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Address in Reply  Mr. Speaker, to begin with, I would like to take a moment to thank the people of Papineau for giving me the honour of representing them here in this House. It is a responsibility I will fulfill with grace and humility. The government is at last admitting that Canada will, as it has under previous Conservative governments, again have a budget deficit.

November 19th, 2008House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Affordable Housing  Mr. Speaker, over the past 18 months, in my travels throughout my riding of Papineau, I heard time and time again how access to affordable housing is a major challenge for Canadian families. High housing costs mean young people and new Canadians cannot buy homes, which leads to increased pressure on existing affordable housing.

November 21st, 2008House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Economic and Fiscal Statement  Mr. Speaker, I would like to underscore the attitude of respect and cooperation that now exists in this House of Commons. The Conservative government promised a new era of cooperation and respect, and failed in that regard. We witnessed a historic moment when a coalition was formed.

December 2nd, 2008House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

La Francophonie  Mr. Speaker, the Minister for La Francophonie may be asleep at the switch once again. Her colleague, the Minister of International Cooperation, has cut off funding for a number of African countries who are our partners within the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. What explanation is the Minister for La Francophonie going to give to our colleagues in Rwanda, Niger, Burkina Faso, Benin and all the other countries now excluded from priority bilateral aid from Canada?

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

La Francophonie  Mr. Speaker, what we want to know is what role the Minister for La Francophonie played? Was she consulted when those four countries were struck from the list? Did she give her blessing to the abandonment of all those African countries with which we have a special relationship through La Francophonie?

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Youth Voluntary Service  moved: That the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities be instructed to consider the introduction in Canada of a national voluntary service policy for young people by analyzing existing programs and using the work done by the Voluntary Sector Initiative in 2003 as its point of departure; by holding public hearings; and by presenting a report to the House no later than October 2009 that would contain among other things a review of similar policies in the rest of the world and a summary of the evidence heard.

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Youth Voluntary Service  Mr. Speaker, the hon. member's question indeed is a good one. The reality, however, is that young people do not always have the opportunity to serve. Going to northern Canada to help out in a community that needs help is not something many young people can do on their own. The idea of recognizing and valuing a service framework is such that young people would buy into a culture of service because there would be opportunities for it.

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Youth Voluntary Service  Mr. Speaker, obviously when I came in and realized that I had this lottery win, I got all excited. I said, “Great. I'm going to force the government to implement a national youth service policy”. Then I found out that we cannot move things that require the spending of money. Therefore the best goal and the most exciting thing for me is to get this room talking about national service, to get this room talking about youth and about the opportunity to invest in them, and to open a dialogue with all these organizations that are frustrated because they cannot seem to get the government and previous governments to invest adequately in young people.

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Youth Voluntary Service  Mr. Speaker, I do.

February 25th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2009  Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak to this issue, which ties into a much deeper issue of what we are doing here. First, as a lifelong paddler, I am deeply concerned about the changes the Conservative Government has packaged into their budget on the NWPA.

March 2nd, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2009  Mr. Speaker, the member would like to know when we regained confidence in this government. It is quite simple. We did not have high hopes that the government would be able to put forward an attractive budget, one that would help Canadians. Throughout the fall, Conservatives were in denial about the problems, the environmental challenges, the need for Canadians to spend, and we were no longer confident that this government could act accordingly.

March 2nd, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Budget Implementation Act, 2009  Mr. Speaker, that is the contradiction, that is what makes it so difficult to make responsible choices as a member of Parliament. The truth is that we have to make choices here. We have to act in the best interest of the people we represent and the whole country. Yes, pay equity is a real problem, and the Conservatives should be ashamed of what they are doing.

March 2nd, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Republic of Haiti  Mr. Speaker, the former premier of New Brunswick, Frank McKenna, recently visited Haiti with Bill Clinton in order to encourage more fortunate countries to come to the assistance of this country which is so in need of help. We are asking all governments and businesses to help Haiti get its economy back on track.

March 26th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Patro Le Prévost  Mr. Speaker, the Patro Le Prévost, a community organization located in the heart of my riding of Papineau, is celebrating this year its 100th anniversary. Over the year, numerous activities will be held to celebrate this momentous occasion. For example, starting on April 15, the citizens and friends of Papineau will be invited to take part in the 2009 cultural exhibition “Art over the years”.

April 1st, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal

Sri Lanka  Mr. Speaker, Canadians of Sri Lankan origin are distressed about their friends and family members. Once again, this government lacks the courage to take a stand on respect for human rights. Will the government ask the Secretary-General of the United Nations to appoint a special representative for Sri Lanka, who will have the support of the international community to protect human life, respect the various communities and put an end to the violence?

April 20th, 2009House debate

Justin TrudeauLiberal