large, publicly traded firm that owns over 50 commercial properties across Canada.

Occupation of the building took time because of the amalgamation of the National Archives and the National Library into one entity. Because of the fit up requirements to meet specialized technical requirements it did take longer.

However I am pleased to say that the building is 70% occupied and will be 100% occupied by July.

Sponsorship Program May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the fact is there are criminal charges against some individuals, including Mr. Brault, their much flaunted friend over there. The fact is we have launched civil actions against 19 firms and agencies to recover $41 million from those individuals.

Beyond that, there is a parallel process to the Gomery commission that is aimed at accomplishing two things: first, providing Canadians with an analysis of what happened in the fact finding part of his work; and, second, prescriptives to ensure it does not happen again.

His mandate is clear and the mandate of all parliamentarians in the House is clear: to make this Parliament work.

Sponsorship Program May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand by a Prime Minister who is willing to do the right thing and put country before party, to put principle before partisan strategy and to put Canadians first in his support for Justice Gomery so Canadians have the truth.

We are not as interested in partisan strategy over here. We are interested in getting to the truth for Canadians because Canadians deserve the truth.

Sponsorship Program May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, our Prime Minister appointed Justice Gomery. Our Prime Minister ensured that Justice Gomery had access to the resources he needed to succeed, in fact to provide over 12 million pages of documents to Justice Gomery, including cabinet documents dating back to 1994. We want the truth. We want Canadians to have the truth. That is why we support Justice Gomery.

It is the Conservative Party that is afraid of the truth. It is the Conservative Party that would rather fight the election based on unproven allegations than respecting Canadians and ensuring they have the truth to make a good rational decision.

Sponsorship Program May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has consistently supported the work of Justice Gomery. Our government has consistently supported the work of Justice Gomery. The only people I know who want Justice Gomery to fail and who want Canadians to make a rash decision based on unproven allegations and not on the truth of the Gomery report are the Conservative Party and the separatists who want this Parliament to fail because the Bloc wants Canada to fail.

I do not know why the Conservatives are supporting the separatists in their desire to make this Parliament fail when Canadians want to--

Sponsorship Program May 2nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister has been clear and in fact the party has been clear. If there were funds that were received inappropriately, those funds would be returned to Canadian taxpayers. However, that cannot be done until we have all the facts and Justice Gomery has completed his work.

I know Canadians want to have the truth. The Liberal Party wants to have the truth to do the right thing on behalf of Canadians and on behalf of Canadian taxpayers.

Privilege April 22nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I rise to table a copy of Paul Wells' blog in which he says categorically that it was he and not me who said that which the hon. member for Calgary Southeast said that I said during question period. I can contribute this to the consideration that you have, Mr. Speaker, as to the violation of my privilege and the appropriateness of the hon. member's apology to me.

Privilege April 22nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I would like to table a document that the hon. member has refused to table because he knows what that document says. I would like to table the document in which I did not say what the hon. member accuses me of saying. I would like to table the document--

Privilege April 22nd, 2005

Mr. Speaker, I would ask the hon. member to table the article from the National Post , where I was quoted saying what he said I said. I would ask him to table that document. If in fact he were to read that document, he, as someone who is supposedly at least somewhat learned, would understand that I did not say that and that in fact a journalist said that. He owes me an apology because he has violated my privilege as a member of the House.