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Foreign Affairs  Madam Speaker, he said stand up, but the Liberal government abstained. That is a disgraceful answer. During debate, multiple Liberal members said they wanted to know what Canada could do to support a genocide declaration, but when the committee tried to offer those ideas, it was the Liberals who stonewalled, clearly under the direction of the Prime Minister.

February 26th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Foreign Affairs  Madam Speaker, when it comes to calling out genocide, the Liberals have gone from abstention to obstruction in just a few days. Last night, they filibustered to keep the committee from adopting a report on the Uighur genocide. When my colleague from Wellington—Halton Hills moved unanimous consent to get to the report, Liberal members refused.

February 26th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Foreign Affairs  Mr. Speaker, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men and women to do nothing. Yesterday, while the Prime Minister and his cabinet did nothing, the House united under the leadership of our Conservative Party and we did something. With one voice, we said genocide is happening in China.

February 23rd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, the government's lack of a voice yesterday, and its lack of speaking out, spoke volumes. It was very weak and it was disappointing. Yesterday the health committee heard that the Liberals' vaccine response is slow and a risk to national security. It is a chaotic process that has left Canadians 54th in terms of vaccinations.

February 23rd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, Canadians have been locked down now for almost a year. Mental health is at a breaking point, business is dying, there is no hope for opening up, and now new COVID variants are starting to spread across the country. The Prime Minister's plan would only see 8% of Canadians vaccinated by April.

February 23rd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, “For the next few months, we're not going to have a lot of people vaccinated. That's just a fact.” Who said that? Dr. Tam said it last Friday. That is because even if the Prime Minister's projections for April are reached, we will only have 8% of Canadians vaccinated.

February 22nd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, we are receiving 82,000 fewer does of Moderna than we expected to get this week. That is not a victory. That is 41,000 more Canadians who will be stuck waiting for a vaccine because of the Prime Minister's failure to make smart decisions early on when it came to the vaccine.

February 22nd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Services and Procurement  Mr. Speaker, we really hope that happens, because as of this morning, Canada is 59th in the world in vaccine administration per capita. The United States has inoculated 63 million people and the U.K. 18 million. Israel has 83% of its population vaccinated, while the government has a measly target that is only going to see 8% of Canadians vaccinated by April.

February 22nd, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Safety  Mr. Speaker, it looks like the minister is okay with turning the same blind eye to this genocide as his boss is. The genocide in China has been called the largest mass detention of human beings since the Holocaust, and Huawei appears to be right in the middle of it. When are these Liberals going to show some courage and get serious about Huawei or at least cut them off from getting taxpayers' dollars?

February 18th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Public Safety  Mr. Speaker, Uighurs in China are subject to the single largest mass surveillance program in human history, and Huawei equipment is helping in their oppression. Security experts around the world have been raising major concerns about Huawei, but despite this, the Minister of Industry has decided to sign-off on a $5 million deal with Huawei anyway.

February 18th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Natural Resources  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister does not even pretend to support Canadian energy, and his lacklustre approach is proof. Fourteen states in the U.S. have taken their federal government to court over the Keystone XL cancellation. Democrats and Republicans alike have called for the decision to be reversed, but as for our own Prime Minister, he is silent.

February 17th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Natural Resources  Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister failed miserably on Keystone XL. We expected a little more effort from him on Line 5. After all, there are 30,000 jobs in Ontario and Quebec at stake. It would be nice if the Prime Minister passionately advocated for them, but it does not seem he is going to do that.

February 17th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

Health  Mr. Speaker, well, if the Liberals believe in a team Canada approach, they will support our motion and support establishing the special committee. Everyone knows there will be no economic recovery until Canadians can start to open up their businesses and lives and can get back to work.

February 4th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, Canadians need to get back to work. We need to see jobs in every region and in every sector in this country. We know the United States is our close ally and friend, and trade between us exceeds $1.5 billion per day. However, several U.S. policies are hurting our economy and the Prime Minister is doing nothing to address it.

February 4th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative

International Trade  Mr. Speaker, does the Deputy Prime Minister not realize that Canadians have already suffered tens of thousands of job losses because of the pandemic? Now with Biden's cancelling of Keystone, the threat to Line 5 and his buy American policy, tens of thousands of more jobs are at risk.

February 4th, 2021House debate

Candice BergenConservative