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Unemployment Insurance Act  Perhaps the most cynical and disturbing part of this proposal is what this government is doing is saying to Canadians and to Canada that the agreement that we have always regarded as important, that post-secondary education is an important contribution both to the student and to Canada as a society, is no longer the case. What this government is saying is that the burden of paying for post-secondary education and thereby the benefits will all fall to the student and Canada will not benefit in the slightest.

November 2nd, 1994House debate

Chris AxworthyNDP

Unemployment Insurance Act  By excluding from benefits not only women, but everyone not dealing at arm's length with their employer, legally, the law no longer seemed discriminatory. It is possible that some employees working for their spouses defraud unemployment insurance just as it is possible for an employer and an employee who are perfect strangers to cheat the system.

November 2nd, 1994House debate

Christiane GagnonBloc

Unemployment Insurance Act  It used to be that spouses, the great majority of whom are women, were not eligible for UI benefits. This is no longer the case. Women are not discriminated against in this regard. They are however required as any other employee to show there is a legal employer-employee relationship if they wish to pay UI premiums and to be eligible to collect benefits.

November 2nd, 1994House debate

Rose-Marie UrLiberal

National Film Board  Does the minister really understand the impact that NFB productions have on our cultural life? The Minister of Canadian Heritage is obviously no longer competent to defend the interests of cultural institutions. The industry can do without friends like these.

November 2nd, 1994House debate

Louis PlamondonBloc

Stay In School Initiative  The stay in school initiative has become a community success story. The program encourages young people who are at risk of dropping out to stay in school longer and complete high school. Significant gains have been made in expanding knowledge, action, collaboration, and moral obligation among Canadians to find solutions to the disturbing high school dropout problem.

November 2nd, 1994House debate

Maurizio BevilacquaLiberal

Recognition Of The Patriotes Of Lower Canada And The Reformers Of Upper Canada  The reason behind this change is the losses sustained by the government because customs brokers or importers were no longer able to pay their instalments. For now, but for a short time only, the requirement is 35 per cent of the first $200,000 and 17.5 per cent of the next $1.8 million, up to a maximum bond of $2 million.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Ghislain LebelBloc

Yukon Surface Rights Board Act  It means that they cannot have their feet in two different canoes at the same time: when Indians take on the mantle of the white man they are no longer Indians. How can they be both? According to him it brings out a whole host of social problems, identity problems, and problems in how they are going to go forward into the future. It caused me to think about the difference between collective rights and individual rights.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Ian McClellandReform

Yukon Surface Rights Board Act  There have been many people from all parts of the community who have been involved, some sadly who are even no longer with us. With the passing of this legislation and the support of this House we will see a real step forward for Yukon and I believe for Canada.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Audrey McLaughlinNDP

World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act  We have only to think about anti-dumping measures, export subsidies and customs tariff increases. Under the new agreement, governments may no longer resort to these measures, which had a major negative impact on poor countries. The measures adopted as part of the Uruguay Round should raise the net revenue of developing countries by about US$70 billion a year, which is equivalent to a 3 per cent increase in their export earnings.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Maud DebienBloc

World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act  We were then able to transfer that wealth into the social programs we have all grown very accustomed to and that we really like. The problem is that we are no longer such an exporting nation. We do not have the resources to export and we have not replaced them with anything else. Let me give an example. One-quarter of our national wealth is derived from international trade.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Ian McClellandReform

World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act  And the day when only American films, soaps, news and variety programs can be seen around the world, this world of ours will no longer be a democratic world because democracy starts up here, in your head.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Suzanne TremblayBloc

World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act  I was a little upset by what I just heard from my Reform Party colleague, when he said that if, as they say, Quebec should separate from the rest of Canada, the rules for selling Quebec milk on the Canadian market would no longer be the same. May I remind the hon. member that Western Canada, and especially Alberta, enjoys certain facilities for marketing its beef in Quebec which are also very attractive.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Stéphane BergeronBloc

World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act  For instance, many private operators have offered to take over the branch lines which the CN and CP can no longer afford to run. These entrepreneurs have usually been blocked at every step by the government, crown corporations and other quasi-governmental agencies. I cannot imagine why the government would hinder any proposal that would provide a service to Canadian farmers which it cannot provide.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Elwin HermansonReform

Immigration  In fact in Calgary there are something like 400 business class immigrants who have not invested their money because they do not see any advantage in doing so. Canada is no longer an attractive place for investors and business people. It is however the most attractive destination in the world for queue jumpers and failed refugee claimants. The immigration plan speaks of a broader vision, a 10-year framework.

November 1st, 1994House debate

Art HangerReform

Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act  I will resist every attempt that is made to relegate Indian citizens to a separate status of citizenship based on ethnic origin. The implications of this legislation are far reaching. These agreements, whether or not the aboriginal people of Yukon wish-

June 22nd, 1994House debate

Dave ChattersReform