Thank you for the invitation to address you here today.
For those of you who don't know my background, I would presume the reason I've been invited is the 23 years of criminal law practice, the fact that I teach criminal law part-time at McGill University's Faculty of Law, and that I have been heavily involved over the years with the Canadian Bar Association, which represents both prosecutors and defence counsel across the country, as well as being involved with various defence organizations.
I hope that perhaps these representations may be of some help to you.
The problem with the proposed law is not that it's going to change criminal law in Canada irreversibly. The problem is that it will change nothing in the day-to-day reality that we live now.
From the practitioner's perspective, if the law passes, there are compelling reasons to believe there will not be one more person detained tomorrow who would not have been detained today, because the reality is that bail is not being given for serious violent offences.
The reality is that Crowns are not having trouble meeting their burden to show why someone should not be freed on bail. The reality is that bail is a fact-driven process and judges are the best people to evaluate the evidence before them.
The reality is that Canadians don't like firearms. Canadians don't like firearms unless they're hunting rifles on hunting territory in hunting season.
The reality is that judges, prosecutors, and defence lawyers are just ordinary Canadians, like all of you, with elderly parents, with small children, with all the same safety concerns as other Canadians.
The reality is that when a firearm shows up in the evidence, the Crowns don't like it, the judges don't like it, and the defence counsel don't like it. Through my contacts with Canadian Bar Association members and various defence organizations, I verified that what is the case in Montreal is also the case elsewhere in the country. If a firearm shows up at the stage of a bail hearing in the evidence the Crown possesses, the judge will generally look to defence counsel or the defendant and say, “Well, what have you got to say?” It's a kind of de facto reverse onus, because Canadians don't like firearms. And we can't be compared to our American counterparts when it comes to firearms, because for our American counterparts the right to bear those arms is constitutional. We simply don't like them.
So three questions come up when looking at this proposed legislation. If on the street bail is not being given easily for these offences, then why are we changing the code? Will the changes improve the code, or create confusion and lead to arguments of arbitrariness? And will the changes achieve the goal of making Canada safer, a goal with which we are all in agreement?
On the first question, why change the code, you have an excellent brief that's been submitted to you by the Canadian Bar Association in writing on May 9, 2007. That brief explains that perhaps we shouldn't be changing the Canadian Criminal Code unless there is a gap or a deficiency that we wish to remedy. That brief asks you, where is the gap or deficiency that Bill C-35 is intended to address?
The present law gives judges ample room to refuse bail when society is in danger. Even when the Crown does have the burden in the present system, the Crown is having no trouble meeting that burden.
So the second question I ask is, will the changes improve the Criminal Code? Before dealing with that, you have to know and ask, what is a reverse onus anyway? A reverse onus is an exception to a rule. Bail is constitutionally guaranteed. No one should be denied reasonable bail without just cause. Bail is the rule. The Crown must show cause why the person should remain detained.
Reverse onuses used to be restricted to those who had failed to show, who had breached conditions, etc., and also, traditionally, for most serious offences--murder--all listed in section 469 of the Criminal Code. Over the last few years, reverse onus in bail matters was expanded to include drug trafficking and related offences, some terrorism offences, and security information offences.
The key case in Canadian jurisprudence that dealt with whether or not reverse onuses were constitutional when they were expanded to drug trafficking was the case of Pearson. In the case of Pearson, our Supreme Court said this is really going to apply to a small number of offences, this reverse onus, and there are specific characteristics to these offences--drug trafficking--they're systematic, they're sophisticated, they're commercial, they're lucrative, and that incites people to keep going even once they've been arrested and released on bail. Because of these qualifications or characteristics of the crime, the Supreme Court decided that the reverse onus was constitutional because there was a need to discourage repetition and because there was a marked danger the accused would abscond, because importers and traffickers have organizations and means to help them abscond. But the Supreme Court of Canada said the reverse onus is only going to be okay if it's not arbitrary, if it's not purely discretionary--and I'd like you to keep that in mind for a moment, because we might just take a peek at the Criminal Code in a moment.
The Supreme Court also had difficulty with the fact that the reverse onus for drug trafficking took into its net the small fry, the little traffickers. Justice McLachlin, dissenting in Pearson, would have struck it down for that very reason, because it made the exception too large.
So now, to the second question: will this addition improve the Criminal Code? Will it withstand constitutional challenge? More particularly, in terms of Pearson, will it be arbitrary or not? Looking at the text of the proposed law, we see that the law proposes to amend paragraph 515(6)(a) to include offences under section 99, 100, or 103 of the Criminal Code.
If we look at 99, that's an offence of weapons trafficking. Weapons trafficking, as defined in that section, includes much more than firearms. It includes a whole series of weapons that are not firearms. So there would be a reverse onus, for example, for trafficking in brass knuckles, which are a restricted weapon in Canada, but there would be no reverse onus under article 102 for assembling an automatic firearm. There would be no reverse onus for carrying a concealed weapon, for pointing a firearm, for possession of a firearm for a purpose dangerous to public peace. Would the courts say this is arbitrary?
There would be, according to this proposed legislation, a reverse onus for assault causing bodily harm with a firearm, but there would be no reverse onus for a section 268 aggravated assault with a machete. There would be a reverse onus for a section 239 attempted murder with a firearm, but no reverse onus for criminal negligence or manslaughter with a firearm. In addition, section 239, attempted murder, would only imply reverse onus if it was with a firearm, but if there's a reverse onus for a firearm, could not an attempted murder be just as brutal with any one of a number of other weapons that we see on the streets today?
Sexual assault and aggravated sexual assault--these are interesting ones, 272, 273. The reverse onus would be when the weapon used to commit the sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault is a firearm. Sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault with any other weapon would not bring the reverse onus.
Using a weapon to coerce children into prostitution--would the courts say this looks arbitrary? Would it withstand constitutional challenge?
There's a reversal of the onus for kidnapping, but not for forcible confinement. You may say that's okay; there's a reversal of the onus for hostage taking, but not all forcible confinement is hostage taking. Anyone practising in criminal defence law knows the number of domestic violence incidents that imply or include at least one count of forcible confinement.
Robbery--again, is it potentially arbitrary to say there would be a reverse onus but only if the robbery is with a firearm? I come back to my machete example.
Extortion with a firearm...what about extortion with a bomb threat?
In light of all of these sections, what are we doing about breaking and entering a private home in the context of a home invasion with a firearm? That doesn't include a reversal. Would a court be swayed by defence arguments that these are arbitrary? Would we meet the Pearson test? I'm not sure that we would.
There's a very logical connection between subsection 84(1)...that is to say that there should be a reverse onus when the person who is up for the bail hearing has been accused while under a prohibition to possess firearms. That's a very logical connection. It makes a lot of sense. It's not necessary. The judges sitting in bail courts are already saying, “Well, for goodness' sake, you were under a prohibition, why should I give you bail?”
The reality is that bail in violent offences is extremely rare. Even without reverse onus, the courts apply 515(10)(a), (b), and (c) rigorously. They look at risk of flight, they look at guarantees, they look at the strength of the case for the prosecution. The judges do this on a daily basis, based on the evidence before them and because they are concerned with safety in Canada.
Again, if I look at the bill that you have before you, in subclause 1(5), you have a proposed amendment to 515(10)(c), and I draw your attention to (c)(iii), where you would be asking the courts to look at the circumstances surrounding the commission of the offence, including whether a firearm was used. Well, do you know what's going to happen with that? It's not going to be very long before counsel is going to be pleading, “This offence isn't quite as serious the weapon used wasn't a firearm.” This section is going to be turned around.
There is the same potential problem with proposed subparagraph (iv), right after. Taking away the availability of bail because there's a mandatory minimum sentence is dangerous when mandatory minimums apply only to a restricted category of offences that are not necessarily the offences with the highest objective gravity. Bail should be evaluated in light of the objective gravity of the offence and the likelihood of conviction. Without this, the mandatory minimum is meaningless.
Finally, and I terminate on this, will these changes make Canada safer? You had some very interesting and thought-provoking comments by Anthony Doob, who spent a great deal of time on that, and I will not.
I would say, ladies and gentlemen, that there are compelling reasons to believe that it will not result in one more pretrial detention, but more importantly it will not result in one less crime. Will the person about to commit a crime, who reaches for a firearm, say, “Wait a minute, I'd better think about this: if I get arrested, I'm going to have to show cause to get bail, so I'd better not do this”? I'm being facetious, obviously, but this will not produce that kind of effect.
We are concerned about the safety of our society here in Canada, and we need useful changes towards this goal. Studies have indicated for decades that the greatest deterrent is the certainty of apprehension. We should be focusing our creativity, our intellectual and financial resources, on developing solutions there.
What we have here is a piece of legislation that I respectfully submit to you is not necessary and will change nothing. Sooner or later Canadians will say that this wasn't the answer and ask what we should do. We should be identifying the problem that's leading to firearms offences with data, with statistics, and targeting a solution, instead of eating away at constitutional values with incremental changes that risk being judged arbitrary and ineffective.
Thank you.